Tree of Savior Forum

Update regarding the next CBT

Just wanna say, thank you.

YESSSSSS!!! I hope I can join this time

OMG! I can’t wait for the next iCBT2 and I am so hyped to tell all my friends about this game. I was sad that I didn’t get key for the first CBT. Hopefully better luck this time. finger crossed and pray hard

thanks guys yaaaaaaaaa

Yes! Hope I can join this time


Thanks for the update.

go go go!!! i’m love this game already!

The hype is real!!!

Second Chance! D: please, i can’t wait for more information

Finally! i hope i’m one of the 5000!

I am very happy to see the good progress and development of Tree of Savior International. I did not manage to get into the first beta, but here’s hoping i get in the second time around; I’d like to think i can critique the game well enough to further improve its progress in whats to be one of the biggest release in years.

I was an RO addict 13 years ago for a long time! I want a key to review this game and promote it, really have hopes on it.

i hope i can join this time :smiley:

So excited!!! Hopefully they will pass out more keys after the first 5000 also

Will there be any invites sent to the current/new testers for them to send to a few of our friends to try out also?

I need The Key LonelyGirL!

I need Beta Key pls :sa:

Second chance to get a key for the beta, i hope i will be in this time.

oh man, my hearts not ready for this!