Tree of Savior Forum

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Making comparisons to other games is fine, who cares if it isn’t RO.

That being said. I like the trading and potential system presented. It prevents RO-like situations where anyone could have that ‘ghostring armor’ at any time. It also makes bots and gold sellers inconvenienced without adding extra things in the game to fight them.

If you can make it un-economical to bot for items and gold, that solves most of the botting problem. There will still be people who bot to level, but that is minor in the grand scheme of things. People who bot/power-level their characters are usually terrible in end-game so you can weed them out.


Are the token’s effects account wide or are they only for one character? If they’re only for a single character then this is a huge disappointment. I don’t know if I’d be playing for long if that’s the case because I love making alts.

You missed the boat entirely on what people are complaining about. Read again and try again.

Account wide.

So you can buy token with your crafter character on the market and apply it to the whole account.


I say that cause the people who are the most disappointed/complain the most are the people who have played RO.

Just make it B2P already and be done with it. At least that way we won’t have to deal with this token nonsense like Korea. If it’s just going to be the exact same layout, why the hell should we even consider playing the NA version? You can already play the KR version in English anyway.

I really thought you guys were going to do something about this, but it seems I was mistaken. Instead, you’d rather keep it “F2P” while screwing over the free players. You have many people here that have already stated they’d be willing to pay X amount for the game if it came to that. I’d just say put a $30 price tag on it and most will feel comfortable about that price as long as it means they don’t have to jump through hoops to trade and all that.

Instead, this Founder’s Pack or whatever is just going to be a bandaid for the real problem. Once the dust has cleared and they’re left needing more tokens later, they’ll realize how unprofessional this is. In the end, despite making changes to their original plan, it still looks like they’re trying to just make as much money as they can off the playerbase before letting it tank.

It’s not like they don’t know how this was received in the KR version. They can clearly see how many players have left that one and how often it goes down in MMO rankings in Korea. Hell, I remember a multitude of threads on the BBS talking about how the game was doomed, showed pictures of burning trees, badmouthing the company for being so selfish/greedy, suggesting people play other games, etc.

We’re going to have the same kind of backlash here when the ■■■■ hits the fan (it has sort of started already) as new players come to the game when it officially launches and realizes all of the restrictions to such basic features. At least RO didn’t go P2W until years later… This seems to be doing it right from the get-go.

Welp, guess it’s time to stop suggesting this game to friends at this rate. You guys could have had something great here, but I don’t know how you honestly expect to compete with the likes of other MMOs out there right now with such limitations that even archaic MMOs have as standard features (see: trading, storage, etc.). The playerbase itself is already small enough in NA (and you’re only making the playerbase even smaller by keeping quiet about the EU issue, despite this being the “International” version) as it is, so you’d think you would want to try to appeal to your fans instead of alienating them even further with these ridiculous sets of limitations.

You managed to turn a game that could have lasted well over a year into something people will dump a few months into and move on to something else. This is exactly why I see this as a money game. If you guys cared about long term plans, you’d see exactly why your “plan” is a problem. Sure, it helps you in the short term of things because it gives you a bit of money before people realize how ridiculous this is and decides to stop playing and/or tell their friends about your schemes.

I guess at this rate, all I can do now is hope that the JP version somehow rectifies these issues that plague the KR and NA versions.


I didn’t read everything, but they were complaining you cant trade and cant do team storage without having a token and its unfair?

No they are complaining about how the trade system and storage system works, most of the complaints don’t care you have to buy the token to use them.

The game is effectively a B2P game, with a free trial. While this may be ill-received in Korea I think it is a good model overall.

iRO classic moved to this model and the servers aren’t dead yet. That is a decades old game.


How so? in not understanding this logic.

IMC care a lot more than you do. Assuming that IMC will ignore it is what makes your opinion sound so twisted in the first place. Your suggestion is also bad. scrolls for resetting potential is nothing but Pay2Win.

Buy-In Shops were a good idea but i disagree with everything else you said. This is not Ragnarok Online. Imagine you were a kid and you had never played a game before and started playing Tree of Savior. You can not justify your own ideal expectations of what a game should be like from past games you have played. Your own needs do not measure up to the longevity of the game, that’s IMC’s job. They are trying their best to make a fun game.

I’m tired of all these complaints. Think of how many more concerning issues IMC has to deal with. Balancing and Content has way more weight than these preceding issues that keep being repeated over and over again in this thread.

I’m not trying to disagree with your ideas, quite honestly they are just not helping IMC to make the best game possible. These ideas are bad.


What I mean is the tokens unlock the whole game. F2P can still play, and enjoy the game, but will always be a step-behind token users.

The ‘free trial’ just happens to give access to all of the game’s content, which is a pretty sweet deal.

lol balance and content don’t matter if people reject your game and don’t play it due to glaring issues.

Even if you think the ideas are bad. Not saying anything would be wrong too. I’m gonna continue complaining…maybe I have a “nice” idea some day too.

Well if you referring to monthly tokens then wouldn’t it be P2P not B2P because the token doesn’t last forever.

Try meditation :confused:


Out of likes for today…sorry :stuck_out_tongue:
Just gonna continue playing kToS right now…with my awful ping :stuck_out_tongue:

Im gonna support the game no matter what.

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I played the game in ktos. But yes thank you for reading my wall of text. :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

ehhh, semantics. Neither tokens nor subscriptions last forever, just a sub model prohibits access to any portion of the game.

F2P players will still use the cash shop for stuff, so I think this business model makes sense.

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o good well then you should know as well as the rest of the KToS players that the game is not doing well over there, it is a clear indication the game needs changes.

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