Tree of Savior Forum

Tree of Savior CBT 2 Survey

Hiya all,

if the answer options to the survey questions seem insufficient please leave a comment on this thread with the question numbers and your preferred answer.


6 How would you rate the overall combat difficulty?

A - At first, it was quite fun and easy but most of my archer’s skills became useless later on.

Thanks for your participation!



16- Have you used a Monster Gem that can be inserted on an item’s sockets? How were the Monster Gems?

E- I did not attach any Monster Gem, because I didn’t have the skills the gem levels up.

25- Do you think the current gameplay is too simple?

A- I think it’s simple and I like it that way

26- What did you like the most about Tree of Savior?

ABCDEFG… it should be multiple choices.


You got it right, why do you even need a survey? :joy:


Also please consider replacing psychokino male psychic pressure sound effect, it’s too lewd.

I had a hunter character, and most of companion questions dont make any sense aside from one with poor AI answer option (and then you offer “Good Ai” answer in another). And our companion system was too simplified/butchered from Korean version that they were useless for everything but using on alt characters…

Now this one is a troll question.

this one lacks “I dont like games emphasizing on normal attacks, they make game bland.”

Monster Gem question is plainly wrong, because for some classes they are meh at most while for others 1 lvl in skill can make great difference.

About normal gems it again depends on class you were playing: melees and archers got plenty of options for their gems (mainly atk/crit atk/crit rate) while casters have no other option than socketing blue gem into weapon and everything else is useless.

Good (except bugs) but market system lack some filters
(wrote a suggestion here : Market Place (Auction House) suggestions)

It’s really nice to play with gamepad but targetting system could be improved
(wrote a suggestion here : Gamepad Targetting Feedback and Suggestions)

[quote] 16.Have you used a Monster Gem that can be inserted on an item’s sockets? How were the Monster Gems?
Felt only some were usefull (joint penalty gem), else it was better using those to upgrade normal gems.

Didn’t do much for me, but I think we could definitelly need some kind of matchmaking for dungeons… (it was mostly done manually in “Shout” chat or in front of dungeon)

IMO boss could do with some more “world of warcraft” style, phases, big deadly attacks but telegraphed, etc. (more time to react, more punition if not doing what you should)

Sorry for the long post, kinda wrote my feedback in it too.
Thanks a lot for CBT2 IMC, can’t wait for OBT!

A lot of items had insignificant stat bonuses.

  1. Have you experienced lags that disturbed your game play?

Within the first couple of weeks, it was pretty bad. But it improved over time, and by the last few weeks, the lag was virtually nonexistent.

1-2) If you experienced lags, which type of internet connection do you use?

I think it’s ADSL, but I’m not 100% certain. There should be an “I don’t know” option here.

  1. Were the damages, various debuffs and etc properly displayed during combats?

They did not always display correctly, but this did not dramatically affect my ability to play the game.

The most common issue I had with this one was that every now and then, my Blessing buff would not display in the upper-left corner, even though the buff was clearly active as demonstrated by the “Blessing +150” text showing up on my targets as I attacked them. Whenever this would happen, it would continue to fail to appear, even after refreshing the buff, up until I would leave the zone or change channels.

  1. Do you feel that the tutorials and UI’s provide enough explanations on the game?

I was forced to choose the “There were not enough explanations” option, but it’s not so much that there weren’t enough explanations as it was that the ones that were there weren’t always sufficient. For example, I did not understand the tutorial on using gems, and because of this, when I first attempted to put gems into my gear, I accidentally ended up feeding half of my gear to a gem, destroying my chest, pants, and gloves in the process. Kind of funny in hindsight, actually. lol.

  1. What do you think about our decision to hide the sub-quests?

What’s a sub-quest? I’m assuming that this is what I’ve been calling “secret quests,” but I don’t know for sure.

11-1) If you ever felt mouse mode was uncomfortable, when did you especially feel this way?

