Tree of Savior Forum

Why this game is so disappointed

Because of many request at reddit i will also leave my post here.

I’m an 265 archer class in kr server so i think i have seen/know enough of this game issue. This game may be better (or worse) later but at the time i don’t think it’s worth to play at the time. Maybe you guys still hyped or some fanboy will pop-up here but i don’t care about it.
Talking about mmo most of the time we will talk about 2 side of the game: PvE and PvP


  • With me it’s bored. Exactly every day you will do the same things. From the start to lv 230 there will be side and main quest, i’m not complain about it because other mmo are the same but after that you will have nothing to do. Everything left that keep you level up are doing daily dungeons and mission.

  • Talking about mission there are total 6 of it but only one (Siaulai) is worth to do because of it’s exp scale with player 's level. I never seen anyone queue at other mission and you have to do 5 per day, it cost 40mins to 1 hours depend on your luck when random matching. The problem is it’s no challenge at all unless one of your party member have 10+ higher level than the lowest one, if it does boss atks will be 3 times stronger because of level penalty and most of the time one shot the lowest level one if they not careful enough.

  • About the dungeons the same problem with mission it’s very easy although sometimes if you are not lucky your party will have no healer but it’s not really a problem at all. 5 times of lv 240 dungeon will cost you from 100 mins to 150 mins depend on your random matching. (After 600% exp buff from random matching patch most of player are up to it, they never make an premade party unless doing some boss rush for boss 's cubes)

  • Someone will mention about field grind ? Field grind is almost useless unless you want material for your recipes. At lv 260+ 3 stars maps it’s even worse. You will get silver penalty every time you died here (even using revive orb you will still lose silver). Mobs in this map have tons of hp like a mini boss and hits hard but the items/silver rate is too low when you compare to lower level maps. At the same time farming at 11x maps gives more items/silver benefit than 260+ map. So why we have to take the risk ? That 's why people only up to daily dungeon and mission.

  • There are daily quest at fedimian but it only scale up to lv 9 exp card when monster in quest scale with your level. So at around lv 230 most of people don’t do it anymore and at 260 i don’t think anyone want to take the risk of 260+ map with a tiny benefit of lv 9 exp card.

  • So end up you will spend at least 140mins for the PvE part every day which is the same, idk if people think it’s common but with me it’s really boring. And because of it i don’t think PvE builds are necessary when people will up to party and clear dungeon/ mission like a piece of cake.


  • Here i will talk about the battle league and PvP 's balance.

  • The battle league feature is an daily schedule pvp ranking mode. Sounds fun ? No, the matching is poorly. Classes are not divine as their role, it’s totally random. End up one team with 3-4 healer when other one have none or 3 people in top 10 in a team when other not even have one in 100 ranking.

  • There 's also level penalty in PvP which exactly what happened in PvE. So low level people never can beat high level one with the same class because their dmg is 3 times stronger with same build, stuff and attributes.

  • There are tons of bug but they can fix it later, idk i still complain because the process is too slow, MAYBE after a year they can fix these stupid bugs. Those common bug know as: connection stability in the first round, no points given on the first match, AoE skills spaming at respawn zone, can’t see magic circle and there are rumor that top players on ranking are cheating, i’m not sure about that.

  • But the most problem in PvP is the class balance which i will tell you why.

  • With stat systems and mechanic in PvP magical attacker (wiz-cleric) will always on top. So far the PvP tier at the time is: cleric = wizard > archer > sword man. Maybe people will talk like because the players are sucks or weak equipment … but the main issue is the stat and mechanic it self.

  • About stat points: magical class always have their advantages when they only need 2 stat: INT and CON. Physical class need 3 stat: STR - CON and DEX. That’s why supporter and mages of this game are so tanky and also does good damage. Sword man have advantages on hp gain but due of it most of people don’t have high CON (except tanker build) then lead them to have lower block rate than magical class.

  • 2 type of attack: magical attacks are superior compare to physical they can’t miss or blocked when physical type can. Also most of magical class 's skills have long range and have much more hard cc than physical type. And block in this game nullity the damage which is very OP.

