Tree of Savior Forum

Why this game is so disappointed



First, knock off 1/3 of magic damage in PvP, then make magic evadable and able to crit so dex build becomes important.

Problem solved.

ā€¦Or wait for the Meta to catch up and start using Anti-Magic Dmg skills like Counter Spell, Increase Magic Defense, & resist elements

Could also wait for all classes to release, and then have an attempt of balance.

Guys is just a beta or a game released 2 months ago in koreaā€¦ someone of you played league of legends or other game in the beta or at start?

The bad thing is the ā€œsoonā€ beta and the 0 contact with the people.

Iā€™m skeptical that more classes is going to help with the inherent issue of magic > physical in PvP, or the fact that magic-users only need 2 stats whereas physical attacks need 3. I had the same issue in RO: magic couldnā€™t miss, making it incredibly difficult to deal with.

Iā€™m probably not going to be spending too much (see also: ā€œanyā€) time in PvP with ToS because of these issues, because Iā€™ve seen them before, and Iā€™m looking to have fun and not just be frustrated the whole time. :3

@scott_cockrill You are just mentioning more skills by more magic users. >___>

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Im just in hopes that some class, like Sage, have a Dispel skill or Mass Silence, affecting only magic, but not physical attacks. :relaxed:

That will, unfortunately, still make magic classes the only way to counter magic classes though. D: The problem seems to be: magic class > physical class. If another magic class is the only way to fight against the magic classes, the problem will persist. :<

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They can, they will, and they already have done this.

Yes skill scaling was a cool idea, and we do have a few skills that do scale.

Instead of making all skills scale, they made stats scale as you put in more. STR/INT scale the most since they have both stacking multiplier and rank bonus (upto 70%). This is what letā€™s people use skills like magic missile at rank 7 since itā€™s still effective while skills like Zaibas have additional stay scaling and hit quite hard at higher levels but have hit limits.

Mhmm. But I also said some class. I just used the Sage as an example. I couldve used Murmillo, Retiarii, Zealot or even Puppeteer. Id put my chips on Murmillo or Retiarii, since theyre the more gladiatorial, and perhaps PvP focused. :honey_pot:

Point taken. :0

But even so, even if they added a couple of specific classes that deal with mages, that still doesnā€™t address the fact that there is inherent imbalance between magic and physical classes; it doesnā€™t address the base problems with the whole system.

With as many classes as ToS touts having, they should ALL be at least moderately viable, if not entirely competitive. To say that two entire trees-worth of classes are not viable is a bit drastic and disheartening. :broken_heart:

There is no level penalty in PvP. O_o Everyone is set to 200. Unless Iā€™ve bee nwatching the wrong videosā€¦

Yet, youll see people (like a certain elfocā€¦ Ooops!) complaining about them. lol Their classes are capable of dealing irresistible damage, still, they want to do comparable damage to the physical ones (if not more!).

But tis like you and many others said, the problem lies on the fact the stats need a rework. If Im not mistaken, even going all crazy and maxing SPR, itll give 200-ish MDEF, which doesnt do jack.


Your level is brought up to 200, but not down to 200. So people over level 200 have an advantage. I am suspicious that this is a bug, or that the battle league hasnā€™t been updated since the level cap was raised from 200 to 280, and itā€™s still just on the old system.


So since your arguement is that magic classes shouldnā€™t protect against magic damage, then summarily physical classes like swordies shouldnā€™t be able to defend against physical damage.


If you could explain where in any of my comments I stated that ā€œmagic classes should not be able to defend against magic damage,ā€ that would be great. .__.

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Comparing to Ragnarok Online (and I know a lot of you donā€™t like that, but fuck it.) the problem that I see with the stats is that, in ToS, they are very basic and straightfoward.

In ragnarok every single stat affected every class of the game. You had:

So for example, if you were a mage and put all your stats in INT and VIT, to get as much HP/MP and magical damage possible, you would have very low evasion, attack spd, crit, weigth limit (to carry more things) and more important, with the low DEX your cast times would be terrible. You had to plan how you would play the game and balance. You could be a freaking cannon with high damage spells, but they would be slow as ā– ā– ā– ā– , or you could have fast spells, with good damage, but low MPā€¦ The game was balanced by making the player choose what they want to sacrifice.

In ToS there is no penalty in going the obvious path. Just put a ton of INT and CON and have fun.

All the classes in ragnarok had to balance trough sacrifice. Just remember as a Hunter how every stat affected you (DEX = damage, VIT = HP/defences, INT = MP/falcon damage and trap damage, LUCK = CRIT/ falcon speed, AGI = evasion/atk.speed; STR= probably ther only useless, but contributed to your weight limit at the end of the day.)

Now as an archer in ToS? DEX + CON + SPR(some cases). gg.


I donā€™t think itā€™s an inappropriate comparison at all, because itā€™s one I myself make in my head all the time. I LOVED how stats in RO worked, because you had to sacrifice something for another thing, and it was fun to come up with innovative builds, or to make a balanced character, or to be a total glass cannon, etc. I thought the stats system (pre-renewal) was one of the best and most versatile Iā€™ve ever seen, especially since you can distribute them however you want to. :smiley:


And it could be worse. At the beginning, before the first iCBT, they were planning to have only 4 stats, and didnā€™t split physical and magical damage xD.