There were many NPCs and various interactables which could not be utilized via mouse mode, forcing me to switch into keyboard mode to use them, and then switch back into mouse mode afterwards.

  1. How would you rate the Market System?

My only complaint about the market is that I would like to see some kind of filtering option. Perhaps a button off to the right side on each entry that will remove all instances of that particular item from the search results. This isn’t essential, of course, but it would be nice.

  1. Did the Party Matching System help you in your party plays?

It was more of an annoyance than anything else, really. Popping up randomly every now and then to lower my already abysmal fps at the worst times. lol.

  1. Did you have fun playing Card Battles?

Flipping a coin arbitrarily is not my idea of fun. lol.

22-1) If you did not use Companions in the game, what are the reasons?

The only thing they ever did was get in the way of trying to click on mobs or move.

  1. What did you find most uncomfortable about Companions?

The fact that they just kept getting in the way.

  1. What did you like the most about Tree of Savior?

This question should let us choose more than one answer. I would have chosen pretty much every available answer for it. lol.

  1. Which contents or features were detrimental to the overall quality of the game?

Lack of ability to customize the controls beyond predefined setups. Megaphones being too easily attainable, resulting in a vitriolic shout chat more often than not, although I don’t have any bright ideas about what to do in regards to that. And the chat filter…

  1. What was the biggest problem in the second CBT?

The horrible, horrible, horrible chat filter. Not being able to use words like class, glass, grass, button, title, accumulate, or circumstance is extremely problematic. Also, words like damn, ass, or butt are not really “bad” words anymore these days, and ought to be able to be spoken freely. That being said, I think the entire filter should either be done away with entirely or have an option provided to turn it off. Chat filters exist for the sake of children, but this game is rated T (at least I’m pretty sure it’s rated T), and so children should not be on this game to begin with. There’s no sense in protecting the children who aren’t here, and it’s patronizing to be treated like children.

I regret that I completely forgot to mention the chat filter in the report box at the bottom of the survey, so here it is in this thread instead.

I would also just like to add (and I forgot to mention this in the report box at the bottom of the survey as well) that there was nothing in the game that provided any tension or any “oh, sht! Oh, sht! Oh, sh*t!” moments even once throughout the entire game. I’m talking about the kind of tension that would be caused by an MVP mob being right around the corner in RO, for example. I never once felt like I might be in any actual danger or that there were any actual threats to be found. It was time consuming because I was full support, but it was a cakewalk. Even the bosses were kind of a joke in that respect. The bosses were a little intimidating at first, but after it quickly became apparent that they were nothing to be feared, they lost any and all tension which they might have otherwise provided.


2: How did the lags affect your game play?
A: Not being able to tell if you picked up items, or if you were able to talk to an NPC due to server stress was the most frustrating.

4: Did you use Real Time Translation to modify the texts in the game?
A: I tried to, but it seems that the key combination to activate it wasn’t working.

5: What do think about the current version of Tree of Savior which emphasizes on normal attacks?
A: I’m not too sure how to answer this question. When I played the Wizard tree I only used auto attacks when my skills were on cooldown, when I played the Swordsman tree I never used auto attacks. The balance for auto attacks vs skills on Wizard seem to be correct, you use them to give you additional DPS while you skills are on cooldown, whereas on Swordsman, for the most part, you never need to use auto attacks.

6: How would you rate the overall combat difficulty?
A: A lot of areas didn’t feel very challenging. In the various dungeons there was always action and it always felt like you were on the verge of being killed by a pack of dangerous monsters (assuming the single channel wasn’t full) but in fields it was as if nothing was going on. Luckily this is going to be fixed in the OBT where ★★★ field areas have aggressive mobs.

At the same time a lot of the classes need work. Pyromancer C1 is very balanced, but Psychokino C1 and Elementalist C1 are very unbalanced. Pretty much all of the offensive Swordsman tree needs to be looked at and adjusted. I didn’t play Archer but heard they weren’t too balanced. Going back and looking at the balance of each class in their specific level range needs to be done.

