Tree of Savior Forum

Trade restrictions have to go

All for 1:1 trading for Token users and no AH restrictions for them either. Silver trading, could care less what they do. Too, make Tokens untradeable through market and a premium item only. What I don’t want, and probably why many do want trading, is being able to get a best in slot (BiS) item via AH, Silver, etc. There should be a lot of challenges to being well equipped – simply farming enough money to buy a BiS off the AH or have a pal trade to you is just weak.

Is the current system atrocious and going to cause mass abandonment? Nah, Drama Queens will be dramatic.

I don’t care what is done to accommodate non-premium users, if you aren’t paying to play a game you have no right to complain about how the people hosting it are paying the bills. Deal with it.

Just a friendly reminder, most of the players who are complaining paid for the early access. So yes, we are paying, and we have the right to complain. And even if we didn’t, free players are potential customers, and if you don’t treat them well, you won’t get more income.

I bought all 3 of the founder packs and i’m complaining like hell, there’s no reason I should have to wait 2 days for something I sold in the marketplace just because it makes it slightly more inconvenient for a gold seller to transfer his silver.

Because he doesn’t need it immediately.

just copy pasting because tired of making the same arguments over and over again…

You do not need to study anything to know that solutions which punish the innocent more than the guilty, are fundamentally bad.
The crowning gem on this argument is IMC’s 1:1 trade statement in which they openly admit that gold sellers have next to unlimited amounts of silver.
This directly translates to the simple fact that they can buy tokens, they can buy anything in the AH.
Following up on this the people 1:1 trade restrictions will hurt the most, are not the sellers, but your average player who has to actually work to just as much buy a token off the AH.

Let it finally dawn on you:

Not proverbially but quite frankly literally screwing over your player base with these restrictions will cause frustration and anger.
There was the dungeon cap, i said fine, its not that big of an issue, farming will go slower.
There was the AH cap, i said fine, its not that big of an issue, i will simply NPC sell my stuff without frustrating over the bs.
There was the 1:1 trade cap which completely and utterly annihilated playing with friends, and i said… for a game which didnt even bother to do as much as add a frikin need/greed loot system, this is now god flying ■■■■■■■ too much.

If you have to ruin the game for me and my friends to inconvenience (because lets be honest here, this is not something that counters gold sellers, it just inconveniences them) then you have gotten something wrong in your thinking process.

Im sorry IMC, im supportive towards you, but when it comes to bs with bs attempts of bs justification, i have low patience. Understand that by now gold sellers are only the second group which get screwed by your caps. THE FIRST ONE IS YOUR DAMN PLAYERS.


Obviously, I wasn’t talking about you then. However, if you chose to think short term and sell your Tokens, well, that’s on you. All you paid for was access and items, if you chose to sell your items for Silver then your only right is to early access.

Not talking about token here… Just so you know the trade restriction is for premium too, we are only allowed 30 trades meaning if you trade more than once a day you’d run out.

Founder’s Pack buyers paid to access servers early and are getting that. This doesn’t too, entitle them to subscription benefits, Token usage does. And really, they have to treat freeloaders well? The heck do you think allowing anyone to access the client free of charge is? IMC is a for profit company, not a charity organization.

The premium/token users are not getting treated well is what i’m saying.

We still have to wait 48 hours for marketplace.

We still only have 30 trades total per month.

We still can’t trade silver to anyone not even our own alts.

All of these are suppose to restrict gold sellers, yet it restricts us way more than it does them.

They don’t actually PLAY the game; they use bots.

Part of my point was that premium users should be allowed 1:1 trading, I thought a given of that would be unrestricted per amount, but restrict certain items only. My apologies if that wasn’t clear.

None of that affects me to the point that I care, only what I mention. You see, I’m not even remotely upset with the current system, but it could be better, so I’m not going to rage over it and write books. However, I still have to be respectful to other Token users’ opinions regardless. So please, don’t take me the wrong way, but if it doesn’t hamper my enjoyment nor do I think it will have long term negative effects, I simply let it be, it isn’t my fight to fight.

Just going to note that tokens sell for 370k on my cluster, so far I secured three of them, which by definition makes me a subscriber. I want my damn 1 vs 1 trade, so that I can trade tokens to my gf and my friend.

Here you go, the solution to the Trade System.