Tree of Savior Forum

Update regarding the next CBT

Lol i’m surely u’re a nice person! you’ll deserve a key for sure! jk. it’s about 5k keys >_>
i was in iCBT1 then i’m fine… wish u gl! =]

Genial espero tener una beta key esta vez :smile:

Can’t wait!!! Is there any plans regarding how to monetize the game when it does get released? Will it be subscription-based or follow the trend of going free to play and purchasing in-game currency for cosmetics?

posting in thread to get beta key more likely :^)

what will be the qualifications for getting key? can wait!!!

Best october ever!!!

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Well, this is a good surprise. From here is just the announce date wait game.

Thanks for the update! :smiley:

I need an access, like every one here !!! Fingers crossed ! :smile:

Im waiting this time for so long watching poeple video who had the chance to test Tree of Saivor again and again and still… . I have no clue what class I should play if I ll be by miracle one of the lucky new testers. Developpers disgned the classes in such way that they seems all unique worth to be playing… . I don’t know if there is one but a quizz test to determine what gameplay suit you the most could be very handy considering the huge and new choice TOS offers. … Well I go back see videos I feel so in cya !

Omg, this post made me so happy, i hope i’m able to get a key this time.Uploading…

Yes yes yes Oh! yes
I didn’t get the key last time Hopefully I get this one

How does the CBT work along with the key for testing again?

Excited! Can’t wait to try the game out!

Hope i will be a beta tester. I didnt get a beta key in the 1st CBT :<

October huh…Guess gotta make time just in case…

Awesome! Can’t wait to see this marvel in action!

hype is real pls let me have a beta key :frowning:

Hope I cam paticipate this CBT.