Tree of Savior Forum

Tree of Savior in Brazil

Most recent KToS update added files for a new Brazilian related class. It’s a Cleric class called “Macumbeiro”.

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Link that for us please.



I really loved the art:

It’s time for the pomba gira :joy::joy::joy::joy:


About the servers, I should make it clear that there will be a BR server independent from the Steam server, so you’ll be able to choose between one or the other. I apologize if my original post was a bit ambiguous on that.

As for your other questions regarding the servers and the cash system, I’m afraid we’ll have to wait for more updates :worried:

@victor_afffff @Hyousensou @Tomazelli @Nirimetus @Satoru @MattBR @marcelop127 @specter1930 @Sloth


Thanks for the answer, @STAFF_Ines! I’m Sorry to bother you, but can you asnwer these questions (if you have the information)?

  1. Steam server = International one?
  2. Will LUG sell cash for Steam server too?
  3. Only LUG’s server will be translated to portuguese?

I dont mean to sound rude, but if you bothered reading the thread, which is not very long, youd have your questions answered by now.


I’ll read again. Thanks for the advice! I just wanted an official confirmation from staff.

I totally missed your post, these images answers like 90% of the questions

They could be attached to the main post, along with an english translation to anyone who wants to read it!


First off, thank you to come answer some of our questions.

Ah sorry Ines, i don’t know if i go your answer right but lets see.
The server is independent yes i know, but that mean it will be isolated from the Steam client? AKA It won’t be included on the server list or not included at all (which i think it is not the right answer) or there will be 2 different servers for LA players one for each client (which i would guess it is the wrong answer also)?

They may put up something soon regarding this tho, they are still defining some details it seem by @STAFF_Ines answer.

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I never comment on these forums, but man, that is the greatest analogy ever for LUG. I hate them as well, I remember when Ragnarok was so popular, there were thousands and thousands of players on at any given time. Ragnarok in Brazil (bRO) seems more like a wasteland full of bots. You can almost count on your fingers and toes the number of players still playing the game. They killed the magic and atmosphere of Ragnarok. I hope IMC knows who they are dealing with, and never, ever, give LUG! any kind of power on the servers.

I am trusting IMC on this one, because of their history, specially Hakkyu’s. If this game doesn’t get monetized the way Ragnarok did, you can be sure ToS will last decades. Come on, Ragnarok endured so long because of its artwork, balance and love of creators, I cant expect less of ToS.

If the game is administrated the right way, I will gladly open my wallet and give IMC my money.

Basically what I want to understand, but I think is too early for us.

Doing a quick reading in this post I didn’t notice something. So better ask, but first:

Welcome @STAFF_Ines!!! :sparkles: I hope you can enjoy your stay at IMC and continue doing this amazing work to answer and voice the community concerns.

My question is: When IMC release Tree of Savior we can choose the language in a possible menu inside the steam client? Or it will be restricted to the server we choose to play?

Sorry if this was answered and I didn’t notice. :sweat:

This is not switched by server, the portuguese client will be provided by Level Up Games (aka LUG) in a stand alone client (no steam client), the steam client will come only with english translation (for now i would guess).

Oh that’s really sad to read. I hope we can choose the language we want in the future.

I think you didn’t got what i meant but i will try to explain to you again, there will be 2 game clients, one is provided by Steam, which is the International version and is, for now, only in english.
The other client is provided by Level UP Games, which i take you know it have a branch here on Brazil, and it will provide a stand alone game client (it is unrelated to Steam) that is in portuguese, they also will provide selling of game coins (Cash Shop money) and support for portuguese speaking users.
Now, about the servers, i am waiting for a solid answer from IMC staff, in this case @STAFF_Ines to clear a doubt i have about it, either both clients have the same BR/LA server on its list, which i think it is the right approach, or there are 2 different servers for each client, which i highly doubt since imo and in a business point of view is not worth.

@MattBR @Nirimetus To be clear, there will be two different, separate servers: one BR server (BR client) and one Steam server (Steam client).

Sorry guys, all other questions will have to wait until we can provide more definite information…


So to make things very clear right now, the Steam Client won’t have the BR server on the login screen list? Thats the difference? If i want to play on the BR server i will have to download the LUG client?

That is correct, yes.