Tree of Savior Forum

Why players aren't coming back

Agreed. We can simply look at ktest patch notes to see that even costumes with certain hairs have bug fixes. But that mostly happens on almost empty patch notes which means: Other things have priorities.

No one is dumb enough to test costumes over mechanics.

Let’s put a scenario where you have an engine that all you need to do is add your costume and add a line to an excel table. You don’t need a programmer for that. - At least, you don’t the core programmers for that. IMC has more devs than the core ones and pretty much anyone can do most of the event/costume work if you check the lua codes related to those.

I can’t comment much about other games like Warframe since I don’t know them but from seeing how costumes gets added on lua code stuff and even reading ktos/ktest patches:
Unless your cosmetic adds a really different mechanic, such as the Sled companion, most of things they add won’t need core devs work.

Yeah, I agree. More like, everyone hates gacha.

But being blunt here, I hate the mob mentality (sometimes even intentionally used for trolling) “hey, stop making costumes/events, go code!” (and similar stuff) that happens around. Sorry again for picking on that little part of the post ><

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Yes, I mean if any trained monkey can add the costumes than products/marketing should be able to do so without major impact to the dev cycle, except if there is a major bug with the tool or something.

Anyways, I think we’re on the same page here. I’m not one to troll on my posts to be honest. Specially concerning the game’s current situation.

I was unfortunate on my phrasing. My intention was to put emphasis on the priority thing. They have to plan and prioritize a major overhaul. Relaunch the game as ToS 2.0 A Realm Reborn (Get a lawsuit from SE while at it, hahaha!) Jokes aside, it’s what I feel would do some good at this point.

And no need to apologize, we’re here to discuss, disagreements are good, we’re only humans.

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So deep thread.

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Time to change that avatar of yours, Dragoon has legit deeps now c:

Meme is over bois.

You’re one of the few people I respect around here. Bravo to that. I agree with you on a lot of things, but instead of going over them all; I’ll just throw in my two cents. Being that I played XIV v1 Legacy Player through Alpha and release, all the way til shut down of the B2P servers. Been playing XIV: RB off and on since it’s release (What’s it been, 6-7 years since I was in Alpha v1. Dear Lord) Very few companies can afford to do what SE did. In fact SE was the first in history to do what it did, and this all had to do with investors, and SE not needing them. Where as games like ToS and the like generally need said investors to create and sustain a game til it gets on it’s feet.

Long winded I know, but I am merely saying TOS would just shut down for good. On topic, this update brought me back. I guess I would be considered a “whale” of sorts. Bought all three founded packs (x2 when they went on sale after the fact) as well as shelled out quite a bit of funds on 20-30 dollar “cute” hairstyles, contacts, clothes ect. I argued common sense back in the day, when it was the “Huetards” vs the “Doomknights” vs the “Whiteknights”. I had around four thousand hours when I quit. Why did I quit about a year ago? Gacha. I do not support gambling, nor do I like what it brings to a game. generally why I stick to my P2P games. That and the community.

So long story short, it’s nice to see someone actually voicing concerns in a non Trollish, Childish way. With valid complaints and not just; me me me.

tldr; Cool story bro, high five in a positive way.


I think before i speak, but i see you beg to differ.
Why the hell would you trans a weapon before anviling it.

Mithril is dropping in all the HG, even the lower ones along with blessed shards. It’s part of the “ores” roll, you would know if you actually played the game. It’s literally the highest likely to come when you roll an ore.

SE almost went bankrupt, they’ve bet everything on the remake of XIV. The new “producer” single handedly saved SE. Google it, tons of articles.

308 posts of this are 3/4 people crying about upgrades cause they keep gambling stuff that they cannot lose, calling lucky people cheaters, as it is easier to envy others than working torward goals. Also saying that people is quitting over this and that you need too much gear to clear the content we have (mfw there are videos of people soloing in under 30 minutes the new “raid”).

I feel the same tbh, pyromancer, scout, barbarian, and so on, there are some classes that feel so clunky or unfun to play, especially in the first circles.

Completely right, but the problem is at the core of the game design. They would have to rework aggro mechanics totally, the point of the other games is that the monsters will not deaggro you.
And if they made it so dungeon monsters can’t deaggro you, you would be able to 1hit the whole dungeon by mob training with the current mechanics.

I would really like boss fights like the primals in FFXIV tho.

Theoretically that’s masinios set, and what we had with the previous HG.
ET is badly designed for the reasons i’ve talked about over here. But it is the nearest thing we’ve got to the “item token” system other games have to diminish dungeon raid RNG.

1-200 can be done in a day on a new account if you know the road you have to take, no quests are needed, just take buffs and grind the right places, 200-300 can be done in under 10 hours on a new account now. (without exp boosts or multipliers). So yeah, if you are not a first time player all the maps and content is totally wasted until we get “guild wars”.
Although, all new maps are pretty fresh looking and diverse compared to the 1-290 content.

You can play with mouse mode, move with WASD and target with mouse…like all the other mmo’s. Keyboard mode is thought for no target classes like swordy.

Not really, a lot of people just level up and pve/chat only on the officials.

Most mmo’s follow the “expansion cycles” way, by cutting up the content in 3/4 yearly releases with the first ones being way harder than a normal player could expect, and introducing mid level equipment/content later.
So you keep getting the “hype” influx crest every 3/4 months.

This is the first Korean mmo i’ve seen in the past infinite years that lets you keep your weapon after failing an upgrade roll without paying real money, and where upgrades have an actual chance of succeding.

