Tree of Savior Forum

Need help with the standard W3 > E3 > WARLOCK

using this skill simulator, what stats should I be going for?

didnt play this game yet, so im a bit lost :frowning:

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For stats, I see quite a few people going 3:1 int/con ratio. If I were to use such a build that’s what I’d be going for as well.

Hello hxwbz,

There are some decent threads discussing Wiz3>Ele3>Warlock with a few people who went into detail with their posts. :slight_smile:

Here are a few I felt were very helpful:

As for stats, I believe Wizards dump most of their points into INT for damage, then some into SPR for mana management, and lastly points into CON around mid/late game for survivbility because mobs and bosses begin to hit harder. :hushed:

(That is just a standard stat build though. You can go full INT and then some CON or full INT and then some SPR. The former increases your survivability but may cause mana problems and the latter helps with mana management but may make you squishy.)

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Most of those builds leave out Mastema for the Warlock, can someone explain to me if is just because of the aggro it apparently generates?

Mastema has only 1 hit and calls aggro.

You can use aggro for situational cases and it’s one hit (monohit skill, not a lot of damage on late-game) to deal some filler damage.

Thanks, I am new to TOS but really wanting to go deep on it. So basically the end game makes Mastema a waste of skill? How bad is for a skill to be monohit?

Yes, each skill hit has 100% atqm + base damage, so a 4-hit skill is better than a 300% atqm already.

Mastema only gives one hit, when you have 5k matq those 1.5k base damage won’t matter much, remember, what matters is never tha damage that is not in %, that’s flat damage and doesn’t go up with INT and some modifiers.

BUT, aggro is pretty useful, you can use it in many situations, could work pretty well if you make a Summon Hold place in your position so mobs come in his directions. The game is huge, there’s always place for one more situational skill (good damage filler anyway)

The way the stats are done it doesn’t favor even splits… If you’re doing Int/Con only want to get the bare minimum Con so that you aren’t one shot by things that you can’t avoid.

The Higher your Int is the more Bonus Int it gives you. There is a nice section in the mechanics guide that talks about it. or you can play with the stat calculator here:

Only last bit of weirdness if you’re to lazy to read the guide is that stats on items do not count to the bonus pool count. So while there maybe end game items with really big stats those aren’t that big of a deal compared to base stats and buffs which do provide ramping.

All Elementalist builds I see have only 1 point into Rain, it seems to be a nice skill, is it not worth to put 5 points?

  1. It can’t hit flying mobs (stupid right ?) and only can deal dmg to fire mobs.
  2. 2mins cooldown.

Ty o/ have read that description many times and just now I saw that fire damage part =X definitely just 1 point into it.

Yeah I know about the bonus stats. 3:1 is just there for a little extra health. It’s also there in the event that I want to go pvp so I don’t blow up that fast. I actually thought that was a pretty conservative ratio already. Only 25% of the points you get actually go into con.

I noticed you said that buffs provide ramping. Does that mean that the extra stats given by buffs are also factored into the bonus stat calculation?

It is described in the mechanics guide as providing ramping itself if it’s a buff. On top of that you have the 10% bonus per Rank you’ve gained… So that 500 mark is very obtainable. I’m unsure if post 280 content we have more ramp points beyond 500 but it’s very possible. Either way adding another 10% on every time they raise the level cap for Str and Int exclusively starts to make stacking them look pretty tasty.

It’s also worth noting that def and mdef in this game is flat. That means it scales better. In most games def is % reduction here. You have essentially pure damage after you get past armor. So stacking offense is even more desirable. And crits, not that Wizards can Crit is insanity!

Rain is purely used as an utility for the bonus it gives Lightning damage (namely Eletrocute, Elementalist’s best scaling skill).

That is why only one point into Rain is recommended and the fact that it has an attribute that can double its ten second duration anyway. :slight_smile:

so I should use the 3:1 int/con ratio? what about SPR, not necessary?!

Your main source of SP are potions, you can get some SPR but you shouldn’t waste much on it, I will go with 0 SPR myself probably, and mostly rely on potions.

3:1 is good, both HP and Matq scales up pretty well with more points, but INT scales much more from +10% per rank. I’m still thinking about what to do myself.

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how am i supposed to level at early stages? melee attacks? only spells?

If you want spr, do not get more than 30ish, this should be fine.

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