Tree of Savior Forum


That’s your opinion I won’t force you. But apparently they didn’t sticky that post on the front page so most people didn’t see it. And yeah I pretty much play games that have free trade but I’m a heavy spender also that just want everyone to be on equal ground, free or pay players. It’s just that I want the ability to be able to trade to friends who wants to try the game but may not fully commit to it yet without buying the token. In turn he/she might like it and then buy the token. I wouldn’t mind 5 trades so long it’s something.

I just hope when we see how they do it later, people wont complain more.
if player do complains, Its like …things they give will never be enough for players…and that’s what I don’t like to see.
we’ll see …we’ll see…

That pretty much sums up all game community, they can’t have enough. I dont expect much but Trade issue and AH 48hrs was the only 2 main issue I had. I’m competent now since they said they’re lowering AH to 24hrs and making trade of items to everyone possible. At least they’re listening. I’m not trying to bash TOS, it has great potential but some issues is retarded in a sense lol. But time will tell.

i know how it feels…
for me it’s ok even for non-token users cant trade. what i want is AT LEAST imc should make the team storage MORE access-able to non-token users … let’s say 1 row item slots for item transfer to our alts and no decrease of item potential :slight_frown:


no wonder every time im using my priest…i only get less loots. sometimes… NO LOOT AT ALL. dunno why


offtopic as well
They need to improve the loot system as well I guess…I wonder will it work if they do bidding system like blade and soul …or NEED/PASS loot like ffxiv

Idk but there was a post before game was launch saying drop rate was lowered. And also if youre in a party the loot system usually favor the dps player so support wont get much loot. But I find it redundant that some lvl 40 items to craft / aquire I need to be farming mobs at lvl 70-80. Why would I do that when I can just get a few more lvl for the next tier. Making lower lvl items worthless to grind for.

The trading system in TOS is the worst ever i have ever seen in any rpg. We paid what you asked for and yet the game especially the market is full of restrictions. Instead of doing this, why don’t you focus on stopping the bot spammers in normal and world chat.


you can be happy now

I think you got my message wrong, I was agreeing with you! :slight_smile:

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you like really man you need to shuut the fuuk up, i swear man. no one likes you and you should care cuz you might die alone


Wow… Don’t speak for other people! Cool down. Ignore him if he annoys u.


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I care because there are unhealthy ppl on this community, for example: like YOU.

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do not reply to prince mark, you’ve just taken the bait.


Well i like to watch how this little brat puts himself in ridiculous. He’s mind is twisted, his mom threw him from the stairs when he was a baby… that could explain A LOT. lol!

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I see. Sorry if i didnt see your comment earlier tho.

“something i deserve” hahah thats the most hilarious thing i have read EVER. Man you should go into comedy.

and please stay on dark souls don’t come back people like you sicken me. and by people like you i mean people who don’t want to do anything to help the game just want to ruin it with negativity. you could have put all this energy into posting about things that could help the server but nope lets act like the spoilt child i am.

the restrictions in place will only bother you or anyone if you are a complete tool which you have proved just by having this little temper tantrum.