Tree of Savior Forum

Tree of Savior in Brazil

Here we go…
EDIT: [Now with subtitles, because tis still an International forum…]

Nothing in the game industry is free. Regardless of whos in charge, publisher or developer, money need to be made, otherwise they have to shut it down.

I wonder how this partnership could drag ToS development. All Level Up is doing is facilitating the access to CS currency, localisation (which is great for people who cant speak or are still learning a second language), probably with reasonable prices (if not close) in comparison to what well see in the Steam version. And bad support service is still better than no support at all. lol

Tis not mandatory to play with Level Ups client, you can still opt for the Steam version. If language is a barrier, Im pretty sure soon therell be a community effort to make a PT-BR patch for the Steam version. (See the GitHub project)

This is not true. Most of us, people who arent from Brazil, were very vocal and not in favor of region blocks for ToS, with very few exceptions ofc, but nothing is perfect. No matter what country youre from. If you really read these forums, as you claim to have, youd know that.

Psst, tis not 2004 anymore. :open_mouth:

Please, read the thread (again if needed) and try to understand, in reality, whats going on. Im sure youll find the answers for your concerns, hopefully.

Yet, judging the way you wrote that reply (and some of the following ones), you dont seem capable of displaying any level of maturity.

Anyway, my advice is: dont want to play the Level Up version? Stick with Steam, then. Dont try to make your opinion and decision the same for everyone in Brazil. You know theres hundreds or thousands more people who are happy with these news and will play the Level Up translated and supported version, and will not bother with the International one. Tis their choice, not yours.


Well… I have the same question. Maybe on steam you don’t need a login and might choose what server to play (if others companies choose to keep Steam client instead they).

I live in Brazil but i don’t want to play on “our” server. Since LU! didn’t choose to IP block others region, I hope others companies choose to don’t IP block for “us”.

On LUG client you either will log with your account info or IMC will setup a different one so you can register there, that is, using the frontpage LUG might create to promote the game.
Steam have its own API for login purpose, many games use it, some don’t (Redstone Online is one, but you still need to link the game account to Steam account on L&K (developer) website).
ToS use Steam API so your login is your Steam account linked on the account on this website domain.

I am from Brazil, but that is no reason to be blinded by a company reputation, i know LUG’s way of dealing stuff with games, but as IMC stated they are only a channel to promote the game and provide some support, i am only waiting for a confirmation from IMC if the Coins bought from LUG can be used on Steam version also, since discovering the BR server will be isolated from Steam.

But some people are really blinded by rage and end up saying redundant stuff over and over.

Numbers will talk. LUG is a bad company and I’m not the only one that knows it because Level Up has a reputation from over 10 years ago. Many people won’t not even play on their client or buy cash from them. ■■■■ their translation. LUG is a bad company and numbers will talk. They ruined Ragnarok. We spent so much money on Ragnarok and they did what they did after all. I will just keep pretending that LEvel Up isn’t real and play on steam. Level Up is just a big nightmare. Again, numbers will talk. Just wait … Old players know EXACTLY what I am talking about. I don’t care if they can’t change the game. Their client will be bad. Support bad. Translation bad. Worst company ever. All they care is about money. They don’t give a ■■■■ about the players satisfaction… Numbers will talk.

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And I wonder, why don’t you guys make level up client for korean too ? For north americans ?? Our country right now is going bad on everything … Level Up company sucks. There is nothing to talk about it. They are bad and only think about money. We from Brazil call them Mercenários. That is the right word to call them. I am pretty upset that they are doing this to us again.

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As a Brazilian, I’m more concerned about playing with people with this behavior than the fact that the client located for Brazil is in the hands of LUG.


Why would LUG have a client for Korea or North America? They are a Brazilian company in charge of Brazilian localization of the game.

Also, they’re not doing anything to the game, except translating it and making a website for Brazilians. How hard is this for you to understand? What do you think they’re doing to it exactly? Adding pay to win items? Making bad servers to run the game? Just what?

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Do you remember Rop’s from Ragnarok ?? 3rd class ?? Bad servers ?? Worst support ever ?? GM’s making items for friends ?? Worst translation ever ??? I wonder why they don’t need partneers from Korea or North America to translate or publish the game or make their client … Level Up saw their chance again to make a lot of money and took it. It is a bad company. That is my opinion. I have a story with them of over 10 years. Old players know what I am talking about. Just wait and see the numbers talking. We won’t play on Level Up client. This is bull. Only company needed is Steam and our community.

Darling, Ive seen that very same discourse when I was reading through comments across several Portuguese speaking medias. If you really dont care, if youre going to use Steam, no matter if will rain cats or dogs, then LET IT GO! Youre just burning yourself.

I hope you can find peace in this wild heart of yours. Cheers.


If you played old times Ragnarok you problably remember DuskDreamerz. Yeah boy, here we are. Back again. Best clan from the whole history of the game. We take it seriously. Some of our clan spent all their money and time on it and after all Level Up ruined it all. I am a gamer. Not a player that will login once in a while. My whole clan will play it again, but not with Level Up … Not again … I have seen this story before. Just my opinion. Don’t care about your. I am talking for me and for a lot of people that thinks the same way. WE WON’T PLAY LUG’S CLIENT AND WE DON’T EVEN LIKE THE IDEA OF IMC AND THEM BEING PARTNEER. That is it …

LUG are not adding classes, editing the game or making changes to it.
LUG are not hosting the servers.
LUG are not acting as support, only passing messages along to IMC.
LUG aren’t GMs with infinite powers.

The only thing they are doing is translating the game, giving Brazilians a way to pay using local currency and making a website/community for the game in Brazil.

Why do you refuse to listen to anything anyone says?


Brother, I am using my time to help and talk for those who are not or don’t know or where to talk about this. LUG won’t affect me on anyway. But I feel bad for my partneers and for those who will end up playing on their client. You might think that I am wasteing my time doing all this, but for me and many people this is a big thing. If you don’t care it is not my problem. WE DO CARE ABOUT IMC AND LUG BEING PARTNEERS AND WE GOT A LOT OF REASONS CAUSE WE KNOW THE COMPANY VERY WELL FROM MANY YEARS.

I already understod. But me and many people don’t like it.

So don’t play on LUGs server. It’s not a hard thing to understand you know?


Dont bother. Even if we tell him that we do care or how many other people are happy with this decision or tis their choice to play or not, whatever the version, hell not understand.


Actually the GM’s are all from IMC lol.

That is rage for you, blind the narrow minded ones.

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I love how you are the only " true gamer ", and the one who knows LUG for over 10 years and was in “the best clan from the whole history of the game”, while all others with different views do not know LUG, or not played ragnarok from the beginning and just " login once in a while. "

Same here, my post expresses nothing more than my opinion about your behavior here and has nothing to do with your opinion.
And I know them for 10 years too, if it matters, and I also saw great games being screw up by mismanagement. Still, I remain more concerned about playing with people with this kind of behavior, especially considering that we still have the right of choice as to where to play.


Mother of God… I left the forums for a few hours and when I got back this happened. I got targeted for something I don’t even said and the thread is filled with rage post.

It’s probably best just not to reply at this point, this could keep going for ages.

Where is this image from?

It contradict what @staff_Ines said, the image says the server will be kept in Steam, while LUG patch is only there for faster download (host being in Brasil)