Tree of Savior Forum


IMC!!! Do you not see what you are doing?? No trading at all for f2p players. Restricted trading for p2p players. TWO DAYS TIMER for market?? ONLY ONE SLOT FOR F2P AND 5 FOR P2P???!??!

Okay I get it. I’ve read your statement on the trading system and understand that all these absurd restrictions are implemented to stop gold sellers. Good job IMC. You’ve made it much more annoying for gold sellers to do their thing. You know what else you’ve done? You’ve lost hundreds, maybe thousands of players and supporters. Honestly, I want this game to do well so much. I had so many friends join me at launch day. All but one of them has given up due to these restrictions.

Don’t you see? You are treating everyone that plays your game like a criminal. You are making EVERYONE suffer with this sht. And all this just to slow the gold sellers down. The gold sellers haven’t stop. They will NEVER stop. The only ones stopping are your players that are tired of this sht. You guys are digging a very deep hole for yourselves. All these restrictions are ridiculous. Look at your steam reviews. Nobody is happy about it.

EDIT: Wow some people responding amaze me to no end. “f2p players whining all day stop making the same thread over and over” NOBODY IS F2P RIGHT NOW! WE ALL PAYED FOR EARLY ACCESS. And just to clear sht up. YES I HAVE TOKENS. THE RESTRICTIONS ARE STILL SHT EVEN TO PREMIUM USERS. I am allowed to bi*ch and whine and so is every other person playing this game. You think this is some sort of dictatorship where nobody can voice their own opinion? Jesus Christ.

You people don’t understand that this sht should be unacceptable. Instead you’re worshipping IMC like they are gods for not allowing ANYONE to do ANYTHING because of fear that we might be a criminal. Go to steam right now and look at the reviews. Nearly every freaken helpful review is negative. Would you honestly want to join a game after seeing all those negative reviews?? Do you seriously think that this game will survive when no new players are coming in due to its terrible rating? What the fck is an mmo with no population and no new players joining? Once the game stops growing, it stops profiting. IMC won’t have enough incentive to continue the project and Tree of Savior WILL die. And the rest of you kids that lick their shoes will end up with nothing.


Feel ya there bro, i complain about it in a tons of posts, but there is no IMC answer about this topic, and for the other side, there is a tons of kids playing to White Knights of IMC defending this nonsenses.


Why are you blaming IMC? Blame the gold buyers. (Sellers are only there because there’s demand)
Steam Reviews? More people don’t review games if they’re happy with the game. Negative reviews are always inflated.

I am really happy with the no trading restrictions, not sure why people wants ToS to be a copy of every other game out there, but to each their own.

Always better to lose hundreds of players that ruin the game while keeping the few who enjoys it. Not defending IMC, but that’s just how the world works.

I understand that trading is nice to help friends out - but class synergy is one thing that put this game above the rest that I enjoy the partying more than stocking up on valuable items.

If I want a game that allow trading but sucks much more, I’d stop playing ToS in a heartbeat.


Look, there are gold buyers in every game. Using that as an excuse to limit PAYING customers to such little trading is insane. IMC treating the rest of the rule abiding population like gold buyers is not fair. You think that having these trade restrictions makes TOS special and unique? Not having normal interactions in a social MMORPG (which this game advertises as) is primitive and not beneficial to anyone.

EDIT: Since you added onto your post, class synergy? Try playing a support character. I play with friends and our support gets little to no loot because of the party/mob loot mechanics. Class synergy would be everyone contributes something and gets a little something in return of the game. It’s lame to be on edge on what we are allowed to give him since, as DPS, we take the majority of the loot. Those are some of the people that this lame trading system is hurting.


[quote=“wolfblaine, post:4, topic:181539, full:true”]
EDIT: Since you added onto your post, class synergy? Try playing a support character. I play with friends and our support gets little to no loot because of the party/mob loot mechanics. Class synergy would be everyone contributes something and gets a little something in return of the game. It’s lame to be on edge on what we are allowed to give him since, as DPS, we take the majority of the loot. Those are some of the people that this lame trading system is hurting.
[/quote]That doesn’t downplay class synergy. The loot distribution is a significant issue that IMC could improve in, but it still doesn’t stop the fun of partying.

There are many issues, this is a growing game, and it’s still better than 90% of the games out there.
There’s no perfect solution, and for every less significant issue some players want to be changed, it will create more problems.

But yeah, I’m a cleric so I feel ya on the distribution issue - just trading and synergy are separate issues too~

Sure, let’s blame the criminal when the government devised a retarded plan which only hurt us but don’t help in stopping the criminal.


