Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard Elementalist Build

Help me pick one? I prioritize AOE over DPS, and it’s PVE-oriented btw. Oh, and also I need your input concerning skill points since I’m a total idiot when it come to it.

If you think the above build isn’t viable, recommend me another one then lol.

A few question concerning elementalist in general:

  1. I heard that leveling early in game is hell compared to other wiz class, is it true?
  2. Since I don’t take linker, will I get kicked from party all the time?
  3. What’s the recommended stat? I plan to go 2:1 INT SPR with about 50 CON

Thanks in advance!

Sorry for my english :wink:

I picked Wi3 > Ele3 because Quick Cast , Meteor and Frost Cloud combination[I’m not sure about rune caster :smiley:]. Another one is great too but Fire Pillar and Pole of Agony have little radius, it’s need linker for combine with skills while meteor, frost cloud and hail have great radius for AOE.

  1. It maybe a bit true. Grinding to Wi3 is little hard for solo player but please don’t care about it cuz Wi3 have great spells like Magic Missile and quick cast for grinding. [Don’t forget instance dungeon in level 50 that help you to grinding to Elementalist easily]
  2. No, cuz now Instance Dungeon have Auto-match party system.
  3. It’s okay.

Edit 1: You must need do all quest of 2 town [Buy scrolls warp from Item Merchant NPC]. It’s really help you to grinding faster.

The 2nd one for sure, its the most popular ele build in ktos:
Correct your build:
Lv 15 sleep = one of the best aoe cc in the game.
Magic Missile = good multi-hits skill.
Quick Cast = most OP utility in the game (+50% dmg, -50% cast time)
Sure Spell = very helpful at late game when dozen of mobs with cc swarming at you.
Electrocute is also very good now (9 x 9 hits)
Freezing sphere barely scale so lv1 is good enough.
Lv 1 Prominence and rain - you’ll use it sometimes.

1)Just a bit, its not that bad since wiz 3 got a lot of buffs since ktos release.
2) no, linker 1 doesn’t help much at endgame contents (earth tower for example).
3) Con = int > spr (spr only good for cc prevent, nothing else)

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1st build is a PVE class, high damage but lack of control and utility, yeah you can do PVP with it but you will depend on your time to get time to cast.

2nd build is more PVP (Quick Cast and Surespell works for PVP, never need them in PVE), your damage still will be ok in PVE but it won’t be as good as 1st one.

Wait…what am i reading ? 100% uptime of +50% dmg never needed in pve ? :sweat_smile:
The truth is many non-wiz 3 ele in ktos are regretted for not going wiz3 before, at rank 7+ wiz 3- ele 3 is much better any other ele builds. They are the top tier for earth tower - the most difficult pve content for now:

Quick cast works for PVE and PVP, guys.

1st is PVE build

2nd is both of PVE and PVP build

Thanks for the information! I really appreciate it.

Something like that?

  1. Con = int > spr (spr only good for cc prevent, nothing else)
    Don’t I need a comfortable amount of SPR early in game anyway since ele skill really burn my SP meter?

Agree, lol. The reason I take wiz C3 (beside because the obvious RC long cast time) is because of quick cast +50% magic dmg attribute.

I forget to add, I don’t think I’ll ever participate in PVP tho, so my build is strictly PVE-oriented. I don’t really care whether it’s viable or not in PVP.

I read that isa does not work in elementalist skills, is this true?

I won’t recommend Rune Caster, it doesn’t work well with ele
Protection Rune: if your team have Plague Doctor (pretty common), this skill is useless.
Ice Rune (Isa): doesn’t work with ground skill like frost cloud and hail
Giant Rune + Justice Rune: useless in combat.

This is the first team in ktos cleared earth tower: 1 tank + healer + 1 support wiz (cryo + chrono) and 2 dps wiz 3 - ele 3

I should pick Warlock then?

Yeah, warlock is good, their skills has a lot of hits and scale really hard at higher levels .
Dark Theurge: 5 x level = total hits
Invocation: 1 x level. At lv5 you have an attribute +30% dark magic dmg when you stay close to a spirit.
Pole of Agony: longer duration.

I see.
I have corrected my build accordingly.

It’s great build :smiley:.