11: What do you think about mouse controls?
A: It’s really awkward to talk to NPCs with mouse controls, and some wouldn’t even talk to you at all. Other than that they were great.

12: How would you rate the Market System?
A: “There are too many results so we can’t show you the item(s) that you’re searching for” or something like that was an error I ran into a lot. Giving an option to search exact terms vs containing terms would be nice. It always took forever to search through all the various Spontoon items. Also making another button to scroll through each individual page or to scroll to the next set of pages would be nice. A lot of times I’d use the arrows to just go through the pages when there were a short list of pages, but when that list of pages hit 46+ the arrow then skipped to that 46th page instead of going to the next page. Having a button for single page scrolling and for mass page scrolling would benefit the market greatly. Other than those it was pleasant to use.

15: Have you enhanced a Gem that can be inserted on an item’s sockets? How were the enhanced Gems?
A: Because of the way the damage formulas work this doesn’t really seem viable in the endgame. Either Gems need to give more per level up, or they need to give stats based on the level of equipment they are attached to.

16: Have you used a Monster Gem that can be inserted on an item’s sockets? How were the Monster Gems?
A: I received a few Monster Gems, but none that were useful for the class tree that I had selected. I kinda wish these were tradeable because of that.

26: What did you like the most about Tree of Savior?
A: The music is amazing, the graphics are really well done, I love the concept of the class system, the quests were interesting in most cases, the combat is a little dry for some trees. Overall I really love the game and can’t choose just one.

I also pretty much agree with most of what Tor_Heyerdal said.

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11. What do you think about mouse controls?

i feel like this needs a full detailed response so here goes.

  • pathing
    you often find yourself unable to manuever or move into corners and tight areas, the character will almost avoid the wall and not hug it when you click out of bounds from the terrain, characters should move to the edge to hug the wall when you extend your clicking range, you guys should refer to arpg games like diablo, poe or even LoL for pathing with mouse + keyboard controls

  • remove homogenisation for left click
    what i mean by this is that the left click is used for everything, interacting with npcs, moving, auto attacks and other things, add key bindings which let us split between each function and dont jam it into one button, this causes endless frustration mostly with things like pets, npc’s and click able objects getting in the way of movement commands, the left click should be assigned to attack and move, and you should be able to disable the attack function to just make it a move function.
    the interact button should be left for the player to decide, via custom hotkey.

  • hold functionality
    also known as Shift Click, you should be able to attack the ground, by holding shift and clicking or pressing the auto attack button, this makes playing with ranged characters much easier as you dont have to manualy aim when fighting large packs of monsters, melee characters also benefit by being able to control when to stop after a movement comand, and being able to aim their attacks with more precision when fighting monsters with big hitboxes

  • move to target
    this sounds kinda vague but let me explain, auto attacks will move you towards a target and make you attack, but after you attack your character no longer pursues its target if it runs away, make the targeting locked on until you override it with another command

  • option to individualise auto attacks
    this is more like an icing on top suggestion, but anyway, auto attacking currently make you lock on and continuously auto attack the target after only clicking once, tbh its not that big of a deal but it ends up becoming annoying if your lagging, since your character will not stop atuo attacking a monster, give us an option to make one click only attack once, so we need to keep clicking on the target to keep hitting it.

most of these features are already pre existing in the diablo style arpg games, so i dont see why you guys could use them as a better foundation for the mouse + keyboard controls, don’t get me wrong though, the mouse controls are pretty solid, especially for archers, but it needs more polish to really make it something worth using and learning as an alternate to full keyboard or joystick

make the mouse + keyboard controls more like diablo style games, its out there and its working, so use it to make ToS mouse controls better

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1 Have you experienced lags that disturbed your game play?

A few variations:
Game stuck in loading screen.
Items/NPC have delayed reaction to me interacting with them (like trying to pick up an item on the ground and it doesn’t happen until 30s later)
Get attacked by things not near me due to lag.