  • 2 type of defense: you can gain physical defense very easier through equipments and stat when magical defense is much harder. 1CON = 1p.def when 1SPR = 0.2m.def. Shirt and pants gives tons of p.def when only cloth types only gives tiny amount. Even m.def from bracelet(x2) + necklace + cloth shirt and pants not even can surpass the p.def gain from plate equiments.

  • Compare of range base attack class: wizard and archer: You never can 1 shot an well build magical class even with Snipe and Cannon burst which is 2 strongest skills of archer. As an archer class you lack of hard cc when wizard have tons of it. You let them cc you once, you are dead because most of wizard pvp build can do prema cc such as cromancer and psychokino 's skills.

  • Compare of melee base attack class: Sword man and Cleric. Clerics are natural sword man 's counter (not really, every class can counter sword man unless you build cata c3 > dragoon). They cast magic circle and stand on it, you can only see them from afar and when you think magic circle are gone they begin to use defense skills. That’s why as an sword man you can’t think about fight against cleric alone, you will end up killing yourself.

  • Compare of magical and physical skills: Magical skills are superior because it have more cc, have range, big aoe, cannot be dodge/blocked and many more useful buff. Most of OP buff are resurrection, revive which can easily turn the table of the game and Stone skin which make physical class almost useless.

  • I don’t really have time to make an in-depth about skills but the basic problem is there are many way to counter physical attacks, prema cc from range attack of wizard and op buff from clerics.

The post seems too long, i will end it here.
The only thing i enjoy about this game is the art style and the OST/BGM but this is a game isn’t it, i can’t call it a good one when it’s olny good at things like that.


Which is why I suggested stats system reform. We are well aware of those issues (or for those who would admit there are big issues):

Sounds like bug to me.

I do agree that the fights are easy, i already commented about this after the first cbt (Int not korean) and i do hope IMC do a revamp on the AI.

That time you said there is to find a group or to finish the dungeon?[quote=“hoangsea91, post:1, topic:144005”]
Someone will mention about field grind ? Field grind is almost useless unless you want material for your recipes. At lv 260+ 3 stars maps it’s even worse. You will get silver penalty every time you died here (even using revive orb you will still lose silver). Mobs in this map have tons of hp like a mini boss and hits hard but the items/silver rate is too low when you compare to lower level maps. At the same time farming at 11x maps gives more items/silver benefit than 260+ map. So why we have to take the risk ? That 's why people only up to daily dungeon and mission.
That is a serious flaw, not sure if its up to IMC or Nexon can change something on that, but either way, still bad.

I would guess they didn’t finished the whole codding or w/e it is, and yeah, it is terrible like that, specially after i read on other post that after certain level you basically depend on dungeon to level.

Take note that, if they keep that way on KR it may be a thing Koreans preffer, but its just my guessing.

I will say what i said on other posts about this, the game still under development, there are indeed many missing components, but i think IMC can do well if they see where to go.


It really sucks that the level penalty is that bad…it really doesn’t serve any purpose whatsoever and IMO should be completely removed. Railroading the players into certain maps or having the level 140 deal no damage to the 170 seems like complete bullshit. You can’t even level with your friends if they are 10 levels higher or lower…out of a 600 level game >_>. Oh wait, you shouldn’t grind with your friends at all since it’s ineffective anyway?

Someone please explain how these mechanics earn IMC more money, if any, or how it is a better design choice to isolate the players, because I don’t get it.

Like I said on Reddit, this is good feedback.

But I don’t expect things to massively change for PvP.

What I expect to happen in PvP is:

  1. Nerfing/Buffing skills specifically for PvP (already happening).

  2. Adding class/ranks with skills to balance out PvP for certain classes.

That’s their easiest solution, and something they seem likely to do, as their answer to CC was Plague Doctor and changing Oracle a little.

As for PvE, I do agree that it’s very casual friendly, with dailies/etc. But that’s probably the best way for them to appeal to a larger audience to make the most amount of money.

