Tree of Savior Forum

With so many ex-RO players, who are older now, won't ToS become a cash cow?

I look forward to play this with my friends like back in the days~ And would be cool to play with people who lives around me if any~ Hope it won’t be pay 2 win >.>

Not talking about pay2win. I think nobody hopes it will be p2w. But the cosmetics in this game will be limitless :open_mouth:


I hope they will be.

And I hope it won’t turn P2W too… May our payers be heard… so Cleric, very Priest, such Monk

Even mommy asker does not need to buy virtual money. You can actually get cash shop currency via adventure journal reward… Maybe its temporary for testing purpose ? Not sure…

If you have enough money to afford a luxury good like a PC that is able to run MMOs, then you have enough money to spend on a subscription, a cash shop or the single purchase of a game.
The difference may just be what purchasing behavior you may have(n’t) been taught.

And Ragnarok used to be a game with pay-to-play model.
If the players back then were able to pay the subscription fee, then I would say they had the money to buy from a cash shop instead as well back then already.

I highly doubt that there is anyone that’s playing games for whom earning money is hard to do. And having money is like having political power to a certain extend, more so even than a vote. You can invest the money into whatever you want and in turn make an impact on what happens in the future.

A little story on this topic:
A family member of mine was and still is highly proud of having achieved independence at a young age and they are proud of every single cent they earn. But the money flows out as it flows in. There are no thoughts there towards insurances, securing the life quality, investments or attention for strategies like the creation of budgets or even simple calculations of earnings of the household vs maintenance costs of the household. The missing controls and checks leave their household vulnerable to unexpected events or occassions, like something in your house suddenly breaking or not working anymore, or a member of the household getting into an accident and needing medical attention. You would call that person irresponsible. But most people tend to behave like that when they haven’t been taught how to handle money properly.

Even among 196 countries, there are only a handful of countries who know how to handle money properly.
In many countries controls aren’t part of the standards, similar to many households. Which easily gives room for their country to get into debts and leading their citizens into poverty that way.
If you take a look at each individual and see them as the authority in charge over their household and all of it’s members. Then most people in the West have a consumer behavior comparable to that of a corrupt statesman in Africa. They pay for what they want but they pay little regard to what they need. And most of all they don’t particularly care where their investments go to, as long as they get what they wanted for their money.

So is there even a need to ask? Yes, a lot of people will - as always - buy more than they need. Many others will not buy anything or little. The F2P model is great in this regard as it is aware of this typical behavior and makes direct use of it.

I think a lot of the people who are interested in this game have (maybe too) high expectations of it. Nostalgia partly has to do with it, but it’s not the main reason ToS looks so interesting to many people imo. And the game will have to fulfill at least some of these expectations if it hopes to live for long.
Personally, depending on a few factors like the activity of the staff, how they handle communication with the community, GvG and updates, I may invest more or less into the game.
It all runs down to what IMC is going to offer in the shop and how they handle the game and the community.


Continuing the discussion from Update regarding the next CBT:

I’m a Beta tester on last CBT, your e-mail will receive a mail with a CBT Key on it and how to activate, if you got some accounts who got 2 or more keys, you can give the key to your friends, but once activated on steam, the key wont work on any other steam account anymore. :smile: Continuing the discussion from With so many ex-RO players, who are older now, won’t ToS become a cash cow?:

Worth the read sire. Thanks

they can ■■■■ me in the wallet for all I care. I’d still enjoy it.


heh, I have both of the music video play at the same time. The whole double beat makes it sound awesome XD

Came to ro when it realsed the euro beta version.
Kid then, 25 now.

And i am earning bucks xD.

Would spent money on cosmetics or convience items. As long as it isn’t pay to win like Archage and co.

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Hmm, what kind of payment model will be used for ToS? Is that known yet?

Currently it is free2play, which would have a cash shop most likely since they need it to keep the servers afloat at least. However, as MMORPGs usually are, they could change their payment method anytime (eg. free2play for the first months and then switches to pay2play) depending on how well they do financially

Well that’s one many players like us who have our own money now haha we wont have to bug our mommy and daddy for prepaid cards hahaha.

well TOS success will be base on how they will handle the game and specially the cash system, as I’ve seen the CEO of IMC is not into P2W games so I have high hopes for TOS. :slight_smile:

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It all depends on how good the game is and the model of income it chooses.

I will not mind spending some in the game, however if it comes close to any sort of P2W I’ll be out before they notice it.

Hopefully, mature gamers know better than to feed a model wich is nocive in the long run, but then what do I know, people can also be incredible ignorant :expressionless:


So true…

games can make big bucks without poay to win… they just need to determine.
What they want.

Milk whales? Who spend 2k to get the best stuff to beat non payers in pvp for pride.
Or get some small changes from many? Possiblie over a long time and given the facto cometics, might just make more money then an 10 bucks subscirption.

An the thing stronger then hope and fear is … lust/ hunger/ and all the other sins.

I was a little kid back then ^^ now i’m 24.

But yes, i guess that if this game dont make this a p2w garbage like Archage, people will buy every cosmetic item on the market.

Well, as I do agree to your statement the know how to handle money isnt the right way to put it.
Workers of the Colonial Benefiteds Countrys will try to justify their economical position, something near meritocracy. Besides that, felling like contributing to the theme!
Is not an option to expend money or dont, its a forced condition. There is no meaning in cash shops other than improve your experience and enjoyability of the game. So, as i do agree too to the reality of the F2P games you picture, in fact the business model (or the limits of our economical system regarding country boundaries and their economical exploits) tend to kill games, the MMO most, because why would you want to privilege some countries, or some pockets, if this all about more players better, in terms of needed design to match a higher population MMO (wich nowdays tend to be sandbox games, or games about everything).
Point League of Legends for example, the meta game and the design will be best each time the population grows, cause more people will be envolved in the game (wich is a colaborative thought process trought computers, wich is maths, wich is from the same tissue as poetry, right?).
So, other than vanity cash shops items in a MMO wich will have to get the LOL aspect to it, so the competition, if you put the money in it you sure had a less population in the rich countrys and proportional less on the other countrys, the 99% (LOL, jk).
And don´t forget that the avarege price of computers are and tend to fall, even something changes, the number of online people going up on poor countrys tend to be higher than the already heavy-internet ones. You have reach the limit population on games, so money could be extracted direct throught it, i guess that saturation isnt there even on those north countrys (the growing of esports for example).

Depending what company want’s to release the game it can be a P2W, I’m just crossing my fingers that it wouldn’t lead to that… But there a various ways to make this game free and not P2W, For example: Costumes,Hair Dye, Mounts, etc… As long as it doesn’t have anything to do with making your character being OP by special stats with those items u buy from the item mall it is fine, but there are people who wants those things implemented and i believe those people will be bored easily once another person has more money to spend and become OP. It is a dying breed that once MMORPG has have in the past, and it called perseverance through leveling and being good at skill combo’s (PVP) now these days alot of people likes to pay to be OP, I remember back then when u have to hunt for certain items or gears or etc, for a month straight before u get it. The feeling of accomplishing such great feat and the feeling of knowing that people will admire you for the great length u have went through to get such a rare item, too long has it been since those days… But hopefully TOS would be that day where we will relive those moments.

Nope, because most ex-RO players here played on pservers because they didn’t want to spend any money. I can’t speak about the others at large, but I don’t know any of my old RO friends who are going to spend money on cash items. The only time we’d pay for ToS is if it was a game like GW2 where you pay once to own the game.