Tree of Savior Forum

Website Re-Design Poll

The first and the third were fine, the fourth I hated because takes too much screen space.
Also, not enough Raccoons.

Most of the ppl don’t rly use the website itself too much. Newbies would want some informations about the game while veterans would just want to access the forums or see the events/updates mainly. So it would be much better to give it a clear look where you can immediately find/see what you want. I think the first one is the best for that.

On the other hand for the looks and colors I like 3 and 4 more… Just 4 is totally messed up… I wouldn’t want to use that. I think if you would mix 3 and 1 I would like that one the most… XD

Considering that alot of contents like News, Latest Forum Post, etc should be on the Index page, I think 1 would be the most appropriate not because it has the best design but because of the structure. Using the other designs would force players to keep clicking through sub-menus which is quite a hassle.

i like 4 without the 3 bars with very small letters which are not readable.
i also like 3 a lot (that background map <3 ) but its too empty, seems a login screen xd (actually u could use it for that if dont pick it for the website)

1’s UI using 2’s logo and background. :wink:

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2 or 3 for black with vibrant colors :sparkles:

1st or 2nd as background

3rd as the interface

2 is by far the most visually appealing – but I suppose 1 may be more practical.
(maybe put a version of the top logo of number 2 on the top of number 1, I prefer a centered design)

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  1. nice logotype “tree of savior” and decor
  2. nice logotype, background and picture with logotype
    but 2,3 hard to use
  3. hard to use and uncomfortable for my eyes
  4. pleasant and familiar but so dark i think

2)неплохой логотип, понравилось оформление кнопок и прочего
3) понравился логотип вместе с картинкой Tree of savior, бэкраунд
но 2 и 3 сложно использовать, поскольку если новости и прочее писать в такие маленькие окошки, то очень много места пропадает впустую, да и сложно вообще что-либо будет так читать, но в целом неплохо
4) просто неудобно, неудобный текст, цвет и прочее, но понравилась идея сделать сайт как книгу

  1. привычный и приятный вид сайта, много чего может поместиться, легко ориентироваться, но он какой-то слишком темный, хотелось бы увидеть как будет смотреться контент
    за счет удобности выбрал 1

1 is just amazing, gratz to whoever did it.

Just so you know, I voted 1.

3 is bad even with your assumption because:

If the menu is at the top of the screen like you assumed and this screenshot is just showing the top then this still poses the problem I stated where you need to reach to the bottom of the screen to access the Home-Story-Guide-etc menu.

The box where the important announcement would be is small and can only fit something the size of a Tweet whereas 1 has multiple sections for all sorts of announcements and news right there on the front page.

I don’t really understand your point about 1 having a giant image taking up space (I assume you’re talking about the background?). 3 also shares that problem except the “important announcement” box has an even narrower width.

Number 2 is the best

or number 1


I was actually referring to the video at the top of the screen for #1.

For #3 (assuming that box is used for important announcements), it only really has to be big enough to show a summary of the announcement. Something so that if you typically go the the homepage first and then click the Forums button (or any other menu button), you will immediately notice that there is a new announcement as you go to click one of the menu buttons.

Design #1 could also show announcements without needing to scroll (and would be my 2nd choice), but I still think #3 does it better.

I think #1 is the most functional.

That said, #2 would be good for first time visitors…

I would go with #1 though, players that are involved in the game should feel at home accessing the website. And 1 you get functionality and it’s still approachable for first time visitors.

Starting with 3, the background is too plain. Use 1 or 2’s background or a new one that’s similar. Next remove the content box above the navigation bar. That bar should always be right next to the title banner, like in 2. Under that navigation bar should be content boxes similar to 1. With that, you should have a great starting point.

It may be only me but I think that the 1st one’s design looks a little bit like ours (

#1 is the only good design.

#2 and #3 are bad due to the size of the logos.

#3 Has a better color scheme than 1.

#4 is a complete chaotic mess that looks like a 13 year old child got ahold of.

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4’s just retro, the whole internet used to look like that. :laughing: Looks like the old guild website I made back in 1990s. I thought I was so cool for using frames.

Honestly though… the last option I think it’s up there cause of chans… I think 2chan uses that format.

Yesss these looks much better than the current site. The current site makes the game look like an indie game of sorts. I voted for 1.

  1. Nice clean design, dark, plenty of space to fill in information.

  2. Way too cramped, no info fro the game, only a youtube video? Not good.

  3. Also good but it removing the open box and have the headline with the tabs to choose from would be better suited at the top.

  4. Its okay… looks very amateur. Too basic.

Props to whoever came up with the re-designs.

I like #2 because of the background; its really nice.

I don’t like how small all of the choices are. Why is there so much empty space on the sides? Will there be huge ads taking the space?

The way #2 looks now (as is) looks like a teaser page that’ll have the little check box ‘Go to Homepage’ or ‘Do not show again today’. Needless to say, the main page definitely needs wider margins. Those boxes are way too small

Also, the logo is too much. The logo for #1 and 3 are fine. :ok_hand: