Tree of Savior Forum

Website Re-Design Poll

I don’t know if you realized this, but most modern websites have moved towards having large amounts of empty space on the sides. It is so that the website design can stay consistent across various browser resolutions.

Does anyone even use a maximized browser any more? If your browser only takes up 1/2 or 1/4 of your screen, you won’t even notice those empty spaces.

1 is my favorite of these, but I would replace the video at the top with the usual “giant announcements” box, I would also use 2’s background, or at least put something on the other side, maybe Saule? I also liike the darker color scheme, but I wouldn’t mind if it were closer to 3’s either.

2 looks like a “first visit” page. I’m almost looking for a registration form.

3’s logo looks nice, but it looks like a server selection screen.

4 looks like you tried to make it look like a book, but you had too much paper and didn’t feel like cutting the pages to the same size. :book:

The first one for sure.

My mind is telling me 4 (just because it feels different) BUT MY BODY!!! MY BODY IS TELLING ME 1…

(Yeah it’s one, body hardly misses).

  • 1 for the colors, 3 for how the things seem to be displayed.
  • 3 is too bright and has that huge logo and that news square taking too much space, would be better if this square was centered under the main bar, showing main news, while some other info is shown next to it (facebook at one side and twitter at the other or quick links and events).
  • 2 can work as a pre-site, announcing something important.
  • 4 looks old, but interesting for mobile, displaying the 2nd column as main space, 1st column as a hidden bar that you need to drag to show it and the last 3 columns…er idk what to do with them lol they seem useless at first sight

4 looks like something from an old 90s MMORPG. I’m surprised that design was even submitted. I like #1 the most, but #3 looks great when you think about the new OBT map design.

edit: I think these screenshots don’t do the designs nearly enough justice for there to be any meaningful discussion. Looking at #3 more I notice there’s a section where you scroll down, which seems like it would be a great thing for presenting the game compared to the boring monolithic boxes in #1. Also the colors in #3 match the game better.

Even if many people won’t agree, I vote for 4. Luckily, my eyes can handle the colors lol. Also they seem very friendly, and the structure is very practical and easy to use!

My second choice would be 2, because it feels more relaxing for the eye (even if I don’t get hurt, it seems better and healthier), but also because the design itself looks nice.

So: 4 or 2

I like the darker colors of the others, but the layout of four. Four is the only wide one, which is better designed for modern 16:9/10 screens.

I like #3, it’s cute. I also like how fancy #2 is. :heart_eyes:

1 is really tacky with that weirdly posed mess of boob there,I’m sorry.

2 is almost copy-paste the format every other game uses.I’d like to be more unique than that.

3 is best,perhaps just with an option for a lighter color scheme as pictured,or a darker one.

4 has bad formatting and would be an eyesore to look at down the line.

#1 I would definitely have to choose. The dark colors makes it easier on the eyes and the navigation looks nice.

3 for sure, maybe its just a graphic designers preference, i like it because its clean and minimalistic, the details focus on the panels and the “white space” lets the detail pop more, i also like the muted colors, matches the UI design in game.

the teal rollover on the menu text should be toned down a bit, and the default color should be lightened up to pop against the dark background of the banner, maybe make it the same color as the background.


I go for 2. Just change the color or put some stroke on the Home, Story, Guide etc. option. Im seeing too much yellow/gold on number 2. Also, you can make the background for Home, Story, Guide etc. option transparent or what fits your taste just to lessen the yellowness.

No, no I have not. If its not Youtube, Tapastic, FB, Twitter, Vine, Mangago, and Netflix; then no I have not seen these modern websites. And yes my browser window is maximized because of the sites that I frequent. I’m usually watching or reading something. But if you ‘modern’ folks only look at 1/4 of your screen, then have at it… I could always just maximize it :unamused:

  1. I dont like the idea to go to website where 1st thing I see is a video. It also look too mediocre.

  2. No comment. Dont like it. Colors are good, but design is bad.

  3. Eh, dont know whats going on here, what should be where? Im confused, but it looks ok, nice and clean.

  4. Thats… interesting. Original and it will fit our current 16:9 monitors perfectly. Right side need some work with text color and these vertical stripes doesnt look good. But overall with some work, its best. It also goes well with current game UI.

Idea: Let users customize their own background image and/or color palette as a part of their Profile Settings.

A lot of players are making their choices based on color or theme and not everyone will like a dark background. Also, not everyone will prefer a bright background. I feel it’s probably best that the user can go to their Profile and select from several per-defined background images to display on their own page when logged in. This way everyone can be happy with the theme and it will only be the actual layout that is important.

  1. This is the design I voted for. It’s the most simple and looks very clean. You could easily post announcements and player ranks or whatever on this.

  2. This doesn’t look much like a homepage. It looks like some kind of advert and clicking somewhere would bring you to the actual homepage with important information.

  3. This was REALLY close to number one, it almost tied. This webpage matches the theme I believe ‘IMC Games’ wants their game to have. It lacks places to put announcements though and other things. Preferred the darker colors of one though.

  4. No, please. It looks like some garbage wiki page. Also, looks like the ‘Story’ section of number three. Integrating social media on the first page is a bad idea. ‘Login’ and ‘Join’ also look like they were wrote with a mouse and not a drawing tablet.

1 or 2 is good. 1 has a traditional layout which works just fine. 2 is like a variation of 1 in my opinion, but with less information panels.

Can’t we have the last one with less side bar? isn’t one enough?

4 by far the most useful one. But I would remove the Twitter roll. Forums is fine, maybe add a Twitch roll.