5 What do think about the current version of Tree of Savior which emphasizes on normal attacks?
Didn’t feel like it emphasizes normal attacks that much, but admittedly my class choices made me not rely on them.
Highlander c3 I had 7 AoE attacks to use (2 charges of cartar/cross cut/sky liner and moulinet) and just gathering 3-4 mobs to AoE them in rotation is usually enough to let me never auto-attack.
Pyro 2-Sorc-Necro - As Pyro my auto-atack is again only for gathering monster into flame ground, once I hit Sorc/Necro I have things to kill other things for me.
Archer3-Scout - This one is me going “I wonder how strong I can twink something”, +100% enhanced Oblique with +15 Seeker (and +50% enhance on everything else) so it’s not exactly a good example…Flare Shot is really lacking though :< Also why does Cloaking cancels on jumping? It makes trying to sneak around certain area really annoying (like the ramp up in lv 90 dungeon, since there’s a part you must jump over)

6 How would you rate the overall combat difficulty?
Monsters are usually on the too easy side, then there’s those with high HP and damage AND range magic attack to really make everyone hate them. Would be nice to see some fat enemies with weak damage (waste more or your time) or super squishy enemy that if you leave alone will destroy you.

7 Were the damages, various debuffs and etc properly displayed during combats?
The debuff text is a bit hard to see, but certain visual/sound are good tells of what’s hit you (like burning’s effect)

12 How would you rate the Market System?
On the positive side, but could use more precise searching (certain item like Mace are impossible to search due to having such common name, even if you limited the search to just within its level range)

14 How was the Item Crafting system?
Overall happy, but a way to disable the reminder of what an item is used for would be nice, after the 100th time the Wizard Blade recipe shows up is get annoying.

16 Have you used a Monster Gem that can be inserted on an item’s sockets? How were the Monster Gems?
Between the rare drop rate + class limitation + only +1 to the skill at most, a part of me wish it’d just be a collection instead (gather all of a class’s gem and you get +1 to all skill of that class, the collection is given at class change so you know what to hunt)

20 Were you satisfied when upgrading your equipment? (including enhancements)
1-10 it’s good, 11+ seem to be basically luxury since the risk vs gain is not very good

24 What did you find most uncomfortable about Companions?
That there’s only combat companions, no vanity/mount-only ones.
And the ones in iCBT were…well…ugly

25 Do you think the current gameplay is too simple?
It’s simple, but that’s just fine.

they need to increase the duration of blessing:smiley:

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10: What do you think about character’s movement and attack speeds?

Did you play swordman, a mounted class, chronomancer 2 or bokor 2~3 ? They were satisfactory.
Did you play anything beside what was mentionned above ? Overall speed was slow and uncomfortable.
Did you play both ? I am not sure.

26: What did you like the most about Tree of Savior ?

BGM #1

Because others great aspects of the game are ruined by bad designs.

If classes were more balanced I would have choosen class diversity #1.
If combat was more dynamic I would have choosen it even over class diversity.

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> " 28) What was the biggest problem in the second CBT?
> The horrible, horrible, horrible chat filter. Not being able to use words like class, glass, grass, button, title, accumulate, or circumstance is extremely problematic. Also, words like damn, ass, or butt are not really “bad” words anymore these days, and ought to be able to be spoken freely. That being said, I think the entire filter should either be done away with entirely or have an option provided to turn it off. Chat filters exist for the sake of children, but this game is rated T (at least I’m pretty sure it’s rated T), and so children should not be on this game to begin with. There’s no sense in protecting the children who aren’t here, and it’s patronizing to be treated like children.

> I regret that I completely forgot to mention the chat filter in the report box at the bottom of the survey, so here it is in this thread instead.

