Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard Elementalist Build

“Just” for share stats? If talking about 5 QS, then it’s better to get 4 QS Linker to at least get max DEX and STR on them (which will grant nearly double DPS). Another good addition will be Cleric-Krivis-Priest-PD (healing, dex buff, ability levels buff).

I thinked about 2 chronos only because I though that pass might decrease cd of each other, this way you can decrease all cds by 50 every 25 secodns, so lots of abilities with high cds can basically be recast in less then a minute. But if passes not synergise this like this then 2 chronos is not that effective at all but still not bad. Also I’m just thinking about different combinations, it’s not a final variant yet.

And if 5 QS was so OP, then why there is no video with them clearing and Earth tower? Sure QS are good for clearing small fries, but against strong monsters their DPS is not enough due to lack of AoE. Without tank and heal they will die quickly.

I agree that party of tank, priest and 3 QS is quite strong, but I doubt it can overpower mage based party. For sure, the party I’m trying to design lacks damage dealers yet, and it will perform much better by adding 2 or 3 members, but I’m trying to make the best combination of utility and damage for 5 man party in order to fill it up later on for the full potential (if bigger parties would be intoduced).

My question was if cryos dps with Isa buff will outscale other dps classes, and you say it doesn’t. So I wonder how Isa workd, if it’s 4x damage amplification then I wonder how it’s possible that it won’t outdamage ele3 or pyro3, if it’s basically 400% damage on every skill (which is almost meteor damage). If it is just 3x matk bonus damage or something like this then it’s truly not that strong.

And yeah, about my question, is there any reason to level up energy bolt past level 1, it was not answered yet)

Cryo will have ok dps when have isa and ice wll+pp combo.(just a sub-dps tho)
your setup is a 4 support+1 tank. :cry:

You level energy bolt for faster cast, not +12 damage. It has the same cast time at every level, so if you have it at lvl5, it means that you will charge lvl1 five times faster

So that’s how those skillshots work. I understand now it’s similar to Full Draw. Thanks for the answer, then I really will need to throw 1 or 2 points more in it.

Oh…really unique team indeed, but seriously i also think this team really lacking dmg. Don’t expect you can deal many dmg with cryo even with isa, ice wall combo mostly good for boss (you also need psychic pressure, cyclone or energy blast for that)

And iI’m not sure but someone on Inven forum said Pass immune to another Pass but no one confirm it though (support wiz really rare nowaday).

Is quick cast damage attribute actually shared through link or not?

attribute is not shared. only the reduce cast time share

Any proofs? I’ve read in other thread that it’s one of the rare buffs that share it’s attribute effect through link. So I wonder where is the truth?

Also if it’s true, I wonder if there are any more effects besides concentrate share it’s attributes.

So, quick cast increases even autoattack damage? I though it only increases spell damage and multiplier is applied in the end. But yeah, description says magic damage so why autoattacks shouldn’t be included.

Anyway, now it seems linker/wizard combo really sucks, even though cast speed is good by itself, but using it to boost party damage is not an option.

Will have to adjust some of my builds.

What do you, guys, think about this build?
I decided to go full dps ele, but i think that ele with linker a way better than warlock\featherfoot, because aoe > singletarget.

Prominence is useless imo. Too much randomness.
Rain not worth more than 1 level, cause needed only for rain->electrocute.
But i still dont fully understand possibilities of stone curse, case we have sleep.

Linker C1 is pointless for ele since most of it’s skills are AoE => doesn’t work with link. Linker is solely for single target/multihit skills.

Prominence 1 level is worth I think, with attribute it will deal great damage on packed mobs.

1 point in freezing sphere may also worth it.

I would rather move some points from meteor to Hail and other skills, it’s kind of overrated.

Stone curse is pretty much useless, but level 1 is fine.

Overall, it’s pretty standard Wiz/Ele build, but I would rather suggest swapping linker 1 to something else. Warlock/Featherfoot are the most obvious choices but not the only ones. Rune Caster/Necromancer/Thaumaturge/Sorcerer/Chronomancer are all viable options in Rank 7 slot. But for raw DPS Warlock/Featherfoot are probably the best (Agony pole is very strong AoE skill but has loooong cd). Remember that you will most likely launch your spells into a rather small zone with monsters stacked by peltasta, and decide what do you want from your build.

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Holy… I dont know that AoE damage doesn’t afected by link.

Now thats make sense why peoples reject to geting linker c1.

this is my final build what do u guyz think ?
about the skill setup

0/5 or 1/5 mastema
other than that, grats u made a tier one build

why 0/5 or 1/5 in mastema ? this skill scales very nicely

one hit skill. and i think u take aggro. better on multi hit attacks like pole or thurge. invocation is really good for mobbing

So how does linker work now, if a pack of mobs for example got hangman knotted and all it does is ease killing instead of any bonus now?
like if pole of agony hits a group of linked mobs vs pole of agony hits a group of hangman knotted mobs, the damage dealt are the same?
and yes masterma is not good because it hits once and aggros, the attribute for nullifying aggro isnt that impressive

im not sure about the dmg distribtution actually.
for sure a big aoe does about the same to all linked
but something like a fireball, if u fb hits only 1 target out of the 5 that is linked, i think that target will die faster. so its not an even spread. but HK will put them all together usually. there might even be an aoe multiplier? idk might be nerfed.

i thought mastema is like flameground, if only one hit then not worth i think