I really want a key for this CB. I have been very excited about this game for a while now. Seems very promising.
hehe, I’ll come back again
This is gonna be good!
Hypeee hope I can get into the beta this time
I can’t wait!! I didn’t get to play in the first CBT
yoooo hype! Hope I can get in this time
Hype up for this game once again! Cant wait for it to release!
This game looks absolutely amazing!!! I can’t wait to play this, I really hope I get a key!
But either way, I LOVE this game.
So 10,000 people are gonna do beta this time?
Looking forward to it.
I hope that I’m lucky enough to be selected next time xD
Hello, how can I register for the probability on getting a key for playing the beta for ToS?
Can’t wait for this. I have been stalking the page the last few days hoping to see when keys get sent out.
I am ready!!
PLZ PLZ PLZ give me a key…
sincerely appreciate if can be selected as a tester this time ^^
OH MY GAWD!!! D: I WANNA PLAAAAY!! My Soul needs to be saved! Pleax~
Can’t wait! I really want to try out the game!