Dailies are meant as a catch-up casual system. If you make them free to do players would do ONLY dailies ALL day.

New Saalus, and the future new ET have the same run limit for both token and free players. Don’t know why they didn’t change normal dungeons too like this.

I doubt they even have a QA at this point. I’ve sent them this.


@haukinyau0 would be so happy in this thread.

Such memories.


Imho Gacha & Refine are the worst issues atm, there’s a lot more but we already got some decent improvement in game.

Sure thing we can’t make everything too easy or people will not see any value in having something everybody has, but it can’t be too extreme either or players will just drive away from it. What’s the point of being the best/unique on a MMO where there’s almost no players at all? (Like, if that’s your thing I see no issues with it, but most people look for fun or/and recognition in a big scale x3)

Yeah you can gamble with luck/RNG at your own risk, it’s an option that you make. I already had some really bad experiences with it & since it’s pure silver sink… I just don’t even bother with refine anymore, I prefere to spend silver on costumes or such, I used some free diamond anvils from past events (which are kind of a pain as well) to get a +15 whatsoever wep & stopped for good.
But most people will not stop, because in a way or another the game will kinda force you to get more DPS… I agree that if they can’t take the risk they probably shouldn’t, but the backslash you get for bad enhance is just so bad, that I lost the count how many friends quitted the game after it.
Gacha is no different >.>

And with so many options & games to play, most people will not put their time in something that punishes player so hard anymore, back in the days it was “okay” to grind for a week to level up, die, and lost 3 levels, nowadays it’s not (of course there will always be people that will do, but you get the point).
Zeroing a potencial may or may not be related to that feel, but it doesn’t help in any way.

And there’s lot of other issues like end-game, pvp/gvg, balancing, publishing and so on…
I still play the game because I really like my toons (…and have put way more time that I wish I had xD), but for me it’s no surprise that a lot of people quitted/gave up on the game, it’s not a game that you say: “It’s so perfect, you have to try it” it’s more like: “I really want to play so I’ll ignore tons of issues that’s always there” -but that’s just my opinion tho x3


It looks like they tried to make the game casual while also having hardcore elements. However they managed to get the worst of both sides.

The Game contents difficulty is terrible easy - up to the R8 content the game has zero difficulty at R9 it gets slightly harder but it’s still quite easy. Furthermore they create difficulty by making Monsters/Bosses with high stats, yet the AI is beyond stupid. Getting One-Shot cause the monster happens to have insane values is not fun. In other Game those moves tend to have build up times - the only move I know from ToS is the Zaura dive.

Meanwhile the “Gear up” part in this game is rather “hardcore” - looked behind RNG Cubes with low percent chances to contain what you want so you have to do the content over and over and over again. You finally got what you wanted after weeks of farming? Now the fun part of RNG upgrading begins and your hard work gets ruined in a few minutes (not to mention the silver sink - paying 10m for +5 is such a turn down). But hey transcendens has 100% chance. TOO BAD you need so many shards/gems you better create 10 alt characters which leads pretty much to the next point.

So much this. This is one of the biggest turn downs in a game with diverse “class builds” as one of the biggest selling points. The only reason to create new characters is to boost the one you like most - “All for one”


I’ll not transcend it until it reaches +11 xD


That actually doesn’t work and it’s the problem. For 1 if you’re a Sorc, ride skills are still aimed as if you were keyboard mode, so they basically never hit what you want., on top of that skills like ice bolt, use the lock on regardless of game type and even if it became a skill shot during mouse mode that’d just give an unfair advantage to those who use keyboard mode.

There is a reason games like BDO and BnS were so popular compared to others on release, they’re 3D games that tried to break away from tab targeting, it didn’t matter that they were so bad as games because they still tried to be what PvPers are looking for. ToS on the other hand is a top down game, there was never any need for tab targeting in the first place, it’s like adding a scope on a battle axe, it’ll only ever hinder the user and make the axe worse.

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i just wait GVG like Ragnarok where GuilD vS Guild 50vs50 oh its be amazing!
but this content not yet ready((

Considering how “laggy” the game gets in dungeons when 5 players are working together, i don’t think that’s gonna happen, or if it does before they modify the engine a bit, it’s gonna be bad.


Like when they first announced pay 2 win gachas but said they wouldn’t bring them to international and everyone believed them? :joy:


They didn’t say they wouldn’t bring them to international. They said they had no intentions currently for doing that.

Altho the line that splits the meanings are thin, if you build expectations over a misunderstanding and get mad at who said the sentence, you’re being mad at the wrong thing.

Yeah, no one likes gacha, period. But they never said they’d never bring it to iTOS. If you believe that, you’re believing a lie you told yourself and trying to blame someone else for believing your own lies.

As for the gachas, they were part of the international database before they were introduced.

As for the anvils, they’re not part of the db in either ktest or ktos.

It’s totally up for you to understand it the way you want. But then, please refrain from trying to distort other’s words for spreading them wrongly and as well from using them with troll purposes.

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"W have no plans to bring the gacha cubes"
2 weeks later
Gacha cubes
So either this company staff flat out lies or they don’t even plan 2 weeks in advance.
Not sure what’s worse.


So… source of what you’re saying about 2 weeks?

You’re speculating. Having it in the DB in the first place is more than enough to see that they’ve considered adding it at some point and “dropped”.

Nothing says they wont add in the future.

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