Quick Cast is not a need in PVE, sure the extra damage is nice, but 2 circles of pyro do more damage than 50% extra damage, no because 50% is a bad %, it is because you will run out of skill to cast. Now as I said he will have a good damage in PVE, but it will be lower to having Pyro in his build. Both skills are nice for pve but not a must.

And I don’t know why you are linking a general description of each class, this “rate” is fan made and you can see how debatible it is, without say that most of people disagree with him (me too). Now, you don’t need too much to know that you need a Healer, some AoE and CC so he choosed the most obvious classes in each tree.

I agree with you that Wiz3 is a better option since it is more versatile for PVE and PVP, but Pyro2>Elem3 is a better choice if you are going to do just pve.

The only thing pyro better is soloing at early levels and maybe ice mobs. I’ve lurking inven forum + playing ktos till now and 9/10 ele believe wiz 3 is the best for ele (the other one is cryo-ele-linker for pvp).

What pyro have:

  • Fireball: useless in group play
  • Flame groud: good but fall off hard at higher levels (it ticks too slow).
  • Fire pillar cd too long.
    Pyro is just really bad for group play at higher levels honestly.

Why wiz 3 is better?

  • Quick Cast scaling with every of your skills from rank 1-10, for example a 20k dmg skill with quick cast = 30k dmg. Just image +50% dmg to all skills from rank 7-10 you can clearly see who is the winner in long run.
  • Uninterupted and half time long cast skills like Electrocute, Hail, Rain,…
  • Sleep is a very good cc skill.

Does Hail counts as ground spell? i can hit flying mobs with it
Isa does not work with Hail for sure?

I have been reading this post and decided to go ele3 , any suggestions on this build ,or the above warlock build is better ?
sorry for my English not my 1st language
and stats should be 1:1 , int:con ? or something else ?

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You don’t need SPR, just pump alot of INT and abit of CON, like 4:1(INT:CON).
For PvE(and PvP too imo, but I guess you don’t really care so w/e), Pyro c2/Elec3 is definely better (dps too) as long as you can keep your Fireballs and Flame ground hitting(and have it with high attributes).
Ppl overvalue Quick Cast too much imo.

The main problem of wiz3 is that all ele and warlock skills have rather long cd. It means that Pyro can fill this downtime with flamegrounds and fireballs (but not in a party). Fire pillar does good damage and locks mobs in place so the tank can lure them to the fp and step away.

I really don’t know what choice is better though.

Speaking about skils falling off at higher levels, it happens to ele skills too. You can search that video where a quick cast meteor barely damages a mob at 200+.

I played a non quick cast ele2 in icbt2 and had no problem with casting any of its spells without surespell and quck cast. Just choose the right moment for it.

I also played both pyro2 and wiz3 in ktos. I can say that wiz 3 was a real pain for me even in tenet. Magic missile is so much weaker than flameground, and you basically press it twice every 15 seconds and wait bc energy bolt is so weak that mobs will overwhelm you. It may depend on your personal playstyle though, many ppl enjoy magic missile.

To me, pyro2 felt like 10x faster and enjoyable in tenet and later on.

About that rating of characters for Earth tower - we need more feedback and videos from other parties, not just 1 or 2, to judge what is better. I can hardly belive that ele is better than overpowered archers there, but time will tell.

Just saying.

Wiz3 is easy to make.

When you hit Wiz2, get yourself a good weapon +5~15.

Cheap to upgrade! +15 you have 101 Matk + 5int.

If you can find/ afford it. Rather something for a second char.

Upped it’s an improvment over the first… but if you can get smith staff+ 20 or more with luck. Stick too that.

Not worth to costly to upgrade!

If you can get a level 1 weapon or 15 one.
Over upgradeing is low cost on level 1 weapons. Smith staff really shines, it will give you more matk for less cost then a +5 magi staff …

For leveling.
Energy Bolt 5, lethargy 1, Earthqauke 1, Sleep 5, Reflect Shield 3.
Don’t up Energy bolt anymore than that … earthqauke too.
The damage scaleing SUCKS at these two skill.
Your Matk will influence them more.

-Sleep+Energy Bolt= 120% matk bonus hit (if you buy the attribute)
-Lethargy+Earthqauke= Double Damage of EQ (Without buying anything)
-Lethargy= Strike bonus dps 20~100% (will help party members)
-Reflect Shield= Best Anti DPS skill lategame

When you hit Magic missle as rank 3 … you will start to do damage nicely.