Tree of Savior Forum


That’ll be your only real attack, yeah.

I’d suggest getting the first linker circle at C3, and then spending the rest of your life in a party.

Kewl! Good to know :smile:

Just a note, I’m still looking for the following classes to help test certain buffs:
Dievdirbys3 + Rogue2 (Laima server please)

also feel free to suggest stuff to test if something comes to mind

Hey, you mention that attribute bonus sometimes don’t work.

Does Quickcast’s damage buff work?

Asking again for confirmation before CBT ends but is quickcast magic damage attribute shared ?

Hi all, as you can see in the video below, quick cast did not increase the magic auto attack by 50% as it normally would. Attributes are confirmed not to be shared.

****HOWEVER, if you spread quick cast to a Wiz3 who does have the attribute, then it will apply. What this means is that attributes are calculated on the receiving character’s end - so if that char has the attribute it will affect the buff.

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Thank you for the precious information, I was aiming for a wiz3link2 + thaum for a full support but now we know this I’ll have to revise it.

Can you test druid invincibility?

Also, how does spiritual chain work with hit limit skills like divine might?
If someone still has the buff, does it re-share?

Spiritual Chain does not pass Ground based buffs like Safety Zone and Sterea Troth.

Hit limit skills like blessing and divine might function are party skills so they function like normal. As I’ve said, only buffs casted after the chain to be spread, simply because someone else has it will not spread buffs.

Update: Tested Diev, Rogue and Scout compatability.

Sorry to bump an old thread, though this thread should almost be stickied for its value. Great work thus far Elysium!

Do these skills work with SC?
Revive (Priest)
Mackangdal (Bokor)
Shape Shifting (Druid) - Probably not, but would be hilarious.
Steady Aim (Ranger)
Running Shot (Quarrel Shooter)
Burrow (Rogue)
Hanging Shot (Falconer) - Extremely unlikely
Subzero Shield (Cryomancer) - Is now a self buff
Summon Servant (Sorcerer)
Isa (Rune Caster)
Kurdaitcha (Featherfoot)
Slithering (Roderlero)
Lunge (Fencer - flee buff)
Flaconnade (Fencer - block buff)
Bunshin no Jutsu (Shinobi) - very unlikely
Mokuton no Jutsu (Shinobi)

No to all. Revive and Summon Servant are already party buffs though.

Actually steady aim (the old one) did work with SC, and most of the above are party buffs so no, and as for the rest they aren’t tested yet, but it is highly unlikely. Will probably be checking in the kTOS thread

I’m doing a spiritual chain compilation again for iTOS. I’ll be doing all skills again. I have a linker 2 ready to test the skills, so add ‘naw’ (Klaipeda server)

Right now, I’m testing if transpose is a self buff or party buff. It used to be able to be spreadable but not now unfortunately, though I’m still testing. Would be helpful if a Thaum could add me and we test it out.

Other classes with self buffs do feel free to add me too.

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The information in my guide is correct for iTOS. Just to save you the trouble.

Thanks, will update accordingly

Also, @vyne_ does this mean you tested ALL the self buffs already? Because I’ve just tested sure spell and it’s as you said, it’s not one of the spreadable buffs anymore. Only quick cast is

Nope haven’t tested any, just got the information from the game files :smiley:

With so many buffs not being transfered via Spiritual Link anymore, is it even worth going Linker 2 anymore for Spiritual Chain?

All the other aspects of linker 2 seem pretty “meh” to me:

  1. Higher levels of Hangmans knot are laughable since the nerf (5 skill points = 1 second increased root time)
  2. No one likes Physical Link anyway because it breaks equip of the entire party (WTF, which developer thought this was a good idea?) and higher levels of PL are worthless anyway since you can’t have that many people in a party (with PL 5 you already got enough to link an entire party, level 6~15 are worthless except for longer duration. But since everyone hates this skill it’s not worth increasing in the first place, even for the duration)
  3. Joint Penalty 10’s 8-target feature can be somewhat emulated by using JP 5 (5 targets max) + a Dandel Gem. which would increase JP by 1 level for 6 targets max.

Is JP 10s 8-target links really needed or does JP 5s 5 targets (+ 1 target if you manage to get a Dandel Gem) suffice in endgame dungeons? Especially considering JP doesn’t work with aoes anymore.

I’m currently on the edge on whether i should go for linker 2 or not (i have no intention of going Linker 3, Linker 2 would be my max), Spiritual Link and the 3 (or 2, with gem) more JP-targets would be the only reasons to do it and seeing how many Buffs don’t work anymore with SL i have big doubts whether linker 2 is still worth it.

On the other hand, getting Linker 2 and thus Spiritual Chain just in case the future class ranks have neat buffs to share would make it possibly more future-proof…

I would not recommend linker 2 unless you have a very specific role for it (meaning your core build revolves around it). Sad to say this as a linker main.

with this moster gem i think linker 1 is more than enough.

I can’t believe that you can’t link Sure Spell anymore. How the heck are you supposed to use Physical link when your party is constantly flinching now?