Tree of Savior Forum

Why do you hate the necros

They have a lot of money

They aren’t always at their keyboards

They won’t let you kill 15 bees

Are these the only reasons?

Honestly a lot of you sound jealous that you still have to deal with Tree of Daily Disappointment, while they don’t…

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we have a salty botter alert!!!

  1. They ruin the market economy and enjoyment of others by just buying everything without having to work for it
  2. They shouldn’t be rewarded for not playing the game
  3. They interfere with people’s quests
  4. They get really butthurt when they lose their free money and complain on the forums when an oracle or Grim Reaper kills them.

Edit: Given the posts following mine I felt I’d clarify that I have nothing against necros. I only despise afk farmers. Who happen to be necros.


I don’t hate necros. They can be very useful even for non-afk person
Like last time i just ran out all 4 channels and take all loot that necros didn’t pick up, and for 2 minutes i got 400 items that i can use on upgrade my gem :smiley: It’s so much easier than just farm 1level areas/


I do not generalize and say I hate necros. That’s pretty messed up. Instead, I hate afk necros. Well maybe not hate, but strongly distaste. :smirk:


They can stand there and get 1000s of mats along with all that pretty silver. How long will you run around for to pick up 10000 mats?

And I’m sure you’re lying about the 2 minutes.
It takes at least 20s for a channel change if it doesn’t crash. Never mind the loading lag.


Why hate necro? Hate IMC because they designed it.


[quote=“Aqours, post:3, topic:352836, full:true”]
They ruin the market economy and enjoyment of others by just buying everything without having to work for it[/quote]

That’s the one I never understood. How are these necros ruining the economy? When they buy gears that silver goes back into the hands of other players. That’s putting more money into the economy in a game with insane silver sinks.

If IMC truly felt this way Necromancer class would have never made it into the game. It’s literally good for nothing outside of hands free farming. Would it somehow make people feel better to know that the necro has to sit at his computer and watch his skeletons work?

This is true but these quests are still doable outside of the area necros control, and not many people are questing in that range nowadays anyway.


You clearly didn’t learn what inflation is in school. The amount of silver necros have been generating over the past year is staggering.

As I said before. Good Riddance :relieved:


What AFK-farming did to the game:

-A ridiculous inflation in the economy of every server. This will not only hinder the progress of newcomers and slow progressors, but also kill the motivation of these players because of the high amount of silver they obtain and because of the high price other people (Probably RMT sellers or greedy basterds) they put to items making them almost unaffordable to the general public.

-This made the Necro and Sorc Tree bad. Literally bad, as a whole Sorc and Necro have potential for farming, but IMC didn’t saw the abuse players can do with these classes, namely AFK-farming for a ridiculous amount of hours without respect for other players doing quests or actively farming themselves in the area they flood.

-The abuse of this feature became a HIT, almost most of the veteran(s) or newcomer(s) now has a necro or sorc doing the dirty work while they cash in and manipulate the economy by buying and reselling items, also manipulating premium items since they have the silver to do so.

-Widen the gap between them and the general playerbase by acquiring gear faster than the normal phase through re-rolls with the silver they gain, max skill attributes within a span of a week or a month that the developers create to be completed in months or years for longevity. Trans is one of the feature that this people abused, TRANS 10 ALL ITEMS! even RMT is focused on shards :smirk:

You see Comrade, If feature we discovered before we ban, we abuse it to get silver, we silver in a get cheeky breeki while of rest them get poor and crei to government.

Sorc and Necro class isn’t bad, neither does farming but AFK-farming without limitations or abusing it to the point that the economy and morale of the game is dwindling and newcomers or some old timers are quitting not just due to the issues they can endure for a year or two. But because of the abuse this method have affected their progress in the game.


No i don’t. Well 2-4 minutes, is there any difference? My internet is okay so i can jump around channels very fast.
And i don’t have to go for 10000 mats, but just get extra items quick sometimes it’s nice.

Afk necros are even more lazy then botter/makro user.
They atleast have to write their scrips ect.

Afk necros are even more lazy then botter/makro user.
They atleast have to write their scrips ect.

Except that bot and macro are forbidden by the rules, being afk is not.
I think they didn’t set “forbidden to afk” in rules because this would be too complicated with afk-shops then ?

Someone said it, don’t blame afk-necro, blame IMC who designed it that way. Necros need rework like many other classes. And everyone agree with that !


Laughing hard at those people, who say that necros ruin market economy.
Wake up, playerbase is almost dead. And tomorrow you will cry about “Why no one buying my costume for 8mil silver”


I don’t hate Necros when they are actively playing in dungeons and laughing their arses off when casting flesh cannon.

But I hold a great rage to the AFK ones.


If that’s the thing, then great. Less demand will deflate silver and TP return to its reasonable price.

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Laughing so hard at those who think we think that’s the only reason the games declining. And tomorrow you will cry why no one takes you seriously.


AFK-Necro ruined the sale of goldsellers a little. Why buy silver if you can farm afk?
Probably the most hateful are silver sellers or rabbit followers. The standard player probably would not mind (he could get more silver by selling his mats at more expensive vale for the lazy-afks) or even create an afk to supplement your income.
There is no inflation, but more silvers in the hands of many. Now with these measures we will see the riches concentrate in the hands of few.


Stop justifying botting man…

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Time to come back and create a necro👍🏼
don’t hate me Plz🤜🏻

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Don’t hate the players but the game. It was stupid of them to make places like Dina Bee more profitable than any other map or ways to get silver. That’s what I have always complained about and the fact when you are starting the game there’s your future right in front of your face. It just makes the game look like utter crap since they can’t figure out how to provide content other than farm gabillions of silver.