Tree of Savior Forum

Why do you hate the necros


If AFK Farming was viable, but nowhere near as profitable as actual gameplay there would be nothing to complain about.

But now that IMC’s let them get rich for the past year people want them banned, and they have to die for Mr Kim’s sins :sob:

I just wonder why people assume it’s a hate forwarded towards players/necro-class/necro players. I feel as if it’s more in lines of hating that type of activity and wanting it to change. So yes IMC is to blame for it and for the lack of addressing the issue for the longest time.

Yet when people are happy they do something about it people come in defending it as if others hated them or are jealous of them? I don’t get it. Or is that just due to the lack of arguments. :thinking:

I don’t hate Necromancers, I hate AFK farmers.


Yes, you’ve got me. I am an avid defender of necro players and flip flopper looking for arguments like the one you just made. Don’t bait me too hard now or else I will bust out a million paragraphs. :joy:



Because people keeps bragging “it’s legal, it’s legal” when all they want is to get unfair free silver regardless of the way they use.


Most Necros don’t even care if the method is illegal or not. The free silver goes under the excuse “IMC allows it” but they would be using them even if IMC actively disallowed it.


It’s basically the same as botting/macro’ing and people wants to play Tree off[line] Savior instead of Tree of Savior.


[quote=“Val, post:22, topic:352836”]
I just wonder why people assume it’s a hate forwarded towards players/necro-class/necro players. I feel as if it’s more in lines of hating that type of activity and wanting it to change.[/quote]
Isn’t the end result of both hates the same? Trying to get necros banned or the class deleted.

I don’t mind that they’ve done something about it, even though this solution is clumsy and affects other forms of farming as well. And it does come off as jealousy when the biggest complaint is they have too much money

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They enable it two fold by not taking the clearly proper stance which things like this shouldn’t be allowed and then just the whole balance of making maps even remotely profitable for end game. This is where I will actually agree with you and have always been on the same page except with maybe different views on how it should be handled to fix it.

People after seeing IMC be wishy washy and a chance to take advantage of something will justify their own means accordingly. It’s a case of two wrongs don’t make a right but both sides aren’t exactly doing the right thing so it’s still kind of a big mess. After they flush people out of the maps they will move on to somewhere else because of the lacking properly fleshed out content and progression problems.

They are sort of working to fix this with hunting grounds but it is just kind of hard to break people out of bad habits now spawned from the social norms which IMC did allow all this time.


Thank you @lunarrabbit for making me such an important part of your life, I didn’t know you had to mention me in 3 posts, wow.

You really are salty towards the necro players.


A good solution that would kill two birds with one stone is something I mentioned in the Paladin Conversion thread with a lau based UI screen for pets that players can control. Then get rid of the current AI and just have things you summon or control passive following you and not automated to attack anything aggressively. This would make it obvious for anyone whose standing around AFK camped for multiple hours not doing anything except running a script to bot. Have the GM do their current job questioning people and banning offenders or give warnings and disconnect ect.

It also helps the two classes have better control of their minions and just overall a completely better system than what they doing right now to combat this whole problem.


Or maybe, just maybe, that afk farming is actually stupid.


Think it’s perfectly legitimate to be salty (irate) towards cheaters and exploiters. This being an online game with a shared economy and all.


again, he was referring to afk farming which is not illegal and does not flag you as a [quote=“celgaming, post:31, topic:352836”]
cheaters and exploiters
Doesn’t matter if I cheated or not, there are legit necros who do not use 3rd part programs.

If you think I am cheating, either discuss it in PM with me, or post a report on the bot report section. no point doing a witch hunt here.

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Ehh, or maybe everything I said wasn’t directed at you. I have no reason to bait you or anything. What I quoted from you just nicely fit into what I said, how it’s not necessarily about the hate against players. The rest was directed to other people who have obviously done those things. :confused:

Don’t be too quick to assume things, I do admit it might have been quite misleading on my part to not section the response better.
I might disagree with you on some things but I have no personal vendetta against you.

No. I’m not personally trying to get either to happen, I happen to like necromancer class design and I hope it gets the attention it deserves from the balancing department along with other classes.
I also don’t need these players banned either, it’s not about silver for me. I want IMC to try and find a good solution to stop this so it won’t continue to negatively affect our playerbase.

