as much surprised that i made it in the list, i’m kind of surprised how some reactions turn out frum peeps Owo;;;
while i must admit there are entries that deserves to win
why can’t we just keep a healthy environment and be happy towards other participants?
if you enter the contest only to expand ego and not relationships, then you get nothing when you lose, at least when you go for the latter, you still win something even if you lose, and winning is just a bonus
i’m kind of surprised how some people would point out how some winning entries are supposed to be disqualified after, and not during the contest.
it’s like waiting for someone to step on poop before telling them, though in this case the poop is actually molten gold, and these people went on saying “i saw it first, the person who stepped on it wasn’t even looking on where they’re going, they don’t deserve it”
come on guys, if you think those entries didn’t follow the rules, i can’t think of any reason why peeps wouldn’t tell it to the person during the contest, unless they intentionally withheld it for the entry to be disqualified. otherwise, these people aren’t really interested on the event to know these entries exist
looking at the artfest history, i understand it was initially a for-fun event and not an objectively skill-required contest
eitherway, a good competition is one where people show sportsmanship above show of skill
“A warrior is measured not by their kills, but by their heart.” so they say
and i want to believe these contests are based on that, where participants can keep a healthy relationship to each other, and not like a survival of the fittest event like some certain beauty pageants
some peeps would say such ideals are stupid, but isn’t it the same for people who already know about the nature of ToS artfests and still insist what is an ideal competition to them?
i mean, this event isn’t even an artfest in the first place as how i understand it…
of course i salute those who goes the extra mile on their entries
while i say that, i also think it’s even less logical to win dignity/respect when the person participates without it. people can’t look up to you if you keep looking down on others
i do not see myself as an artist but more of a hobbyist, and i find these contests very welcoming for everyone.
i used to fight for the same cause of these artists when i first participated, but upon questioning them, i have learned about the artfest’s history and understood its nature. i just wish the same people would have already realized that instead of inflicting misery upon themselves when there really isn’t one from the start…