Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard Elementalist Build

Well, after reading all those suggestions, I think I’ll still try making a Wiz3Ele3 first. Then, if I think it’s really a pain in the ass playing Wiz3, I’ll make a Pyro2Ele3 alt. Thanks for the feedback, guys! You’re all awesome. :heart:

xD haha.

I will leave this here.

With full int +101 atk weapon.

		Energy bolt
		Auto Atk
		Magic Missle
		Multi Hit MM





Whoa … formating… this forum xD…
First number is level. Then comes damage done by skills.
I added attributes around 1,2 and 1,5 where it is easy to have them up so far.

Some question about stats and skills for wiz3-ele3:

  1. How viable is Pure Int? Is it completely unplayable?
  2. I’m looking at this build but here’s some questions:
    Meteor - Why not maxed to 10 instead of leveling Electrocute(for example)?
    Reflect shield - no profit at all without SPR?
    Surespell - lvl10 is must have? or other spells just not worth to spend points on?
  1. Its possible but you’ll get one shotted in pvp or boss fight.

Electrocute scaling better, Meteor get abit stronger at lv10 but longer cast time while electrocute deal more hits more targets per 2 lv.
Reflect shield - yup, dps wiz doesn’t need spr and no one want reflect shield take up their precious buff slot anyway.
Surespell - actually lv5 is good enough but with lv10 you won’t have to recast it as often.

So, Meteor is just scaling not good enough compared to other skills?
I’m just thinking of some oneshotting cases, or Meteor damage is more than enough to oneshot everything that can be oneshotted even with lvl8(even in PvP)?
I see Frost Cloud scaling very well, but is it a big difference between Hail 13 and 15?

Yeah, you can use 2 points from Hail for meteor, there aren’t much different.
Meteor is mainly use for pvp, it can one-shot no CON builds. But it can’t oneshot everything in pve though, elite mobs hp scaling too fast near endgame (~120k at lv 250).

Only two decent paths for real dps wiz
wiz3-ele3-warlock or
ele will better in party
pyro linker better solo play

i have decided on this build will it b hard to get wiz c3 with just 1 point in earthquake and energy bolt ?

stats thinking of going base 80 con and rest in int

1 point in earthquake is fine, but lvl1 energy bolt judt makes no sence bc it needs to be fully charged to shoot that lvl 1 bolt. I’d get it to at least lvl5.

Reflect shiled is needed to prevent knockbacks imo. Maybe lvl5.

Pyro-linker is so useless now, if you want dps go pyro2, it will do more aoe damage than wiz3 until rank6-7.

thanks for the input ,but was thinking when i reach wiz c3 i will never use that energy bolt so why waste points there ,

and i played pyro c3 in cbt at 1st its nice dps but later on i felt that its skills r too lacking

For quick tap knock back, very useful for pvp.
Also can help you push mobs back to Frost Cloud circle incase they escape out of it.

k thanks then i will put 5 points in energy blot

I don’t know why you still think wiz 3 - ele 3 is hard to leveling. You can easily reaching rank 6 in no time. Its true it’d be a little slower pyro at early levels but you’ll be much stronger at late game and future.

I’ve been soloing cryo 3 - chrono 3, its one of the most hardest build to leveling at early game but not to the point unplayable, just take a little more time to completing quests.

Cryo3 chrono3 definitely will be hard to level without a party, but I guess rank8 release will make them easier to level/solo
It looks like a lot of people are going fot elementalists. And almost every support players are going cryochrono3. A small amount of people went cryo3 in iCBT2. I’ll also be going cryo3 in OBT, with the new subzero, I can stay safer when using snowballs c: sorc2 for kewl sums and assist attackers and rank7 class for damage.
I feel like im derailing a bit there so, wouldn’t you get bored if all you can use are elem3+rank7 skills considering wiz3 only has magic missle which requires sleep to boost damage

Well there are no quest after lv220 and i never soloing after that so it doesn’t matter to me if the rank8 support doesn’t have any attack skill, i enjoy being a pure support with no offensive capacity XD.

nope, Magic missile get buffed a lot compare to icbt, you don’t need sleep to boost it anymore and Electrocute, prominence, hail can kill mobs just fine pre-rank 6 :).

