Tree of Savior Forum

Why players aren't coming back

Read what I said:

I understand that dropping something you once considered makes it less likely for you to consider it again than something you never thought about. Again, it’s totally up to you to understand it in whatever way you want. Just don’t distort words or spread it in a troll-ish way.

It was, at best, a misleading, deceptive statement meant to diffuse the situation of outrage, when all along they fully intended to bring them over (as they did, and continue to do even after people complained). That’s a hell of a lot more substantive than items being added and then removed from the game files without any official statement. You’re reading a lot into that if you think that means they have no intention of adding them.

Ehhh, no. As someone who’s actually been involved in the development process, you will very often drop things to revisit them later with a different approach. Deleting unnecessary files is just good practice. It could just as easily mean they didn’t think the items were exploitative enough to get people to spend money on them and they’re going to introduce something even worse. :joy:

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I don’t see how the gear up part of the game is locked behind cubes?
Yeah, there is the new raid dropping recipes at the end.

How is it different from let’s say WoW or FFXIV? In these games you keep doing the dungeons until you drop something, and then you have to roll a dice to see who gets the drop.
To diminish RNG you’ll get some “weekly” token currency to buy equipment from npc’s.
The formula is not THAT different from what we have, but our dungeons suck balls.
(Also, most of the new top tier content in those games is practically impossible for non-top geared players until they grind all their equips or they mid-expansion nerf the content, tree is much more forgiving in this aspect.)

Who’s paying 10m for a +5?
Other games literally delete your weapon upon a failure.

The upgrade system has an efficency curve that makes all upgrades SO unefficent as you go up, that you may make 10 geared characters dealing like 30% less damage than 1 good character with the same money.
Not the devs problem if you want to be the strongest EVAR with all your characters.

(ffxiv is in top 5 most played games, people actually got excited for this insanely badly designed fight that led you to wipe on one single mistake, imagine if we had this in tos, yeah, i can see the forums being a cryfest).

Some skills are based on the direction you are walking in, bad design, nonetheless, you can still press the ■■■■■■■ direction with WASD.
With mouse mode you auto-switch your target to anything that is under your mouse unless you hold the lock on key. No need to TAB.
This is me playing with mouse mode some weeks ago, look closely, mouse mode is meant to simulate how a standard mmo is played:

Optimization is terrible, but how can you lag with only 5 players in a dungeon? Carbon pc?

It’s almost as if humans have the ability to reconsider their opinions

EDIT: The damage you see with the bullet marker is with a +11 NOT TRANSED double stack.

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As someone that also been in development processes: You’re dumb if you discard an idea entirely and remove every thing of it just to add the very same thing back later, you’d need better planning or have a good reason to do it this way.


  • Working Adult
  • Veteran Casual MMORPG player

TOS is awesome, love the art, love the characters.

Below is my two cents:

  1. Crappy optimization of the game.
  2. Limited Character Slots AND confusing/expensive character slot expansion. The more characters I have in the game the longer I play and the more time and money I would invest into the game. How does limiting character slots help IMC I am just confused.
  3. Tokens are a great concept, BUT game should first be playable and token enhances the gameplay (tbh with the recent changes, IMC is moving in the right direction with Team Storage being accessible to all characters, so hopefully the take more feedback from the community)
  4. Make rank resets a thing please. Theorycraft is the MOST exciting part of TOS. (tbh with the recent changes IMC has planned the one rank rollback, I think this is also a step in the right direction, but additionally make it a TP purchaseable item or a high level repeatable quest to get the Rank Resets)
  5. Make QUESTS easier and more rewarding. Sequence of it should be rate of Exp/min (1) Quest (2) Dungeons/PQs (3) Grinding. With the recent mob EXP increase, it makes questing more viable, but in the end people just ignore the quests and go on a grinding spree, this can be solved with boosting Quest EXP.
  6. Mechanics in the game just need alot of improvement. Weapons and stats need to provide more significant impact on Skills. The fact that we can level a character to level 300 without having to invest a single stat point just shows how broken the mechanics are.
  7. Absolve this ranking thing. Just open all classes from RANK 1. Skill damage should be even across ALL classes ranks not increasing at higher ranks. Rank 8 is a step in the correct direction, but extend it down to rank 1. (This change would allow for so much more theorycrafting I am shaking from just thinking about this)

Also drop rates for some drops for weapons recipes and hidden quests are insanely stupid low…
That + bots ruining the farming just makes it worse…

I got it now! you guys are using a time machine to play in 2016.

