Tree of Savior Forum

2000 votes 60% says no!

League is a MOBA not a MMO

There is a big difference.

Also it’s why there’s alot less successful MOBA than MMO out there.

Because making $ on skins alone requires the game to be popular.

moba, mmo, fps, is a different genre but not a different business choices, it all comes down to P2P B2P F2P S2P and all is good, but this thing IMC is trying to do is hybrid monster of P2P and F2P.

League has billions of dollars right now. It’s silly to compare small company like IMC and such international giant as Riot Games.

They can provide lots of servers for everyone.

At start league was BUY2PLAY BETA(and costed like 10$).

Something is similar, you feel it? But nobody complained that people who started earlier have unfair advantage.

Different genre requires different business choices.

In a MOBA having early access would do nothing because there’s a infinite amount of matches.

In a MMO early access means leveling would have less crowded zones and such.

I can count on 1 hand how many successful MOBA there is out there, but there’s alot of MMOs.

Because a game company survives on paying customers, and MOBA doesn’t differentiate between them.

so you’re trying to say that it is right to differentiate customers based on the money they pay in the game?

oh well that’s good and all except the fact that we should be fine with pay 2 win games then, because that is the exact same mentality. also by getting the founder pack that doesn’t contain head start it is not actually bad for the founders I mean they get tp,title,items. if the idea of headstart never existed, this war wouldn’t have existed in the first place.

the problem has always been and always will be with the head start.

Hi derael could you check my post? Why not a ''Captcha'' ingame? (To combat Bots) just to get some attention >_<

Every MMO has headstart now deal with it.

By that logic every game is p2w.

It’s fine to give more efficient time usage to those that pay for the game.

Considering you are a working person that works 5 days a week for 8h a day, a normal person that plays this game all day would be able to catch up to you in 1 month regardless if they started late or not.

If it won’t affect their endgame power, then for sure it’s right. It’s not pay 2 win since they don’t get any advantages that can’t be reached by usual players.

This way EXP tomes are pay2win as well, because they let you level faster.

I agree it’s not bad for the founders, but it’s bad for a server stability. If they won’t be able to log in, they won’t be able to use their token etc.

So offering them a stable way to login during 1st month is what IMC are selling to them with TP and items as bonuses. You simply get so much for this pack, so why not to buy it?

If IMC were able to handle servers w/o 1 month headstart they won’t probably do it.

The main problems were duration and price. They were both lowered to acceptable numbers.

now that’s a very bold statement every MMO has a head start.
you’re clearly trying to twist the actual meaning of my word. listen bud, yes every MMO has a headstart every game has a headstart if a person plays it before you but that’s because they find the game first / they look for the game / their friends told them about the game first it’s because they try or they happen to be earlier than the other. same as say ragnarok online, if i create an account right now, that means millions of people has had a headstart before me, but that is no the head start in context.

you don’t “pay” to be the first that’s ridiculous, this was supposed to be open for everyone at the same time, now they spin 180 degrees and say some who “pays” will get to play first, that’s just incredible. in a bad way. this bought headstart is problematic don’t you understand?

it’s like blatantly showing them “look we can let people have a fair chance of logging in based on lottery or their own action which is logging in first but wait, if we can make money out of it why not let people who “pays” get to log in first.” that’s really wrong.

Do you understand what I was saying?

listen bud, list a game that has no early access that came out recently. ANY MMO.

BnS, early access check

BDO, early access check.

The bought headstart is not problematic by any means because in the end everyone is at the same level and are not any different.

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Actually 90% of mmos have at least 3 days head start for founders.

I don’t undersrand why it is. Buying games in steam is not problematic and headstart in ToS is? What’s the difference?

Like we can give our games for free to everyone or based on their own action, but wait, if we can earn money for them we can actually sell them.

Let’s burn every game developer who sells their product.

I was talking about the majority of the whole ToS community population (and I did use the exact word “whole population”). I brought up the 8000+ votes example just to show you 2000+ is a smaller number and therefore it cannot be the majority.

In fact, it doesn’t really matter if either poll is valid because it seems like IMC is not giving up the founder pack early access idea. (or not yet)

It is just funny to see people making up all these facts just because of $10.

well have you checked how long the headstart is for those game? I suggest you do.

ToS is a different beast, it has many cbt and now for the moment of "O"bt it becomes Pobt, where you need to pay to access beta test, that is wrong. might as well be PBT pay to beta test.

and it’s 3 months, and now it might be 1 month but it’s “month”, how can you see this as normal?

You can think of it as this way the game is subscription based for 1 month, afterwards it’s f2p

I don’t see a problem as it’s not OBT anymore as it’s early access to a full game, it is no longer beta.

If you want to play now pay $10, or wait a month and play instead.

Now it is their fault that they released the post for “open beta soon”, it should have been “early access soon”

so yeah the poll doesn’t matter is that what you’re trying to say? because if it is then everybody knew all along.

2000 is not the majority of 8000 but majority of 2000 chooses no, alright now can I ask you how many of polls have been voted by every single person in a community? that is why populations exist as samples.

If they were able to provide 1 week with same goods and server stability, they would make option A more attractive. It seems they can’t right now.

Let’s see. They can let 70% of the community in during the first month. So who they should chose? Players who want to support tha game and buy founders packs or players who just want to look at it and probably drop it after a week or so. For me the choice is obvious, I wonder why isn’t it obvious for you.

Guild Wars 2 was Buy2Play(for a couple of years, not 1 month) and now it’s Free2Play, so what’s the big difference between ToS politics and their politics?

god lord I can’t even continue my real life activity trying to answer these, damn.

well thank you for pointing that out I think you understand now where the problem is. and if you don’t I can’t even…

well it’s not early access, it’s an open beta. it is. you are paying, for beta.
for the love of god please shine light upon your soul so that you can see the problem now.
and let this cycles of endless pointing ends for the day.

edit : you can read that it is a beta in the announcement page the one regarding changes. it says early access in the package because they are selling an “early access” but what they are selling is early access into a beta. you can read it there.

You can’t even because you are prbably wrong, not because he doesn’t understand.

Actually it is early access into a beta. But you are paying for TP, not EA. You just get EA as a gift of their gratitude for supporting the game.
Interprete it like this and all the problens are gone. You just creating problems for yourself because you don’t want to pay 10$ for a developers…

What I am trying to say is, your poll is pointless to begin with (because IMC is not and probably won’t consider taking founder early access away) . Therefore it doesn’t matter if the poll is valid or not.

For the second part, I am just saying 2000 is not the majority and therefore it cannot represent the whole community. In fact, samples can only represent the whole population if they are randomly selected. That’s why I doubt if your sample is biased.

The poll started by IMC just showed us that we have at least 8000+ players who are willing to pay, which is about 4 time bigger than your 2000+ (random?) sample. (and only ~60% of them voted NO) Which one you think can represent the whole community better?

It’s not like you had to pay money or pass a test to answer the quiz. It was distributed through reddit and other sites as well as the forums. It’s as random as you could have gotten. I think you are talking out of your ass, tbqh