Tree of Savior Forum

Trade restrictions have to go

This has officially gotten out of control.

Remember back in the days, when WOW announced soul-bound items and caused an uproar, because it practically killed 80% of the player interaction?
Well, TOS somehow managed to make it worse.

I am an old RO/L2 player and playing the economy was one of the things I enjoyed doing the most. Sure, there were always RMT parties evolved, but there is really no way around it, because at the end of the day, you can always sell your account, unless they decide to IP lock it (rip dynamic users).

So now we are left with a system, with one of the most overpriced subscriptions I’ve ever seen, that allows us to execute only 30 trades per month, doesn’t allow us to trade silver, which makes P2P trading obsolete, unless we implement a token system and causes us to lose potential on our items, if we decide to trade it to our own alt.

Can we seriously drop the FP2 model already and go back to 15$ monthly sub, that didn’t try to ■■■■ us over on every possible occasion?

I feel like I’m playing glorified single player games nowadays. (Black Desert uses similar limitations, but not as bad).




Playing the economy in L2 you are making me laugh right now… literly. there was no proper economy in there it was either you work with your clan or alliance or get outbhought and then overpriced by bot sellers.

Monthly sub systems don’t work WoW is the last one and eventually they will have to quit with it too. And btw the only people who made a ruckus about soul bound items where people who made a ■■■■ load of gold in game from it and gold farmers normal people had no problems.

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@yordivanhorck Or any normal player/guild that used to trade/sell no longer needed gear to other people. I also don’t understand what is wrong about making gold ingame from selling items? Are you offended by the fact that some people prefer to play the economy, while some prefer to grind mobs?

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Yes, trade if a bassic function in a mmorpg, greedy bastards … And they removed it, its absurd, if you play with friends and get a drop for someone you cant ■■■■■■■ trade it, its like hey “joe” look at this weapon i got, its for your class, but just look at it

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Ff14 is p2p and doong good.
Wow will not go f2p as blizard dont like f2p.

Thats why you almost never see peopel party up in this game.thats where mmorpg is going now sadly.
P2p starting to fail hard. If you dont give the paying people good benefits from it they will not pay.

Are you sure we played the same L2 game?
I played L2 for 5 years between 2006 and 2011. I spent more time in Giran looking through shops, than outside fighting mobs. Playing the economy game in L2 was big, I literally made hundreds of millions of adena a week just buying low and selling high.
It was a very fun and profitable experience. But in ToS? Reselling is not profitable because of ridiculous market fees and having to wait 2 days to retrieve money from market. Market is always a crucial part of every MMORPG, putting such limitations on social interactions will just drive players away sooner or later.

I can’t echo this sentiment enough. Without free trade in the real world, economies stagnate. Without free trade in MMOs, player bases stagnate. Stagnation creates boredom.

The difference is, it’s 1000x easier to click the “Exit” button and fire up another game, than it is to move to another country.

The current trading setup WILL kill ToS as anything more than a short-term money grab game.


Trading is literally the one thing only that moves the community forward, and its utterly absurd that we can’t trade with each other. Literally every game has bots. They’ll be there, and there’s literally nothing you can do. See FFXIV, or WoW, for instance: they are PAID games and RMT SWARMS the servers. If putting the game behind a subscription fee wasn’t enough to prevent botters, why would you think this would do?
Unless you are planning on having no players playing your game, so then there will be no bots. The players need to stand up on this, and IMC needs to realize how bad this is.


What I could live with is a combination of the Diablo 3 trading system as it is nowadays and the restrictionos from ToS as they are now. Which means I could trade any items that I found while my party members were online for free (with them) and with other ppl in the boundaries of the current system.

But honestly those market and trade restrictions are going too far. there is no point in farming the freaking vubbe glove items together with my GF if she finds it after 5 minutes and goes on to another farming spot because she can’t help me either way because of litterally no means of item transfer without premium… (Which we both will have, but were told not to activate because of the possible “pseudo team transfer” or whatever it was called. And even if we do activate it, honestly, 30 trades?? per premium package? or lifetime? this is a freaking joke.)

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As much as I don’t like the restrictions either, IMC may not prioritize with this issue at the moment. Server issues is the most important thing to work on now. Later on they may find a solution after the server issues are addressed.

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I agree 100%, Black Desert tried the whole no trading thing and it completely ruined the notion of an MMO. What the hell is wrong with developers thinking this is acceptable? I’m not playing a single player game, ■■■■ off and give us trading you asshats.

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They should look at Black Desert. The game has no trading, no gifting, harsh AH taxes, random delays when listing items, random rolls for buying expensive items in AH and fixed prices for every item. It also has a $30 box price. Guess what the channel chat looks like? Nothing but goldsellers selling accounts or fake gold.
Adding ridiculous restrictions to core elements of an MMO isn’t going to stop goldsellers and only harms your playerbase long-term.

Outright removing an economy because you’re afraid of some damage due to goldsellers is just dumb.


I agree with you :slight_smile:, and that’s actually why I’ve chosen to put my voice behind the trade issue and not the lag. Opening day/week/month lag server issues is pretty much a given in most MMO launches. It’s a thing the dev team WILL and HAS to deal with or the game disappears. Complaining about that is thus pointless - they will take care of it.

The trade issue however is not something they had planned to remove. Our voices need to be heard and the community needs to stand together on this one so IMC understands it is not acceptable in any way/shape/form.


Very very true, Black Desert had about a week before the gold sellers figured out a way to do it. And guess what? It was even worse than it would be normally, they are using stolen credit cards to buy cash shop items to gift to people. That in combination with selling the service to do the silver farming for you. It’s so incredibly ridiculous, developers need to realize you can’t get rid of them 100%. You never will because they’re willing to break the law in order to make that money. So in the mean time this crusade against them is doing nothing but hurting players.

In my opinion there’s only one way of doing it. You hire gms that’ll work full time rotating in between each other every 6 hours. you got to have 4 per server and their only job is to look at the screen and instant ban the accounts of whoever shout for a gold/silver service :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Not a bad idea, hell why not hire some of the sweat shop workers that are selling gold to begin with. Those people likely hate their jobs, give them better ones.

um… 3 of their newest games are f2p dude man