Btw ->

IMC should give us an account with everything maxed for free.

I think this game has the largest community of freebooters i’ve ever seen on a mmo.

Imho, Kim should delete the game and replace it with the Costume Preview addon.

Just my opinion: some answers are litterally stupid.

Some people don’t know read. Indeed english isn’t the main language of the majority of us.
But no one said the word free.

And dunno why people always answer with free word.

What people want isn’t free stuffs.
What people want is don’t throw away their efforts.
Read well, they are differents.

If I invest all my money and all my items and sacrifice alt character for the sake of one character, is normal that I will go in enrage.
And NO, no, no and NO. I didn’t choise the risk. NO!
Do you understand the NO word?
If I’m upgrading the weapons means that I must do it for to enjoy the content at least +11.
I’m not saying that I must upgrade it at +21 to do infinite damage and play alone.
But with +11 you can do stuffs.
For example: yesterday me and my friends have joined the Challenge with 357 mobs.
We were doing quest with alts and none of us got +11 weapon, results? We had to abandon because all our money were on our main character.
If we were with our main character with +11 weap we could do it easily.

I don’t want to be like korean players who is doing alone everything and show how I’m strong.
I want to join content, everything: PVE and even PVP.
But right now isn’t possibile.

That’s why they should fix the refine system.
No, I’m not a lucky player who has everything +∞ and make fun of people who are more unlucky than me.
Because this happens in this topic and forum.

Another topic is TP Cubes: Leticia and Goddess.
SImply: they sould not exist.
I prefer to buy the costume directly instead of spend a lot of money to “try to obtain it”.
Prices are too high for Cubes and Hair.
Litterally, I spend less in a true hairdresser than one in Tree of Savior…
Reduce the prices and will be a lot of people who will buy items from TP Shop. Me first, I will buy more from Tos. And yes, I’ve spent money on Tos.
This game have good music, good art and the best of is: you can do your character cute.
That’s why a lot of people are doing female character, because costumes are always the best.
And IMC should aim even more on this.

In every single game people want their character cute.

Remove Cubes and put costumes in TP Shop as in the beginning of the game.
Reduce prices a bit.

I like the game and I want to pay for what I like.

Oh and just remember: who have a work have money.
So, if the game is more friendly for them, money will come for sure.
“Woah, it’s a nice game! My gear is decent, I can spend some money on it to make my character more cute!”


Sorry to say but…

+8 Primus Raffye Mace: P. Atk (1690-1810) / M. Atk (1749)
+11 Primus Raffye Mace: P. Atk (2012-2132) / M. Atk (2071)

Assuming you have around 1k Atk from other sources, you’d be sitting on ~2749 M. Atk at +8 ~3071 M Atk at +11, 322 average when it comes to attack difference.

Assuming each stages gives the monsters +110% overall buffs (I think it’s more) they’d have around 2900 DEF. Adding that one of type of monsters on the Lv.357 map is Flying which makes they a little harder to deal. - On these conditions you’d have barely any damage to deal with them even at +11.

Challenge mode is hard if you’re undergeared, period. Don’t pick the highest level map to do challenge mode on if you don’t have a good enough team to clear it (supports/DPSs/Thaum buffs/Frost Pillar/Links/Elemental Damage). Having 200-300 more damage alone isn’t going to carry you thru stages 5-7.

There’s a reason you can give up earlier or bet everything to keep going. Getting only 4 cubes isn’t too bad.

While I agree that the refining system has its flaws, complaining about the wrong thing isn’t going to help.

P.S.: Also, I’m not sure but I noticed that somehow the chance of getting weapons to +11 seems higher/easier after R9 patch. All weapons I tried to enhance after the patches that I started to enhance at full potential managed to get +11 at some point, the only ones I got below +10 was due to being too greedy and wanting to get them to +16 and failing too many times afterwards. Yesterday I picked 3 weapons from farming: First: +11 -> +9. Second: +13 -> +12. Third: +16.

