Tree of Savior Forum

Website Re-Design Poll

Prefer the first one.

The layout of 1 is probably the best but I like the theme of 3! Canā€™t we just vote for layout and have all of those themes so we can switch them?

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The layout of 1 is simple and clear to get around on the page, so Iā€™d like that one for newcomers and veterans like us.

Hi, kinda happy to see that youā€™re making a poll for your new website while iā€™m also really sad of not having any answer by mail from my previous ask.

Two month ago i sent a webdesign to IMC Korea for iTree of Savior. Iā€™m a young web/ui/ux designer and couldnā€™t agree with so much lack of skill about this great game ! Youā€™ve a lot of great idea, 3d skills, artistic view, and you come with those designs? Really ?..

Well here again my previous contribution, however still disapointed for the lack of respect by mail (nevertheless sorry if i sound rude in this post)ā€¦


@shindatenshi Wow, that looks really well done :flushed: You have talent. Hopefully, they look at it.

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Maybe this is just my personal preference/taste, but I prefer a bit simple look.
There are too many information in one page. I prefer a bunch of menus that will show additional sub-menus for more information.

But, I still appreciate your design as it looks proffessional and has pretty good placement for the menus. Great work :grin:

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It looks great!! But Iā€™d change that orange to blue (game start menu and log in).
Thatā€™s all! Besides this, Iā€™d love to see your design used! Itā€™s more appealing than those 4.



By the wayā€¦ Wouldnā€™t it be better to get a ā€œChange themeā€ button at the bottom of the page? Your choice would be memorized and ta-daā€¦ Guess soā€¦
Itā€™s just an opinionā€¦

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I like #1 but I donā€™t like that the first thing I see is a video. Thatā€™s just my opinion. I think there should be a separate category to view media. Also think #3ā€™s design is good but I donā€™t like the colors.

1 using 2ā€™s background. 1 has the info we need, but 2 looks better.

Also, any plans to revamp the forums? I kinda like the old forum style (i.e., 'cause itā€™s much easier to navigate (sections are well segregated, recent post showing in the main page) and the threads are easier to read (Nested posts, plus you can make signatures. Here itā€™s too weird, you have the replies showing under the post and then the same replies showing again in the latter part of the thread. You canā€™t also reply if you donā€™t reach the bottom of the page. No option to make signature which is a great avenue to promote your guild, feature your character, etc.)

Thanks for your comment :smile:

Thanks you too, itā€™s a sample so it needs to show how the site can looks like, of course it need some more improvment :wink:

Haha yeah i understand your point. It was kinda hard to make the gamestart menu appears more than the others parts of the design thatā€™s why i picked those colours but i think it needs to change to a better blue/cyan maybe ? :stuck_out_tongue:

About the change theme button, it would be kinda hard for the web-developper behind the website because of the architecture.

This is what Youtube looks like maximized on a 2560x1440 display (on a 1920x1080 it does take up most of the screen):

And Yahoo on a 1920x1080 display:

And Google on a 1920x1080 display:

Whether you like it or not, modern websites are moving towards padding the sides of the content with empty space.

Hey how bout you add ā€œGuild Categoryā€ ;D :blush:

Well my screen is 1280 width and youtube looks like this

(I just went incognito cuz I didnā€™t feel like logging out and concealing personal info)

So obviously none of those sites look like that to me. So if those TOS design pics were taken on a 1440, then thats all cool because itā€™ll look much bigger on my 1280 anyway. Win, win. Problems = none.

OMG, SO MUCH BETTER. The background could be bit transparent tho, but I loved it. Btw Iā€™m also a designer and I would like them to use this design instead of the others :persevere:

great webdesing, best than 1 and 2

Im all in for 1 or 4

This is my opinion as a graphic designer

No 1: Cool design and gives this ā€œmysteryā€ feeling

No 4: Simple and works well with the ToS theme of myths

#1 Has me feeling that RO nostalgia. you guys remember the interactive header with the poring you could smash and all the classes displayed?

Good times. Yes #1 all the way.

No.1 looks like so much.
So i choose 2. We need moar trees.
Btw, no.4 is more like a fansite than official site.

They could at least let us choose the colors: dark, cyan, pink (cream?) or anything else, because everybody has a different taste.
But whatever, I got no experience, so I have no right to talk about this xD

Look, I think itā€™s important to design a responsive pageā€¦ The page must use all the screen space on any device. Large margins are unnecessary.