Tree of Savior Forum

Gamepad Targetting Feedback and Suggestions

Here’s my feedback and suggestion on gamepad targetting system.
I feel like it could be easily improved for a better experience.
First of all I mainly played an archer so this feedback will be more oriented with this class vision.

Here’s various problems (imo):

Targetting behind (monsters in the back while kitting)

In Lock Mode, it’s impossible to target behind you. When I’m kitting mobs (running away from them), and I would like to acquire a target that is behind me, it’s impossible to do so.

You have to face the other way to be able to target it. It could be far more smooth to play if I could target something in the direction I wanted.

Losing locked target

In Lock Mode, there are “lot” of losses of locked target problem. I think every neutrals (sorcerer summons, quest summons, tree root crystal, npcs, even my own stakes stockades) get in the way of locked targetting.

When you lock a monster/boss you don’t want to lose it every second because of the random neutrals around.

Order of targets

In Lock Mode, when you want to get the next target, it’s totally random (or seems so) making it impossible to predict and really hard to get the target you want in a big group of monsters. (like impossible)

Reacquiring a new target

In Lock Mode, after killing the locked target, the next new target is sometimes really dumb. I mean you just killed a monster, the next new target should obviously be the next closest monster (like when you’re not in locked mode).

Except sometimes it just target an out of range monster, or prioritise a tree root crystal. Although you have a monster at melee range punching you. And due to the previous problem (order of targets), it’s impossible to target the monster killing you… (except by switching modes)

Targetting range (Minor)

I feel like the targetting range is a bit too short, often I have to get closer than what I would like as an archer to acquire a target, and have to move back afterwards to start with my max hitting range.

Here’s my suggestion to improve the locked target system :

  • I feel like it could be far better if you could chose your target depending on the direction you push the right analogic stick regardless of the direction your character is facing.

  • It should start to target the first closest target in the direction you push the stick (split in 4 directions, up down left right)

  • If you press the same direction successively it would acquire the next closest target in this direction.

  • Waiting a small time would reset it and start to the closest target again.

  • Fix the neutrals loss of target problem (neutrals should not get in the way of a locked target)

In my opinion it would vastly improve the quality of life of gamepad targetting. (since you would just have to push your right stick a certain number of times, and you could more or less predict it just by seeing how many monsters there is)


Small bump since this didn’t get much love :heart:

Am i the only one that feel targetting system could be improved?

oh I was going to post about “targeting” and glad some others have problems with the targeting system. For some reason I have trouble targeting some monsters. It’s really frustration when you want to hit monster x but you are targeting monster y and a bit later monster x moves out of range and you are trying to target x but keep target the wrong monster. I had this problem when there are a mass amount of monsters, trying to target the boss monster but end up targeting their minions.

I really don’t know how you could play a range character. I personally raged quit because I could target the right monster.

Oh yes the targeting system… oh the many many times my skills would get wasted on a tree root because the targeting system decided I need to attack the tree root instead of the monsters right next to me or even right in front of me.

I also had many times where I would lock onto a boss monster and then have it lost and unable to get it back until I unlock the targeting and lock it back up once the boss is targeted.

I would vastly prefer an additional option called ‘manual-lock targeting’ where the target would lock onto a monster that I attacked… or something to make targeting better.

Another funny bit I noticed is that as a spell caster… if I am not locked onto a target the spell would not hit anything… even if visual cues would say “Yes, that spell collided with this monster” it would go right through them as if nothing happened… but the game would say the skill is used and put it on cooldown!

Meanwhile if you are targeting a monster and you are too far out… the spell would not trigger and the game will say “Target is out of range”… and does not put the skill on cooldown.