Tree of Savior Forum

[Update] Daily dungeon 2 entrances +1 extra with token

Oh, didn’t see that one, sorry. Obviously 4+1 would be “better” for the players but I don’t think it will happen.

As to what will actually happen, I am not too sure. The data gives a very bad vibe and another point for people to be negative again.

And I’m sick with the negativity… and its only been around 12 hours since the announcement…

As for my idea… its worth a shot

I think it’s fine as long as you can’t just buy dungeon entrances one after the other without a limit.

Lowering is good, making it available for token users not so good.
I mean, if you do 5 runs it becomes quite boring, thats all…

Dammit… this ■■■■ again. Everyone get your pitch forks again, seems IMC is a slow learner.

Isn’t this a good change? I never played kToS so I can’t say from experience whether more or less dungeon runs is better, but based off this kToS player’s feedback it seems less dungeon runs would be better.

I don’t want want the game to tell me how to level, but since dungeons are the fastest way to level you are kind of being forced to spend 100 to 150 mins each day doing dungeons. Reducing the number of daily runs from 5 to 2 means it will be 20-30 mins each day instead - which I think is slightly more reasonable.

The only better solution I can think of would be nerfing dungeon EXP or buffing field EXP instead. But I think the 600% EXP in dungeons was IMC’s idea of appealing to casuals. So, maybe put no limit on dungeons, but instead give players 1 scroll each day that increases EXP to 600% for 30 mins that players can use where ever they want?

Edit: Nvm. I didn’t see that “3 extra with token” part. That is ridiculous. I don’t mind the reduction in dungeon runs, but you shouldn’t get any extra with a token.

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I played during iCBT2, but didn’t get far enough to experience the importance of dungeon runs xp-wise. So I don’t really have an opinion on the matter.

My main concern isn’t only the reduced number but also the 3 extra with token, it doesn’t seems fair (3 free and 2 extra with token would have been a bit more fair in my eyes). I do think that buffing field EXP is required as well, but again, not enough experience to be sure.

Edit (cause your edit): IMO, you should have extra with token, IMC need incentive and value for the tokens. But having more extra than normal doesn’t make sense, yep. As @daimian_nightwing suggested, 4 runs with 1 extra seems the most reasonnable.

I really like that ! I play MMOs to meet people and play with them, having to use cross-server matchmaking (without the option to queue with friends) to be “optimal” is a real let done for me.

It’s official now: Linker class will be moved to rank 6 soon (nerfing is not enough). Melisandre saw it in the flames kappa.

Thanks for f u c k i n g up my planned builds.

Level 10 HK (Rank 4 at least) = 3 sec disable
Level 10 Sleep (Rank 2) = 12 seconds

Icefrog plz buy ToS

What is taking its place in rank 3? Also unless something from 6 is moving i guess that means this will be a hidden class?

[3/16/2016 Update]

Here’s new client side changes as of March 16th.

  • Translator achievement added for those that contribute to the translation project (with ‘Contributor’ title)
  • Steady Aim duration reduced from 15s to 10s.
  • Steady aim’s description was updated from “Increases the attack power of the next missile type attack” to “Increases the attack power of missile type attacks”.
  • Description of token was updated to add “Increases the number of daily dungeon & mission usages by 1”
  • Daily dungeon access was reduced from 2 + 3 with token to 1 + 1 with token.
  • TP Package contents reduced from 500/350/200 to 360/230/110 TP. The steam preorder packages now list the new 360/230/110 TP values instead of their originals.
  • Warp scroll cost increased from 1 TP to 2 TP.
  • Soul Crystal cost increased from 2 TP to 3 TP.
  • Microphone cost increased from 1TP to 2 TP.
  • Removed microphone bundle, soul crystal bundle, and enchant scroll bundle.
  • Free TP regen rate increased from 2 hours to 4 hours.
  • A UI frame is added that tells you that you require DLC which is added when you buy the founder bundle to log in.

Dailies and dungeon runs are boring in the long run, especially when you’re forced to do them because the exp/drop rewards are too good, but wouldn’t do them otherwise (especially 5 times in a row). So this is actually a good thing. It will favor open world activities more.

Remember that ToS is supposed to be a MMORPG, not a dungeon crawler/lobby game (which kTOS basically turned into).


I can see the wall :open_mouth:

not like I care that much, better than selling op gear and early pay wall access am I right :expressionless:

but, that TP increase price and slower free TP sure will hurt a lot xD

Would you really like to run 5 dungeons a day and hit level cap in about 2 weeks then have nothing to do? That sounds extremely boring.

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But you can pay to enter dungeons a few more times, so it’s all good.

o god i just vomited.


How is that not a good thing? Why would you want 2 classes to absolutely dominate any alternative choices? It would lead to everyone choosing those 2 classes for cookie cutter builds, leaving anyone who doesn’t choose those being significantly weak in comparison.

Strong choice of words here.

Tell that to Plague Doctors.
Tell that to Priests.
Tell that to Cryo+Rune Casters people.

Then talk how ONE skill breaks the game’s balance which is a complete mess anyway.

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I actually like every one of these changes. Maybe not the 1+1 dungeon runs, getting double dungeon runs is… meh, but 1 extra dungeon run is also pretty meh.

I guess slower TP regen I am also not too happy about.

When I read the patch notes, it makes me think that TP cost will remain the same ($9/100TP), but now since the TP amount is lower, the Founder’s packs can be cheaper. (My completely random guess that nobody should quote me on is that it would be now be $30 for 3 months, $20 for 2 months, $10 for 1 month)

The main thing people were complaining about was the time period. So if that is the case it will only prove IMC is not listening.

You are right. I am not saying their change is the right change, I just don’t think the patch notes means that TP prices were increased.