Tree of Savior Forum

Why this game is so disappointed

Playing non-stop will eventually lead to boredom. Every game is like that. It’s like fvkcin your girlfriend 10 times a day. You think it’s fun? Lel. Go outside. Play other game. Eat. Exercise. Then comeback to ToS and check if there’s a new update.

Welp, I wish TOS would make a MOBA style PVP. I think it would be awesome to have that. :persevere:

…yeah that-that’s totally not fun or anything…at all…nope, definitely not fun. I definitely don’t enjoy that. At all. No siree. Uh-uh.




Oh yeah?! Then I’ll flag you because…uhh…the beta date isn’t here yet and I need attention.

Not sure if you truly read my post, see my first post (second post of this thread), and you should realize I am suggesting some improvement on scaling stats, but first, they need to balance the main stats first.

I hope they add hats system like ragnarok or outfits. I’m fine with just sitting in main city and show off my hats like in ragnarok.

This is exactly what I am suggesting.
It is good for stats to be percentage base, eg. Crit - CritResist, but it is important that most (if not all) main stats should have incremental stats, eg. attack damage.

Also, as you suggested, they need 3 main stats and best they counter each other for each class. As your example, Wizard should choose between INT + CON + DEX, or INT + SPR + CON, or SPR + CON + DEX, etc. Having only 2 stats does not make things balance.


higher CON mean more critical resistance too, you will hard to see your crit pop up against magical class and most of them is blocked because of stone skin and natural high CON . Beside things like Subzero shield, Ice wall, safety zone, revenged 7 make you can’t even touch them for a very long time. It’s even worse when against the cryo c3> chrono c3 build when they have their Frost pillar, ice wall, subzero shield most of the time because of chrono c3 skill 's pass. Stop talking like you know much about the game, stop using theory when it’s not even release, just see what and how’s it happening at the time in kr ToS


Also, sometimes I think they are having problems with the stats because of the amount of classes the game has.

There are so many classes (and much more to come) that they have trouble to create unique skills for all of them. That’s why instead of having an stat that affect your cast time as a mage (DEX) or a stat that incresce your attack speed as an archer or swordsman (AGI) they put those things in skills. There are a lot of skills in the game that simulate the increase in attack speed (like multi-shot, rapidfire, or that doppelsoedner skill that I forgot the name). And other skills as casters increase your cast speed.

They have so many skills to create that they have to limit how the stats affect the game to make the skills usefull. Just imagine if we had AGI in ToS, an archer will a lot of Atk.Spd would have no reason to use multi-shot or rapid fire (unless they buffed those skills to the point where they would be broken).

Some Classes actually suffered from that split, mostly from the cleric tree though.

For PvE wizards in ToS, stat distribution is rather easy, yes. Though there are valid paths for STR wizards, which is pretty interesting.

However you make the comparison to wizards in RO - in RO there was no good alternative build to all INT/DEX. You try casting a storm gust with less than max DEX and cry as the cast bar slowly fills up. Try getting less than max INT, and realize that the mobs you’re killing don’t die in one storm gust, so you have to cast another one, essentially doubling your cast time. If you sacrificed either of these things you were a bad wizard.

Archer with no STR though? No thanks. Getting almost all DEX may seem the simple easy solution, but your DPS is far lower than someone with a good amount of STR. Especially if you’re a Wugushi, where your poisons are scaling off of STR and can’t crit.

Just like in RO though, this changes when you bring PvP into play. A pure PvE RO build for archer could be 99 DEX/AGI, but you would need VIT to be viable in PvP.

In ToS, SPR raises your stat resistance ( it’s not lumped into CON / VIT like it was in RO ). So if you want to be resistant ( on any character ) building SPR is an option. So it becomes a balance of STR/CON/DEX/SPR. Even for wizard, this can become a balance of INT/CON/SPR.

So in PvE, cookie cutter stat balances can work well, just as they did in RO, but in PvP you need to think more about it.


So STR thaum isn’t completely useless? It’d be great if people could come up with somewhat-efficient, unexpected builds like this. I know I’d make one along the run if this were true.

STR Thaums are pretty great ( especially with a toy hammer, since you’re going to be using a dagger to attack ), the only problem is how do you build it. You also want linker, to spread your own auto attacks, and you want chronomancer, for quicken. There’s not enough ranks, so you have to pick one to specialize in.


And agree partially, but you forgot that RO had other system to complement possible flws in your choice build.
One of them would be the card system. You could get card to increase you damage/cast time, or even card that made your cast uninterrupted.

I’m sure there are a lot of people that can make crazy build in ToS, like STR wizards, but would those builds be better than the traditional ones in anything?

About the archer one, didnt’t know the wugushi poison scaled with STR. That’s a nice thing to hear. But what about the other classes?

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Ohh I’d never forget the card system :stuck_out_tongue:

The example I gave was assuming a geared out character. A phen card didn’t save you from needing to have max DEX on a wizard. The longer your cast time of storm gust, the longer your tank has to wait with mobs beating on them before they get CC’d and killed. Also damage % cards didn’t work for wizards, so you still needed max INT to make sure that mob dies in 1 gust.

A STR wizard in ToS is also a support wizard, since the buffs are given to everyone. You’d build something like a linker 1/2, thauma 1/2, chrono 2. Links help everyone, thauma buffs are an insane buff to party DPS, and chrono quicken/haste are party buffs. So yes they do very well. It’s viable in solo play and party play due to this.

For archers, I guess you’re saying that archers that don’t benefit from bleed/poison STR scaling would probably want to build full DEX? The thing is, you’ll do more DPS than a pure DEX archer if you built even 1:1 STR/DEX. You can find the balance for what works best for your build, but pure DEX is definitely not it.

Yeah it was a great system. Only gripes I had with it were the drop rates and that a good number of the cards remained useless.

Aaaaaand we have a new single roaming the world

this is why the game is so disappointed ,