In ktos there are many ppl goes wiz 3 - linker 2-3 and only use Magic missile + JP all the time :smile:

It is because I made a wiz3 and pyro2 in kTOS to compare how it feels.

Wiz 3 was like a torture… ofc it was playable but it was so underwhelming. Anyway, it is a very good build for the future, it is just not enjoyable to me. But if I make an ele in iTos i’ll go wiz3.

Man thats so nice for you
I was going for a mix utility damage set but lacking damage skills besides rank7 due to cryo being utility and sorc’s summon sometimes being complete azz. What if I give up cryo3 and take elem1

Not recommend :X. c1 ele is really weak.

Any reason to level up energy bolt past level 1? 12 damage per point scaling feels so useless.

Slightly Off Topic:

I’m going to make a heavy mage based party of five, and wonder what will be the best choice of class combination.
Planning to use Linker c3 in combination with Max INT Thaum c1-c3 and full SPR PD in order to transpose to super high CON and share max INT, SPR and CON between the whole party. Also share quick cast and beak mask.

And what about the possibility of using 2 chronos to decrease each others cd on Pass? This way will they be able to cast 2 passes every 25 seconds? So nearly all the buffs will have 100% uptime and with maxed Diano party will simply become overbuffed. The only downside is they will need to recast transpose/umbrical cord every 30(+25 if using Melstis) seconds and heal all the extra HP back. But Priest with mass Heal should solve this problem.

And finally adding runecaster for even more damage.

Final party would be like:

WizC3, Linker C3, RC
Wiz C1, Cryo C2, Thaum C1, Chrono C3
Wiz C1, Cryo C3, Chrono C3/Elem C3 (RK is better with 2 chronos)
Cleric C1-C2(for Divine Might to decrease CD by 30 while using Pass), Krivis C2-C3(for Melstis), Priest C2-C3(For stronger Mass Heal and Stone Skin), PD(for immunity to status alignments)
Swordsman C1, Peltasta C2-C3(if 16 targets is not enough), Hoplite C1-C3(for spear throw), Doppel C0-C1 and Dragoon C1

If going 2 chronos and cleric c2, we will be able to use 2 lvl 5 mass heals every time we are using transpose+umbrical healing 36% max health of immense HP pool.

Thaum 3 may also be a good idea due to very high attack buffs (up to +575 p/mattack) and +150 INT (potentially +600 mattack) buff. It is like having additional top tier weapon on every party member. But due to lack of slots I’ve chosen 2 chronos instead. Party of 6 like this would be insane.

The only downside of this party is lack of high damage skills from Ele, but it is easily compensated through very high stats, lots of buffs and huge SP pool, so cryomancer spells can be spammed under Isa buff and the buff itself. And Isa will actually have nearly 100% uptime. (180 sec CD - 60 seconds per use of Pass, so 2 uses during 60 seconds of lvl 6 Isa duration will result in - 120 CD, however after second Isa ends there will be up to 1 minute downtime).

Still not sure if all those strength outweight raw power of elems c3 paired with 1 chrono. What do you guys think?

P.S. Question about energy bolt is still in place)

Sorry but what benefit to have 2Cryo in the same party?
Cryo do not even have dps even isa up.(need Psyco tho)
2Chrono really? Yesh 1Chrono for buffs, but another Chrono who is took 3rank just for Pass one skill?
And another Linker3 just for Share stats? remember you already have Peltasta for pull mobs together. And where is your dps who got benefit from level 15 JP, from 2 Pass user, from Swash Buckling setup?

5 QS can melt everything in millisecond and they don’t even need linker tank heal.

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