Tree of Savior Forum

What's meta build for Musketeer atm?

Sadly that’s the case now. Most ideally case is muskeeter will remain as a self fish class (boosting only guns damages).

Unless volley fire turn into a true multihit and a nice C3 muskeeter skill addition.

Butt stroke is there to cover the lack of damage… it seems extremely weak without butt stroke imo.

tbh the 12k hp does save me alot of times. (playing a sword as well) He’s a dopple on DOV drugs(- up to 100% def) ignore that. I had play dragoon with a off hand shield i don’t get hit as hard as that.

I can literally walk through TSC floor 2 - 4 alone with no big diffculty ( blocks all physical and physical damage only hits me for less than 400).

Mages on the other hand shot me at about 3k

I am actually surprise myself. Also guardian is really way too good now.

You guy have to try musketeer then you will know what’s risk of musketeer. I can say backstab of Rogue or Barrage of Ranger is more safety.

no lol…it actually risky to use butt stroke…u need to go closed up…and u need to be careful…its not like u can just butt stroke…without proper gameplay and timing u cant butt stroke otherwise u got hit by boss and lose 50% hp…what worst if got aoe magic skill that hit 10k

u still will lose dps to dragoon coz they easily can use skill…while butt stroke u need to go closed…and covering fire and snipe / headshoot got delay to cast…event 1s different can make u lose in DPS…

dragoon and fencer is meele class with high hp bonus…even low cons swordie can easily get 25k hp…while low cons archer barely have 15k hp…they only thing keep me alive when fighting 280 content is evasion and long range…

so u need to give up 2s to walk to but stroke and go back again…1s to cast covering fire and 1s to cast snipe…while dragoon can easily push btn and skill is done…

Yes that what I wanna say. and actually covering fire need 2 sec for cast and around 1.5 sec for fire animation.around 3-4 sec need to stand on the ground… head shot also around 1.5-2 sec animation. It’s really risk our life for damage unlike Fencer/Dragoon who can do combo in close range pretty easy and higher damage.

On a note for butt stroke does it amplify the damage of musket auto attack? Can it synergize with running shot with rifle?

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it work on all gun type. so yes rs+rifle is work too(but addition dmg will not double). also SR’s skills also work because almost all of SR’s skills is gun type.

It will be nerfed somehow and suddenly xD

That will be bad idea of design. because a mob right now is too strong. no nerf for archer. all they need is buff other class of archers.

i dont think its will nerf…
buttstroke give bonus for use GUNS! soh yeah, you can use runing shot + buttstroke to combo, i want better musket now… if you have good musket, you can trade easily for the didel

i dont think damage diff is big unless u have 1000damage musket…since running shot buff 80%…so didel grand cross easily beat that…i try but stroke and running shot using musket still the damage is not that great…maybe my musket low damage tho

You need double of xbow damage to beat a 80% mod.

So assuming you are using DCG + 10 (to beat 80%) you will need finisher or a musket to be at 700~800 range

Also unless you are willing to invest in MCG + a musket. The choice for investing just musket for QS is there. So it depends on individual.

A finisher + 10 transcend 60% is able to match and be above a DCG + 10 clean.

Do note that as a QS3 the only thing you have is Running shot and Multishot ( 16/10/11) on this case + caltrops.

Where as if you invest purely on a musket… (your R7.8,9 Skills) will outdo RS.

this is the part where silvers come in sooo… good luck

yeah…i agree…in fact iam sure most QS3 musket player now agree with it.

RS now is just not great anymore…new mob just to OP for QS3…and u need AOE AOE AOE…

if your RS can hit 20k per hit maybe its still good but well u need at lease +25 DGC with trancend 100% and running shot gem…good luck with that lol

on the other hand…i saw a video +15 finisher with 100 attb doing covering fire 120k per hit with 8 glass mole…so total of 1.2m in 5s…and 199k snipe damage…

QS3 maybe great before rank 8…after rank 8 i wouldn’t suggest to get QS3…unless skill in rank 8 can be multi by RS…then YES QS3 is a must…but for musket…it just bad for rank8

It’s soso actually.

you can do 120k per cf even with qs3 rank it just depends on your musket and also extra effort that’s about it. Ranger 3 overall burst will lose to QS3 on musket ( for various reason + weapon swap delay etc.)

If the guy has ranger and rouge that will be a different story.

And it’s also different story about lost money lol. cause of Drain mana(confirm drain so fast). More weapon upgrade (xbox , sub weapon). More gem (for xbow , sub weapon). attribute. ETC. lol

QS not that bad like you think Running shot not all we have.
Deploy Pavise : help you guard from malee attack and can lure mob.
Scatter Caltrops : do easy 15 hit, CC mob or PPl. Lure mob.
Stone Shot : Stun with really long time.
Teardown : destroy tree

all of that will not fall off even in R10. If you know how to use.

guards range magic too :stuck_out_tongue:

I must say that ranger and rouge and is a must have for musk class line. Barrage + Feint for the compensation of AoE and sneak shot for crit snipe.

It’s always the ranger/qs and falcon/scout dilemma
I’m interested to see how Archer2Ranger1Scout1Rogue1Falconer1Musketeer2 fare.

Actually it doesn’t matter.

Eventually whoever has the best rifle or more funded transcend will win.

Muskeeter is not a ET material end of story lol

Because they are default route of Archer lol. Well but it just same as falcon / scout. All up on player. They are good nothing bad. Just play what you like that’s all.

It’s fine

Muskeeter is a stand alone class.
Just that with this much of build you have more utilities.

Basically you lose out ranger 3 10% steady aim but you trade in for cloak/lv5 flare shot and falconer circling.

It’s still ok as long as it’s not QS2 or something weird it’s pretty much solid + sneak hit.

You might suffer a little from 225- 270. Once you hit r8 it’s pretty optimal.