Tree of Savior Forum

What build is everyone planning to run first for early access?

Lady and gentlemann!! I’m pround to introduce you… :open_mouth:

Scout outfit, instead of Hunter outfit. Cute…

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WHY!, the net suit is cute!! :open_mouth:

Too bad you can only wear one at a time :smirk:

No prob!, just change it every 5 mins…and destroy my own inventory in the process :no_mouth:

mmm maybe inventing an add on that automatically change your outfit every 5 min would do the trick :yum:


i would request this feature if they allow :smiley: sound fun isn’t it?

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Back at some RO private server we had colored feather berets

I’ve got one of each color on hotkeys so i could keep spamming the hotkeys in complete disorder during pvp or party play.

Whenever someone asked “Whoa,were did u get that shiny beret?” i knew that getting CTS was totally worth it.


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Any good stat build for a plague doctor? I’m not sure if they are support or semi support

Finally a decent reply for once, but if I’m going for C2 Hoplite then is it better to make C2 Swordman and went to Hoplite later or C1 Swordman and then Highlander and then C2 Hoplite?

For sure Cata will be going C2. But I’m just not sure if going Highlander once before going Hoplite is a good idea or simply a waste since as you said I will dismount when using it.

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how do i know what spells don’t work while being mounted?

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You can see the list here
Visit that thread, download the pdf from github, open the pdf, go scroll down near the bottom and search for “Appendix D - Mount - Skill Compatibility”.

However, there are some changes for mounted Archer.
IIRC, now you can use Sapper’s traps while mounted.


thanks a ton :slightly_smiling:

1/10 swordman build could get the peak DPS. 9/10 swordman build are rather just mid-DPS. now, that is something normal? if that so, why are so many swordman from krToS jumping ships :smiley: no offense, i am just saying the truth.

i am not a swordman fans, just only a player who prefers to play a higher DPS class.

So I can go for something like this?

i wanted to do a pvp build that’s also good in pve
my reasoning behind barb c2 is that it does more burst dps with helm chopper than cataphract

alternatively i might go for:

pouncing might be more useful in pvp

only cleave and embowel seems to dismount

any tips are welcome

Hey guys, quarrel shooter isn’t OP anymore? Stoped playing 1 month ago, didn’t read patch notes

Well, at C3 QS is literally melting through enemies with Running Shot, rest of the skills are just meh (you’ll only use Caltrops and Deploy Pavise in PvM)