> I would also just like to add (and I forgot to mention this in the report box at the bottom of the survey as well) that there was nothing in the game that provided any tension or any “oh, sht! Oh, sht! Oh, sh*t!” moments even once throughout the entire game. I’m talking about the kind of tension that would be caused by an MVP mob being right around the corner in RO, for example. I never once felt like I might be in any actual danger or that there were any actual threats to be found. It was time consuming because I was full support, but it was a cakewalk. Even the bosses were kind of a joke in that respect. The bosses were a little intimidating at first, but after it quickly became apparent that they were nothing to be feared, they lost any and all tension which they might have otherwise provided. "

100% TRUE. the best comment ever.


Didn’t find anything like 1Gbps optical fibre connection in the list, so had to answer Other. In any case these lags clearly wasn’t caused by type of internet connection people used, more like general stability of server, amount of players during peak hours, and physical distance to server.

Been waiting for this… time to unleash my… :smirk:

  1. What was the biggest problem in the second CBT?
    [ ]Broken IPF
    [ ] Bullet Hell Boss Crash
    [ ] Market
    [ ] Friends List
    [ ] Party
    [ ] Exploits
    [ ]Others

There should be an option to choose more than one


Sent it in although as others have said, plenty of these questions did not provide sufficient answers. Wrote tons in the comment box as well. Additions to questions below:

  1. Damages, debuffs displayed properly?
    -Damage could be hard to see at times as far as which numbers belong to who as they all blend in. Also many debuffs were unclear. Confusion, fear, chaos. Many were on enemies for only a few seconds and hard to understand their benefit.

  2. Mouse Controls
    -Mouse was nice for ranged characters although it presented a problem when playing with others. Pets would also interfere with targeting as you would want to talk to them instead of attacking.

If there’s anything else I’ll add to it later.

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Because the point of survey is to have a overall looks of total stats, and be able to compile it into readable report for meeting. Google’s one has everything that helps and shorten a large amount of time spending to make one of their own.

It’s your choice if you don’t want to contribute. I love the game and want them to make the game better so spending 5 minutes making a google account is no problem for me.


6.combat for some classes are messed up.
10.make attackspeed vary from weapon to another
12.needs to be able to filter more like recipe > weapon/armor not just recipe
18 both can be fun and sometimes both can be not fun
23.what does petting them do? that want tree of savior to be what they expected of RO2
28.all of the above

Aspects of the game that I like:

  1. The drop rates of normal equipments and recipes for the most part seems high enough to be psychologically rewarding.
  2. The music is soothing. I especially love Fedimian’s music <3
  3. Having so many classes to choose from is interesting and fun.
  4. Crafting was fun.

Things I would like to see improved:

  1. Mouse mode controls:

a) Some NPCs and objects do not respond to mouse clicks. I need to switch back to keyboard mode to initiate a conversation.
b) The controls are sometimes whacky and inconsistent. Initially I had problems clicking the mob to attack it. Instead, I moved my char towards the monster. Sometimes when I auto-attack and quickly press Jump, then press an empty space to move, my char doesn’t move but instead continues to attack the monster.
c) Quick slots for mouse mode is more limited and harder to use. How do you press CTRL/SHIFT/ALT+Number quickly and alternate to a different button? I prefer to use the QWERTY keys for quick slots. This would mean moving the directional keys away from WASD, but that’s not hard to do.
d) Some areas had over-arching structures where you simply cannot click the other side to move through. Example would be Mausoleum 1F, after the goddess statue. I need to use the directional keys to go through these parts. Tbh, a good mouse control system would eliminate the need for directional keys.

TWO. Class Balance/Cooldown adjustments

This applies to the question about normal attacks being the emphasis of this game. I believe the cooldown times of some skills really need work to lessen the need to auto-attack, and to make the game less tedious. I think Swords, Archers and Clerics are fine with this emphasis, but it’s a huge issue for a Wizard player like me.

Wizzies have really low attack speed, and this can make the game tedious in some parts, especially if you solo as a Wizard. Pyromancers are still fine in terms of auto-attack/cooldown balance, BUT Cryomancers really need to either have their skills’ cooldowns reduced (and their damage improved slightly), OR have a corresponding Enchant skill (Enchant Frost perhaps) implemented to increase their damage output.

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