Seeing so many people leaving the game, I decided to open one more useless topic, cause why not? I wanted this game to be successful just as all us. Not to mention that it had huge potential but let’s face reality: The game died in EA and with the current mindset of IMC, this can not be saved in a short time. Maybe 1-2 year later they will realise that how much they screwed up…but that would be too late.
So…why not? Trying doesn’t hurt so I made one more topic for them…maybe this will help. Some of my points maybe unpolished, not seen trought well, but I think it’s pretty accurate.

Previously I made a topic about the system which was pretty much flawed imho. By that time, it was only mostly speculation, but now I’m sure… it needs to be rehauled. Currently I have 120 days premium membership, but I only decided to go with the tokens, cause market is useless without it and the XP and movement speed bonus is just a must have to play. Ok, the movement speed not, but the xp is.
While it’s only hard to get 450k-500k for a token the first time, it’s pretty easy to grab that much money in 3-4 days (cause of AH 48hours bullshit) to spare for another one.
The question is: Why should I buy tokens to play this game normally?
This is not a premium thing, this is just the normal thing which everyone should have! Market, trading… That’s the two reason for getting the token…now mostly the market.
Don’t you think that this is a bit overpriced just for that? I mean it, cause it doesn’t give us anything except some advantage over the f2p players.
I had a really long and big topic about the token system rehaul, you can read it here:

While this game is forcing us to grind “sometimes” it wont allow us to do it. The spawn rate is terrible and honestly…you will be bored to death while wating the monsters to spawn after you cleared them. Is that so hard to watch the community feedback and just do what we want and what you actually want?
I mean, you were the one in the first place who designed this game that way, don’t you? So why don’t you give us the tools to do it? You have to increase mob spawn rates based on community feedback and actually fine tune some of them, but this is a topic later on.
Want us to grind for items, recipes and sometimes for xp? Fine…just do not bore us to death with these spawn rates! You designed that way…now fine tune it!

Yeah, yeah… We all know what mmo stands for but honestly… Are you sure that you want to kill solo players? The problem is not that you encourage us to play together, but you are forcing us!
An mmo should reward players for playing together but never punish us to play alone. Of course, if you want to go to a dungeon, mission or boss or anything like that, do it in a group!
Yes! The game should encourage team play with nice rewards and actually telling you to play together…
However if you just want to level up, want to explore, want to play…the game should allow you to do it! Honestly, just do not force us to play together after level 200, let us play alone for these contents. I mean it.
It’s ok if you go to a dungeon and you have to pick tank,dps,heal…cause it’s common sense…but for leveling? Seriously… You are more likely destroying groups with this. What if me and my friends are all playing the same class? Shall we part ways and find our own groups to enjoy the game? No, we should be able to level up, explore and have fun. That content should be done by everyone together or alone.
Now you say that everyone can enjoy it, just slowly and with bad efficiency, but that also means that it’s not fun at all. Nobody wants to be punished for something like that… Mostly when the game is retardedly strict on some maps.
This is not how it should be working. Give challenging dungeons and missions to hardcore players, but maps shouldn’t be like that!
No, seriously… I don’t want to be punished while leveling and exploring. No, I don’t want to lose silver on death and no, I don’t want to focus on the game while leveling. I will watch my toon when I actually queue up for a hard content and it’s about the challenge, not about leveling and exploring.
I agree, if you want a nice equipment: find a nice group and play with a proper setup.
However here comes another problem…
The game is not just forcing us to play in proper groups for leveling, but even forcing us to pick certain circles to be useful.
What the hell?!
You guys implemented this system, cause that way everyone can build a unique character, now why punishing anyone just because they wanted to try out something?
So everything is working till lvl 200 while going solo and suddenly at that point, after many hours of gameplay and etc…you slap him/her and telling:
Reroll if you want to go further…you screwed up!
Now…he/she will lose every item he claimed from the cash shop and also lose hours of gameplay! Cause these things will only be realised at lvl 200, not before.
I don’t want a super easy and etc leveling. I just want an alternative route which is similar to the leveling before lvl 200-220. That’s all.

Ok, you want people to actually becareful to picking the circles and building the characters. Now… Everyone is screwed whose are not really into your game?
I don’t want hidden class quest written down on the official website, but let’s agree. When somebody just wants to play, there has to be some information on the official website about the classes, attributes and etc… That’s the minimum!
I know, I know… Google is for everyone! However if you use google to search about basic informations and the first result is not the official website there are huge problems.
At least give these players whose are new to mmos or just want to play herp-derp some advice, tip and and a guide…like…let’s see:
This is the monk… However if you went full int with your cleric, you won’t be able to use it normally.
This is just an example, but I think you got the point. Yup, there should be page on the website where classes are described, recommended and so on…

Now, this is currently a joke. Honestly…if I buy something in the shop, that should be account bound. Seriously, what was the idea behind the character bound things? So if somebody delete his/her character you will get money again? No, you wont…
Want more money? Work more! Make some nice cosmetic items and we will pay anyway…even if they are account bound, you will make a fortune!
Cause maybe you are right…that way 5k people will buy a hairstyle for each of his/her character…but if’s account bound, then 30k people will buy it, cause it’s can be used on every character and they don’t have to affraid losing anything.
Just make an npc or add another option to the storage like: Premium storage.
There you can unlock hairstyles, costumes for your account permanently and claim as many times as you want, whenever you want.

Here is a potato for the long post!
tl;dr: They need to rehaul token system, better mob spawn rate, support solo players - reward team players, more information about classes on the official website, tp items should be account bound, needs potato.