Tree of Savior Forum

Trade restrictions have to go

no they need to make it so recieving silver from the marketplace is instant, and put a 2 ~ 3 day cooldown on very large transactions / sales (10mill silver+)

Trade limits and founder packs are NOT working against bots and goldsellers but they are ruining social interactions between unknown players and your own friends (*sigh, i can’t even trade a crappy sword between my friend and I that just dropped 1 sec ago…)

IMC, please, start doing something different against bots (there’s a lot of good suggestions concerning this problem in this forum so just think about it) and make trades free for all because it does not have any sense. Do you want your tokens to be interesting, so people will buy them? Ok. Just don’t forbid things to everybody, instead of that, give some more interesting things to the players who owns one.


i wanted to store some gear/silver ,because i fked up a build,but no i need a dam token


I hope IMC can read and read well. These are some good statements made in here for reasons we need trading. And we do. I just hope it’s fixed before it’s too late. The game feels like single player.

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This is why the market system is here, but then without the so called “subscription”, they charge you 30% commission ALSO some % to post a trade. In addition, silver is hard to come by, so this is pretty ridiculous. Either you let players trade or you lower the commission fee and remove the fee to post a trade.

Dear IMC Team, this greediness will not get the game far.


onlly one, as its a card game. they doing p2p or b2p.

Don’t forget heroes of the storm

I would even be willing to take a handicapped version of it. Limit the amount of personal trades per day, like many other MMOs have done. You can’t just completely remove a fundamental aspect of a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE GAME where the 75-80% of your users cannot use it.

Amongst other reasons, this limitation will surely kill the game. IMC, remember these threads months from now. You were warned.


Meh, I don’t even know why we bother. This will be just another dead game in a list of many because devs ignore the costumers.


Cant like this post enough… The Trade system in its current state is de facto no trade system at all… I mean cmon… which game has:

  • no p2p trade
  • no group trade
  • paid team stash ??? Hello i can’t even give my characters money if i do not pay?
  • 1 item on market… greatest joke ever - to make it worse the commission fee without paing is 30 ■■■■■■■ %
  • no mail system
  • expanding your stash gives you 10 slots while items like gems do not stack !!!

I really like this game and hope they’ll soon improve this. RO started awkward too and had its issues or D3 like it was mentioned here. But all got the trade and stuff working. Hope IMC will see the wall before they hit it. Otherwise they will loose a lot of casuals. The hardcore players will allways stay…but thats not what drives games forward…most of the time its the casuals.


So accurate, but I hope for the sake of the game we’re wrong, but I doubt we will be. Asian developers need to learn that if they’re willing to market their game to other shores, they need to properly accomodate those audiences.

Instead, we get stubborn, stick-to-the-routine ethics until the game dies.

heh i thought overwatch was F2P honestly aswell, but the i saw it had a AAA price tag on it… that game is going to be the biggest flop of 2016

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It was announced as F2P but they changed their mind kinda like H1Z1… well not as bad as H1Z1, paladins F2P game will probably overshadow overwatch with time tho.

That doesn’t change the fact that hearthstone and heroes of the storm are F2P ^^


The game you want would be eaten alive by bots. We can’t have what you want.

Maybe I’ll have less than 30 trades in a month but I dislike the fact that I’m restricted.

You may have less than 30 trades in a month but most people make alot more than 30 trades in 1 month.

Care to offer any explanation of why the current trade system will prevent bots?

All explanations up to this point have been debunked, and the rampant silver-selling still going on in both KoreanToS and in the rest of the servers along with the bot-shouts literally lagging the main towns to death have only shown proof against your statement.

Anyone who says the trading restriction stops RMT in any way is dreaming. Bots are in B2P and P2P games. Do you think a RMT cares about buying a token? Let’s be logical here. If bots were not able to make money from Tree of Savior, guess what? They wouldn’t be there. Bots aren’t stupid. There is a decent amount of sophistication behind bots and RMTs. If they are in your game, then they are making money.

I don’t think IMC can be this naive. The trading system stops RMTs? All it does is inconvenience players. Even Black Desert Online, a B2P game with no 1:1 trading of money and items (mostly), no matter how hard you cash shop it, has RMT in it.

Either two things have happened.

  1. IMC did no research on RMT and bot prevention and thought this was actually going to work.

  2. IMC is aware that this was not going to do anything but wanted to make Tokens more attractive and get RMTs to buy them.

So which is it? Is IMC poorly researched or are they trying to give you more incentive to spend more on their tokens then you would in an established P2P game?


Bumping up for unrestricted 1 vs 1 trade including silver, without pointless potential loss, especially when trading your alts.

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The trading restrictions are absolutely atrocious. Imagine you get to “end game” and you’re there farming with some friends. A rare item drops.

How do you split it? Answer. You’re going to have a hell of a damn time. You sell it on the AH. Minimum you lose 10% and 48 hours. Then how do you get the silver to each party member? Well again another minimum loss of 10% and 48 hours.

Now that you’ve gone through the hassle of waiting 96 hours on top of the random listing timer. And have lost approximately 18% value of the item. And let’s mention when you gave each party member their split of the silver its most sensible way of accomplishing it was listing some random junk item and buying it with still a slight chance that it wasn’t actually your friend’s listed item (thanks no direct silver trade). Everyone has their split of glorious loot. But by this point most people would just scoff at how ridiculous it is to split and trade things, they’d just begin to have one of two attitudes.

Either they don’t care anymore about drops and just accept their own luck. It’s a luck of a draw to begin with anyways.
Or they begin to grow spiteful of party systems, the desire to have their own things causing a general distaste for partying up