This has officially gotten out of control.
Remember back in the days, when WOW announced soul-bound items and caused an uproar, because it practically killed 80% of the player interaction?
Well, TOS somehow managed to make it worse.
I am an old RO/L2 player and playing the economy was one of the things I enjoyed doing the most. Sure, there were always RMT parties evolved, but there is really no way around it, because at the end of the day, you can always sell your account, unless they decide to IP lock it (rip dynamic users).
So now we are left with a system, with one of the most overpriced subscriptions I’ve ever seen, that allows us to execute only 30 trades per month, doesn’t allow us to trade silver, which makes P2P trading obsolete, unless we implement a token system and causes us to lose potential on our items, if we decide to trade it to our own alt.
Can we seriously drop the FP2 model already and go back to 15$ monthly sub, that didn’t try to ■■■■us over on every possible occasion?
I feel like I’m playing glorified single player games nowadays. (Black Desert uses similar limitations, but not as bad).