The only thing I can say about this is: If your weapon is failing too much, stop - try again later. Got +11? - stop. Don’t be too greedy unless you know what you’re doing.

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You really can’t compare the hardest difficulty of primals/raiding and mechanics that are 100% telegraphed/scripted and not very difficult to dodge to anything that is stated here in this thread, especially to a different game that has multiple tiers of difficulty for ranging skill levels. Plus no offense to those players in that video, but they aren’t very good at the game at all.

Its like saying Ultimate Binding Coil of Bahamut is poorly designed because not everyone can do it, even though its considered the best hardcore boss in the game and only a few hundred people have cleared it out of the millions of people who have played the game. Also Titan EX is regarded as one of the most fun fights in the game, not sure where you are getting ‘insanely badly designed fight’ from, your opinion? okay, the majority population? Heck no.

This does bring up a point though, it would be nice to have not only have more content with mechanics but also have a normal and hard mode for those who want a greater challenge. Problem with that though is it requires more development time and who knows if IMC is willing to invest in content like that at this point.

I really do wish the game had more to do other than blowing up bosses with damage (outside of a small selection of encounters).

I can agree with everything except maybe #7 (don’t disagree or agree, not sure what is best for the game). I think most these things people can agree with really.


I stopped at +11.
Me and my friend never tried over +11.

I don’t think is easy to refine after R9 patch, people still fail and got 0 potential with +7 weap.
Yesterday we were doing quests and a challenge portal has opened.
We stopped at stage 3.
We were aware that we couldn’t do, and our main characters are in synergy but we can do almost everything.
And monsters weren’t flying. The only problem was: not enough DPS. We knew it and we stopped at Stage 3.

Do you know there are people who can’t do even a +8?
You and other player will say: golden anvil.
Yeah, I have around 300 Golden Anvill in total.
But I’ve farmed since the game is open.
What about new or returning players?

The difference between me and most of people is: while I have a +11 weap with potential left (I can try over +11 but I will not do it), while I have a lot of silvers, a lot of alts, a lot of materials, I always think about returning and new players.
Do you think I’m complaining for nothing?
I always complaining about wrong choises from someone, in this case IMC.
What do you think that I didn’t “fight” for remove DPK and introduce a better system complaining everyday in the forum?
Yeah, they didn’t listen me, I’m no one after all.
But we have to admit that the game got a lot of improvements since release.

Now Refine system is unbalanced and a lot of people, to not see their work wasted, cheat.
This is the truth and for notice it just inspect people in city, don’t look only the weap. Look everything.
When you will say a +21 with a lot of potential and armor, accessories +10 with a lot of potential, you should ask yourself some questions.


I like this thread. It’s full of everything. You guys are amazing.

And I’m here, just complaining about HG 340 being unplayable and those costumes being extremely expensive, and I need to buy that stupid cube to get them. sigh


If you want to buy any recently released costume, yeah the price is going to be sour. Fortunately the price goes down after they get released on exchange shop, which always happens 2 months later.

About the 340HG…rip.

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Yes. But like I’m saying, I’ve enhanced around 8 weapons on R9. All of them made it into +11.

You don’t need 300 to +11. I’ve spent twice all golden anvils I had and while farming I already have 15+. That’s more than enough to make a weapon +11 (unless you’re terribly unlucky - which means, try it another day).

Yeah, I agree. But: new content. The flaws exists but you gotta put effort and time.

If you start failing too much on a weapon and simply stop and try another day I can guarantee you: You’ll get a +11 weapon. Don’t push when it’s going bad.

I agree. But +11 weapon here vs +8, +9 won’t make a huge enough difference.

For clearing the new end-game content (strongest maps, strongest raids, etc) you do need to put effort on. Get transcendence, get attributes, call a Thaum C3 if you can’t do that at all. Supports exists. You either get a well geared/organized party for end-game content or break through it with over-enhanced weapons, you don’t just try to face-roll it, even with clean +11 weapon and low attributes. If things doesn’t work, just go to a lower level map for challenge mode.

Yup! I totally agree that there are bad designs and everything.

What I’m saying is: Putting an argument that doesn’t applies or look incorrect won’t help.

Enhancement +8 to +11 won’t make a huge difference between clearing or not stage 4 and 5 challenge modes on the strongest map available. That’s not the problem.

