Tree of Savior Forum

[Update] Daily dungeon 2 entrances +1 extra with token

Dailies and dungeon runs are boring in the long run, especially when you’re forced to do them because the exp/drop rewards are too good, but wouldn’t do them otherwise (especially 5 times in a row). So this is actually a good thing. It will favor open world activities more.

Remember that ToS is supposed to be a MMORPG, not a dungeon crawler/lobby game (which kTOS basically turned into).


I can see the wall :open_mouth:

not like I care that much, better than selling op gear and early pay wall access am I right :expressionless:

but, that TP increase price and slower free TP sure will hurt a lot xD

Would you really like to run 5 dungeons a day and hit level cap in about 2 weeks then have nothing to do? That sounds extremely boring.

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But you can pay to enter dungeons a few more times, so it’s all good.

o god i just vomited.


How is that not a good thing? Why would you want 2 classes to absolutely dominate any alternative choices? It would lead to everyone choosing those 2 classes for cookie cutter builds, leaving anyone who doesn’t choose those being significantly weak in comparison.

Strong choice of words here.

Tell that to Plague Doctors.
Tell that to Priests.
Tell that to Cryo+Rune Casters people.

Then talk how ONE skill breaks the game’s balance which is a complete mess anyway.

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I actually like every one of these changes. Maybe not the 1+1 dungeon runs, getting double dungeon runs is… meh, but 1 extra dungeon run is also pretty meh.

I guess slower TP regen I am also not too happy about.

When I read the patch notes, it makes me think that TP cost will remain the same ($9/100TP), but now since the TP amount is lower, the Founder’s packs can be cheaper. (My completely random guess that nobody should quote me on is that it would be now be $30 for 3 months, $20 for 2 months, $10 for 1 month)

The main thing people were complaining about was the time period. So if that is the case it will only prove IMC is not listening.

You are right. I am not saying their change is the right change, I just don’t think the patch notes means that TP prices were increased.

o well that i agree with and the prices you posted are the same i assumed in another topic

It does though. It’s even spelled out for you.

Before, at least one circle in linker was practically essential for all wizards except a few niche builds.

You can’t hate IMC for trying to fix class balance, which you admit is a mess.

So Linker needed it’s 3d nerf only because it has good skills on Rank 1? How is that good?
Next thing they will do is moving him up to Rank 6, for example.

And Skyliner was THE skill, which allowed for Swords to deal a good, constant damage even in the endgame.
Now everyone’s back to Peltasta, etc. Nice balance changes, riiiight.

Hahamen wasn’t a thing for nothing, there’s a reason why most people went highlander and that was specifically for skyliner.

The linker nerfs effect all circles of linker, not just its 3rd. Moving linker to rank 6 is unreasonable, they wouldn’t do that.

Yes, now all that’s left from Sword tree are Hoplite, Cata, Doppel and Dragoon, which only shine on later circles, while going through suffering in earlier and mid-game. Skyliner offered damage, which made Swords usefull all the time. Now it’s all gone. I still call bullshit.

Read again what I posted. It’s not the circle, it’s the nerf. Third time they nerf Linker. Leave this class alone.

New Linker nerfs.

  • Joint Penalty now divides damage across all enemies.
  • Hangman’s Knot can be resisted.
  • Spiritual Chain only passes Wizard buffs.
  • Life Line only transfers the Wizard’s highest stat to the party.

Not really though. It’s just a prank bro.

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Thanks @poboo1 for the update, didn’t check Reddit this afternoon =)

Quick update of the thread done

That is a massive nerf unless it works with aoe again. but even then it would just normalize the damage of all the hits.

reducing dungeon plays is fine
as long as they make the field grind at a reasonable pace