Leveling via grinding at higher levels isn’t really as bad as you make it out to be if your grinding together in an optimized party/with friends.

But the problem lies in finding a way to party with friends. The level gap between friends means you can’t really grind with them.

They did make an addition to make alts level faster with a Team Lodge Level system, going into place tomorrow. We’ll have to see just how much alts can level faster, but it really doesn’t solve that problem.


im not sure about magic damage, I need more experience, they fixed and improved the bonus mdef when upgrading a gear, so that may help, the problem is no one is going to invest millions of silver to upgrade a not end game accesory/necklace. Also they need to cap the upgrades on 15 for good, i guess with the current balance magic could be somehow more tankable with high mdef from really overenhanced gears (+25 or more) but i think thats not the way it should go, cap 15 asap.

totally agree the higher lvl penalties should be totally erased, dont know why they didnt do it yet, its harming the game a lot.


For PvE, it is casual friendly and I say nothing much to expect as you probably do the same thing over and over again. They could however, spice things up a little such as doing a difficulty choice dungeon in which before you go into a dungeon, either solo or party, there would a choice to pick, Easy, Intermediate, and Hard, and all of them gives different items and rewards. (Higher difficulty gives more reward such as a rare drop)

Agree on the stat system. Apparently, it doesn’t scale too well as you go along the game and I feel like somehow, there’s a ‘hole’ within it that makes it incomplete.

Magic type has always been a problem ever since Beta since you can never dodge them and hits like a truck. In fact, you can see the top 50 PvP was made up with almost magic classes… Probably the best way to counter this is to apply a range limit or cast time so it won’t nuke you down to oblivion but I leave that to the Dev to make a better choice.

You guy’s got to also remember, a couple of kr players who have only played the cbt’s(and not after) are the one’s making these giant posts. I have no idea the length of these cbt’s but it sounds like it was long enough to have these huge posts of complaints happen. All i know is that multiple of these has kinda made them irrelevant. I say make one, then rally around it.

I’m no white knight, I want change to. But the game isn’t out yet here. Lets hold our words.

Where can I find the info on this? :open_mouth:

Probably later today/tomorrow as it’s in the upcoming patch.

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Archers are crying an ocean of bloody tears again, why am I not even surprised?

'‘It is hard to one-shot whole screen like I do in pve, buff me please’

‘Doing over 99k hits is not enough’

‘Having 400% scaling in low-tier circles is not enough to please me, IMC’

‘I’m the only dps class in this game bc i have little cc, of wait… I need cc for pvp!!11’

So sick of it…


imo if it gets boring end game, make another character. it probably means you already finished the lvl 1-280 part of the game.
i wont say anything if have at least 4 lvl 280 all maxed within 1 month. if u do, i think u should sleep. but then ill agree with you.
pve. u can do whatever the f u want. if u want to lvl up as efficiently as possible, u go do that and lvl at 11x fields.
there might need to be some readjustments to lvl 260+ mobs drops though.

for pvp. think of it as the meta. swords are pawns, mages are queens, cleric are king archers are rooks. it wont be balanced. i promise u.
the lvl difference they should fix. and u should be able to make teams. it should not be random.

i cant agree with everything you say, but i would agree with most.


Game is out and guy is playing on Korea.

You are wizard or cleric? :grin:


I stand corrected good sir :x

Korea doesn’t mean here on Int version, even so, it is not completed there either, still missing lots of content and fixes.

Again, they can’t if you read my feedback on the other link.
The skills are based on the skill base damage heavily, which means it won’t scale well. In order to balance they need to overhaul the stats system completely, combine diminish return stats with progressive stats.

There are already similar feedback from KToS players posted here, and some suggestions were made if you want to read the other KToS players or other suggestion threads.

Right now, as soon as archers can do reliable damage, they’ll be way too OP.

sorry do you even read my post and know what am i exactly want to say ?
or you have problem with reading english ?

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do you even join the battle league in korea or just bashing people with your iCBT knowledge and youtube vids ?


The stats really need to be remade. Is not like they are complete trash, but still a break system. Con and spr should give more benefits imo.