About DPK. For r8 materials. For me it was actually better with DPK. Why? Effort = results. RNG drops = 2-3 hours for 1-3 drops sometimes. I stopped farming for good after we got the RNG drop system D:

But of course it’s better with RNG drops!

But what I’m actually saying?

Go play the game and see what happens. Theorizing and building arguments over theories that won’t apply to game mechanics will give you innaccurate results or makes things harder.

Like, for sure, enhancement needs a change. But it’s more on the high end. We don’t want everyone to have +16, +21 weapons and making +11 easier makes it easier to get +16 or higher which turns into a snow ball of making game too easy, balancing based on over-enhanced stuff: It’s the transcendence problem all over again.

If we make +11 the safe range, after few months people will complain the same and say that +16 is required for the new content and that they can’t get weapons that high.

And this is the main problem with enhancement at the moment. We don’t need to make it easier to get there.

With silver, time, whaling, events and luck you can get there.

And being honest, I think IMC fixed the rollback on weapons on channel crash - no idea here if that thing still works or not.

But again: What we need is to rework enhancement system, yeah. Cap it so the game isn’t so face-rolling everything like it’s now.

But giving free/guaranteed +11 won’t make it balanced nor will make a huge difference from +8, +9 to +11 when clearing end-game.

You need far more than that to clear those contents. If you don’t need organized/balanced parties with good synergy nor overpowered weapons to clear end-game content, that will fall into another issue: the game is already too easy.

Even old ones. The one I want I can’t find on market, and when someone puts it to sell, its an abusive price. That makes me sad, because 25$ or 30m for an old costume it’s too much.

30m for a costume…what the heck. Silver is completely devaluated in your server then.


I’m sorry Rabbit.
You wasn’t for you, but for all who is incredibly lucky and think the game is really ok.

My account is support: all my characters are support for my friends (they don’t like to play support).
I have 12 characters and 11 are supports (1 of them is Schwarzer Reiter no geared lol).

But when you are a support, you can’t farm things alone (and as I’ve read they will nerf Thaumaturge :sad:).
That’s why you need a good weapon to at least do something alone.
I’m not talking Challenge, Dungeons or HG340.
I’m talking farming in new maps for materials to sell in Market to do money or kill mobs to do money.
I don’t want to kill 100 mobs in 1 sec, but at least do not take forever…

If I’m talking is because I play the game with the worst classes ever to play.

As I’ve said hundred of times, I farm for 2 people. And I really prefer RNG system instead of DPK.
I farmed thousands of hours with DPK to drop items for 2 people. Never again.

When I say “safe” range is not like +5, is more like a +8. Put the safe at 8/9 like someone suggested.
And +16 will be like +11 now.
Right now +11 isn’t so easy to reach.

I’m convinced that rollback isn’t fixed. Because actually I think you can’t fix a rollback when a server crashes.
Online games do always a backup every X time (time established by the developers), and when a server crash a rollback is applied otherwise you lose everything.
I’m not a developer of games, but this is what “developer” friends told me.

There are differences between easy game and friendly game.
An easy game is “obtain everything in few time”, a friendly game is “you have farmed so hard? You will not waste your efforts”.

That’s why I think PSO2 is the best game. That game is friendly and you can be an hardcore player for obtain the best and be always stronger.
But the minimum requirements can be reached by everyone.

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Hahahah… Yes… Hoping someone puts it at least 20m… Which I still find expensive for a costume.

crying in the corner, remembering the good ol’ times of costumes for 128 TP

I didn’t flag it cause I didn’t even check the forums the past 12 hours.
Also the only reason why I’m still playing this game is cause I already have so many hours in it and four relative well geared characters. EDIT: not to mention having the game open while surfing/reading/doing other stuff still counts as game time yet 3/4 of this time is spend by idling in the city, checking the chat and market from time to time.
This doesn’t change the fact though that the game has huge core issues.
There are no other games right now I’m really interested in (good thing Monster Hunter World comes in Autumn) and I’m not in the mood to get into another MMO again. Also the Halloween event wasn’t even the biggest screw up. The “DPK-Issue” was a lot bigger - IMC IS incompetent as ■■■■.

Not to mention:

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