Tree of Savior Forum

Updated FAQ on the Latest Announcement

will we have an open beta before the early acess of march 29?
“…we will announce the Early Access and Open Beta dates separately.”

@thebloodyaugust That or Julie doesn’t know anything about TOS

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No. The Open Beta is after the Early Access. It starts on April 28th

idk if you’ve been made aware — or if I am misinterpreting your quote, but silver is untradable — even between 1:1 token users, silver can not be traded — there is no feasible method of giving your alternate characters silver.

Our teams are every man for themselves! :smile: (<-sarcasm)


“no feasible method”

The option you mention is a way, but it is neither convenient nor easy… nor good really. :sob:

I’d much rather they try something similar to your other suggestions. Let my team be a family!
Big momma swordy just wants to be able to help her new born wiz baby when the time comes. :cry:

Actually there is one way, though it’s taxed hard. You can buy very expensive item from the market, transfer it to your alt and then sell at a lower price. This way you’ll lose like 40% of the money but eventually transfer it to your character.

Though I’ve posted a suggestion about enabling limited silver transfer (like 10000 at level 1 + 2000*1.01^lvl per level, up to level 200) but restricting AH trading for lower level(below 200) characters instead, so they won’t be able to sell items higher then their level for example.

It will help you to more easier support your alts but prevent them from recieving excessive amounts of money.

Maybe a good idea would be adding Interaccount silver stash from which every character would be able to get capped amount of money.

So before level 200 money you can recieve from stash should be capped by level (so you won’t be able to recieve more money until you levelup), and past level 200 it will be current max cash + 15000/lvl PER MONTH (~2.5m silver per month for every character lvl 280).

This will help a lot, I assume.


No… you cant buy your own stuff. Sinc eicbt2. Except if the reworked that again.

They made that change at the end.

Call it tempering, I guess. At least we know that IMC is listening and due to them listening, people complain louder and hopefully, better.

Out of “likes” for today…sorry :frowning:

Yeah, I know you probably can’t.

My suggestion involves giving you alts expensive items to sell on AH. This way you can “transfer” money to them.

Or remove the ability to sell expensive items before lvl 200 (restrict selling items with higher level than yourth), and instead grant the ability to transfer money to them.

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That sounds kinda interesting

It’s not unreasonable for them to be a little afraid of how well TOS will do in the long run considering how few MMOs in this style have been able to survive in the current market where full rotating 3D MMOs are the dominant breed. The words of a bunch of potential players are not going to help ease their worries when they’re the ones taking a risk in this venture while players carry none as they could just move to the next available game.

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Thats only true for free players, players who support the game via cash shop will have taken a loss if the game goes down.

Also your long game doesn’t matter if you have no short game.

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It would seem IMC doesn’t want to depend on whales like other MMOs have so this is their way of making sure anyone playing the game makes some monetary contribution. If we are to convince them otherwise, there must be an alternative that would net them the same amount of money as the current setup. They want guarantees of a return, not false promises by players that want to leave.


Players that don’t play due to a awful trade system = 0$ earned for IMC.

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Pretty sure the people who are willing to give them money either way kind of nullifies that argument. It’s likely that IMC came up with this setup after observing how using the current F2P setup on Granado Espada has done for them so they’re taking into account free players’ paying patterns and using that knowledge to squeeze money out of them for TOS.

Not really because the more players they have the more potential they have for earnings, so turning away a large amount of players is a big deal.

I feel that what they’re going to do is test the setup with the western players and tweak things in response to what happens. Whatever we say, it seems they really want to try something different with the F2P model than rely on the same model as everyone else.

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You can have a F2P model with a functioning market/trade system. Also a decent portion of the international audience is making it clear that we want to run our market, we don’t want big brother telling us what we can and cannot trade or how much we can price our items for.

Trying new things is fine, but i have never stuck my hand in a sharks mouth, and i never intend to try that “new thing”.

F2P can still access the market and use it, to an extent.