i would love the #1 composition and style, with #2 background and collor palette
First one, just make sure the texts colour is in contrast with the background.
The first one looks really lame to me.
The second one is the most appealing.
The 3rd one is okay too but the 2nd one is better.
The 4th one is probably the most convenient for putting a lot of info on the page but it looks a bit chaotic.
Definitely I vote for the 4th.
i pref in that order 4>2>1>3
4 - i like it vm!!! looks good and very comfortable interface i think
Probably have to be the 3rd one for me. Of course everyone is going to be picking the one that looks like every other MMORPG website though. Yippy for people wanting more of the same.
Greetings, sorry about the late reply
Thanks for your input
Definitely 2. The design is kinda new and refreshing compared to the others.
Nice work there, i like your imput as well.
Would be nice if they involve you in the process. Keep up the good work.