I agree that it’s not the best solution but it’s not that bad one either. I would argue it’s effects aren’t as negative on farming/normal gameplay as people think. Reapers stand still if not attacked and they’re quite easy to avoid or run from if you’re actively playing, they shouldn’t disrupt the general gameplay too much.

Also I don’t think that it’s the biggest complaint or that it entirely goes like that.
Main complaints are affects on economy which isn’t about individual wealth and gaining profits from doing nothing which has never been about a certain amount but more so the possibility.


Think in this instance, yes, yes it does.

Anything you can say to ‘defend’ AFK farm you could use to ‘defend’ botting.


You don’t even play the game anymore, there’s no point reporting you, lol.

But I does stand my opinion that:

People just don’t want to stop getting free silver. So “Hey, Necro is bad, solve class issues before nerfing AFK” because they know fixing a design takes longer than fixing AFK and they want to get as much silver as they want before the system breaks for them.

Doing things the lazy way and feeling bad when you can’t is so easy.

The main complaint isn’t on how much silver one has. But on the effort one spent to get that silver.

If I farm for 14 hours to get around 23 materials to sell each one for 2m I get 46m in a day. And that’s a lot, but @#$@#$@# 14 hour effort of playing the game.

Now one person staying outside home with computer turned on makes the same amount in less than a week without any effort. Don’t need to search for buyers and doesn’t depend on market price fluctuations.

It’s just free silver generation, like if you could get a money maker machine and print valid currency for live. Everyone would hate you, not because what you have, but because you get a lot by no effort and “cheating” your way, even tho you can argue it isn’t illegal.

Plus, AFK Necromancers affects players questing more than Grim Reaper. So GR are actually less problematic than Necros themselves for everyone, since they can just quest properly.

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[quote=“LunarRabbit, post:36, topic:352836”]
The main complaint isn’t on how much silver one has. But on the effort one spent to get that silver.

If I farm for 14 hours to get around 23 materials to sell each one for 2m I get 46m in a day. And that’s a lot, but @#$@#$@# 14 hour effort of playing the game.

Now one person staying outside home with computer turned on makes the same amount in less than a week without any effort. Don’t need to search for buyers and doesn’t depend on market price fluctuations.

It’s just free silver generation, like if you could get a money maker machine and print valid currency for live. Everyone would hate you, not because what you have, but because you get a lot by no effort and “cheating” your way, even tho you can argue it isn’t illegal.[/quote]

I still don’t see how that isn’t jealousy. You’re upset that you have to deal with this mess of a game while they can leave their computers and make half as much.

If IMC were to nerf the amount of silver necros pull in (like they should have months ago), this big moral stand against AFK farming would disappear overnight. Notice how no one cries about AFK pets, probably because they make chump change compared to necros.

You already said it takes them a week to get what you make in a 14 hours. Which is why I think the constant necro whine is silly because if those 14 hours were interesting or enjoyable no one would give a damn about necros. They’d be the ones missing out on prime gameplay.

But as it stands, almost everything about lategame right now is boring and repetitive. Lots of work for little reward. Everything is a silver sink or a money pit. So of course people suffering through that are going to look at the necros making silver while at work and get pissed.

I just see dead end gameplay as the much bigger problem, tbh. Crusading against the necros is cool and all, I just don’t see what it improves outside of those two quests in Dina Bee.

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You’re deluded in thinking that it’s OK to auto farm just because someone else can make more with active farming.

Like SlyGoat said it perfectly:

I’d change what he said into:

Everything you just said to defend automatic farming you could very well use to defend botting.

It doesn’t change the fact that it still is lazy, cheap, unfair, abuse of game mechanics and against the Terms of Service. See my post on the other Dina Bee topic for more information on that if you want.

You walk a fine line of botting and you know it. There’s no need to go chasing this one person and calling people jealous to try and antagonize them, then beating them in who’s the bigger name caller.

It’s quite pathetic to be honest. Just read what SlyGoat said and think about it for a second before you rant at someone else and go on a personal witch hunt.


It’s not “deal with mess of a game”. It’s actually for playing. You trade time for things on MMOs, right?

And when the time you trade isn’t spent by yourself, isn’t it unfair?

People always complained, even when AFK auto-attacking was a thing.

But it’s just like that, the more people you impact and the bigger the issue is, more people will complain.

The other part @celgaming already answered.

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They said Jesus died for our sins but do I care if I’m Buddhist?

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