By this logic every game must have mixed or mostly negative reviews, which isn’t the case.


and your suggestion to replace the current system is? nothing?
damn it IMC i’m a lazy idjit who wants to buy silver in-game get ahead of everyone else.
are you one of those people who bought silver and got banned because of the auction house system and now here you are.

[quote=“redlevia, post:8, topic:181539, full:true”]are you one of those people who bought silver and got banned because of the auction house system and now here you are.
[/quote]Nah I’ve just been playing a lot of online games (though not like years on each one) where gold buying either scares me because the publisher is really strict on it, or went rampant and the playerbase left.

There’s just no one-for-all solution and a lot of people who screams remove trading restrictions just followed the train and didn’t think about pros and cons, only the pros.

Which makes it ironic that there’s a thread to increase the restrictions right now :smiley:

If I am one of those who bought silver and got banned, I would’ve advocated silver trading even more~

oh sorry, was referring to OP.

I don’t mind the trade restriction without token infact I support it, but waiting 2days to withdraw my sales money is really… dumb. Having another restriction for market is really overdoing it. All I wanted to is to sell and buy some really good deal items I found, by the time I can withdraw my earnings the item is already long gone…

Don’t IMC have trade logs to check through if they suspect someone ( like 500k silver for some junk item which obviously isn’t logical) and the buyer/seller ign.

I don’t even think they bother checking every single transaction to begin with…

Another issue with the trade… why is trading item through team storage consume 1 trade count from token…? It’s my own freaking TEAM. What’s the design logic behind this I totally can’t see it.


LMAO wtf? So you’re trying to say that I can’t complain because I dont work for IMC and I dont have a solution for the problem that has plagued every single mmo since the beginning of time? Wow you’re a real idiot.

F**k the gold sellers. All I’m saying is that these stupid restrictions aren’t doing sh*t to stop them and its only hurting the players. BECAUSE IF YOU HAVENT NOTICED, THE SPAM BOTS ARE STILL IN EVERY CITY OF NEARLY EVERY CHANNEL.

o look another cry baby, the trade restriction is fine on premium only i play a different mmo with premium only trade and the free to play players on that game don’t cry about it imc are not treating people like criminal’s you need to get your head out of your a55.

they have to make money somehow and when the game become’s available to all having more incentives to buy premium is only a good thing it in no way hurts the game and roots out all the lazy “i want everything for nothing” player’s which have no place here or im my opinion any mmo ever.

I blame IMC because they have to implement EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT measures, actions, and plans to stop unhealthy or forbbiden behaviors like gold sellers, gold buyers, boting, scammers, etc. How can they do that? Well a good Anti Bot System, a good Anti Spam-Scam chat/message system, a dedicate team of GM to supervise the chat and the maps to ban bots, etc etc etc, there are a tons of things you can do. What is IMC doing? restriction to ALL players, and if you dont want those restrictions then pay REAL MONEY… so they are making the problem a business… and the worst part is that actions and measure are not WORKING AT ALL, so they are making money of it and the problem still affecting the game and its economy.

I always suspect when a publisher or a game developer dont take actions on things like that is because they are making that happend to take advantage of it, like is the case on this game… I think even GM’s can be envolved on botting and gold selling… thats why there is almost no actions on this problem.


I blame your friend who gave up because you had so many other friends who could tolerate such treatment and yet still play and support, then its definitely your friend’s fault. :joy:

Yeah they might have lost hundreds, thousands of players with their unimpressive actions that you have put it but last check, player bases on all servers are still at its peak.

Stop playing if you ain’t happy. Ezpz.

As of now you sound like you need the game from the company, not the other way around.

I guess i’m one of the so called “White Knights” who are defending IMC’s actions. :joy:

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wow such logic you have here. there are a game with very positive review, u know right?
even TOS before this have very positive reviews, until they got this crap implemented.


i agree they need to change that 2 day restriction that’s crazyyy
2 days to get my money are they insane

I total agree with you on that, it ■■■■■■■ sucks that imc can get they hands out of they ass and start doing somthing, and not get at the players it really sucks i think we all want the game to be really good but as for now the game is more of a pain in the butt then anything else -.-

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They are insane what did you think lol :wink:

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restriction on trade is little to much…i can’t send to my alt any silver from main it stupid…i have wizard on 80lvl and got on him 500k i messed up this char and now doing new wizard wich will be my main and now i can’t send him my earn money…i think they should remove all restriction in team becouse it stupid.

next for market i like it

for trading with others players is stupid why becouse this make this game less mmo then diablo 3