Tree of Savior Forum

Why do you hate the necros

[quote=“celgaming, post:38, topic:352836”]
Everything you just said to defend automatic farming you could very well use to defend botting.[/quote]
Except afk farming is allowed by IMC while botting is not.

IDK what made you decide to run in here and wag your finger at me.

Who am I chasing?
Who have I antagonized?
What witch hunt?
What names have I called anyone?
Is this over the word jealous?
How do the necros “walk a fine line of botting” when all their “tools” are right there in the game?

I thought I was discussing this normally but apparently I’m being a big bully or something.

Is gameplay itself not supposed to be it’s own reward?


Yes. It is!

That’s why AFK farmers shouldn’t make infinite silver and break the gameplay in several ways. That’s an issue and it should be fixed.

I agree with that, but I also don’t think necros should be retroactively punished or have their class deleted.

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Nor I seriously do. But AFK farming must be removed.

AFK farmers should fear the Grim Reaper, and the Oracles that act in its stead.


necro is joke if u look at sor-lock / chrono-lock

especially chrono-lock bot that running with dt and spread invocation around map

Who said anything about that, ever?

I want to see Necros buffed; but in exchange, they no longer get to farm while not playing the game. Necro should be a real class instead of just a source of income. There are classes that were created to be sources of income without inflation, create one of those.

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lmao, ask those player who made those then tell me if they are money maker class. they all need heavy initial cost and if you compare it with net profit that its really very little.
And what about AFK necro, just make them summon skellies in dina bee and afk for hours and days.

By investing into materials, finding a spot, “battling” for players to buy from your shop and not others, having a benefit of 50-70% of the sale price.

Tell me again how hard it is to level a necromancer to rank 8 and raffle the entire area, getting easily the quintuple of what an afk shop would get, without any investment.
inb4: attributes are investment

I invested 10m in 1 day for my doppel 3, where’s my monthly 30m silver?

Of course you have the possibilty to scam and put prices like 200 000 for 1 thing, but then that would show that the best way to earn money is again to deceive and exploit.

The question isn’t “is it legal or not?” it is “is it good or not?”, but of course not everyone is a fair player hum weedevent hum and would do anything to get their ego boosted shiny gears.

I even got my own afk necro and it’s so boring I’m not doing it anymore.

Oops, too late.


Oh i forgot to answer to the thread question “why do you hate the necro”

My answer is " i hate the AFK-necro bcz they deserve hatred"

  1. Infinite silver generation.
  2. Inflation.
  3. Pushes new players away.
  4. Is a bad design.
  5. Devalue a lot of items.

You’re defending Necros who AFK for 24/7 to get silver and I’m the lazy?

Are you really calling me lazy?

When I got all this without any AFK farming. Being part of the first ET team that completed 20F on NA and farmed the 4 pieces of Lolopanther armors before the symbols for skipping floors. Got the best archer NA title on TBL.

Now I ask you again. Who is the lazy? The one AFK’ing and you guys defending those people. Or the ones playing the game?

I can level a Necro in no time if I want. I’m not like you crying to not play the game because you have a Necro and want free/silver without any effort.

Think again on yourself and what you do before calling someone else as lazy, ok?

Then stop defending AFK farmers, unless you’re one AFK farmer yourself, if you are, I hope you lose your extra free silver, so you don’t know any more ways to get silver and will start crying wanting your necro to AFK farm again.

Are you glad of sitting your character in a single place without even playing the game to brag about your silver later?

“Oh, I’m so good, I have 100m on my Necro, I didn’t even play for that.” - All of the Necromancers.

But, no, no. Let me guess, you don’t even play the game anymore and just afk on Dina Bee? Or even better you’re quitting now and using that as an excuse because you don’t know to do nothing more in the game and got lost because you can’t AFK anymore and is laughing at others to make you feel less bad?


Because afk farming is a pretty trashy thing to do.

Also, what’s there to be jealous of… it’s not like the necro class is locked behind a wall.
Literally anyone could make one if they wanted.

I have one myself. The only reason I don’t advance content or play it anymore is because I don’t want to be considered a part of the ‘afk necro’ part of the playerbase.

look at who we have here a necro main!!! BURN THE WITCH

I’m into necro

I think


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30M gone in seconds thanks to Doppel Cyclone Attributes :cry: there goes my 2-3 weeks of farming Uphill and 290. And then came 20% Attribute discounts after spending that! :joy:[quote=“TWLVII, post:37, topic:352836”]
Now one person staying outside home with computer turned on makes the same amount in less than a week without any effort.

Hey that person did an effort too. PC Electricity consumption costs can be a pain in the sides :wink: Well that depends on how they manage or optimize their PC :joystick:



W-Why do you hate us…



[quote=“SlyGoat, post:48, topic:352836”]
Who said anything about that, ever?[/quote]

[quote=“celgaming, post:109, topic:352718”]
They should’ve banned AFK necro farmers [/quote]

Half of every necro thread is stuff like this, I’m not making it up.


I don’t hate necro farmers, I hate:

1.) That the only purpose of a necro is to afk farm, because they are not good at literally anything else. The class should have been reworked a year ago. Why would you hate people for playing a class as it was designed to be played? Hate IMC for it.

2.) There are too many silver sinks, and not enough reasonable ways to get silver outside daily grind, which is a poor excuse for content.

3.) That people mistake necro farmers for macro-users/botters, when you don’t need to do either to afk farm as a necro.

4.) People who hate necro farmers and have bitched about it for a year, but keep their mouths shut about RMTers or are RMTers themselves.


I complained about the RMT but that is yet again another thing IMC is supposed to be handling with their amazing token system and trade restrictions. They still post those daily banning lists but yet there’s still tons of bots and plenty of silver in the RMT coffers to sell.

They could fix Necros or any pet class with my suggestion but that will never see the eyes of any developer because they no hablo ingles. If you were to tip the scales of whose more to fault for this problem it is definitely IMC all the way here 3/4th to 1/4th ratio on lazy content, no action, and not making the class capable of doing it in the first place. Then their current solution is yet again another lazy band aid that doesn’t solve the problem still of people having all this stuff for free ect.

People just abused it because they were wishy washy now it is so deep there’s no real clear solution. It’s yet another reason why a wipe is a good idea but this meme is kinda correct:

I don’t want to wipe away my hard work! Which is a shame for anyone who actually doesn’t do this but IMC let these problems go for too long. They created this mess not so much as the players who abused everything now everyone suffers.


I don’t have a necro and think a wipe is retarded.

You would too, if you played the game.

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