Tree of Savior Forum

TP Shop Token Prices Reduced

It will go to Ignes because she will be the one possessing the Token. That’s what she just wrote above.

as long as they are owned by your team.

If you are double checking right now, pls at least make a post and say that.

A lot of players are jumping on your post that claim “non-Event, 30-day Token, whether they’re in your possession or being used at the time of the price change, and regardless of how you obtained them” and is causing quite a big commotion already.

I am VERY SURE the compensation shouldn’t be for tokens purchased from market. Remember, tokens from market are not paid with 198TP(which make no sense to compensate 99TP)

No no they already confirmed, gimme my TP and let me buy those exclusive future pets and costumes that were meant to rake in money.

If Ignes comes back and confirm that is true, then hkkim would have a lot of explanation to do.

Ines already confirmed it is true:

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I guess if token price goes down to 250k all is fine. let’s see what happens. At the moment it’s not even possible to put it up for that price.

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It’s also logical if you think about it a little bit. People who sold tokens off the market sold it at the higher worth of the token. If it was at 99 tp tokens at launch they would be worth much less due to everyone from founders 10$ being able to purchase them.

So the people who need to be compensated are those who bought tokens off the market and not those who sold them, because it’s like you sold 1 tokens for the price of two in the first place.

The price of tokens is most likely going to dip in the market as well due to in use duration increase (demand lowered), TP mass increase (buying power increase) and token worth decrease (value decrease).


It wouldn’t make sense to compensate who sold them either, then - the price of that token was based upon that 198 TP cost, after all.
As far as the economy goes, compensating whoever has the tokens or ended up using them is the most logical choice, since they’re the one that paid them their full old value - be it in silvers to whoever sold them for their old value, or in TP to the TP store.


But you are going to see a reverse.

Your assumption is because token now cost 99TP, therefore AH token price in terms of silver should be “half”

But in reality, token price in AH right now should be soaring even higher, because everyone is thinking of “converting” their silver into 99TP which naturally spike the demand for tokens.

Demand isn’t the only thing that’s getting higher, though. There is also going to be more offer, due to the compensation and the halved cost of a token (thus once TP get purchasable, you can get double the tokens with the same amount compared to before).
And the second factor is the one that will ultimately make them cheaper, in my opinion.

TP Shop price dosn’t change market price. There is IMC price restrictions on token and gold sellers that make silvers and you, player that change the price. Since IMC has restricted the price. You, the player that really need a token at that moment buy it for that restricted price. So I don’t think it’ll drop that fast. And gold sellers can control the token prices whenever they want because they’re rich. Players are going to buy anyway If they really need the token here and now. That’s what I think is going to happen.

The only thing i actually disagree right now, is that the compensation given to player who bought token from the market should be another 30day untradable token

This would prevent them having so much TP without having to use real money, which actually cuts IMC’s own source of profit

Yeah If it was something untradable I also think that would be reasonable offer. Won’t be a problem then.

It would still be a fair compensation - and maybe more appropriate, albeit likely more complex to implement. I guess checking the inventory or the list of used tokens is easier than checking where they came from, assuming they even still have the data to do so.

WTF you guys thinking… It is a compensation. Both parties (Buyer and Seller) got compensated, Seller got extra silver (from the intrinsic value of Tokens) and Buyer gets TP.

If tokens were half the value in TPs when you sold them on the Market, you would have got half the silver for it. Because there would be 2x more tokens available for selling.

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Thank you for this change! Very happy about this.

What about the token that has been used and has run out its 30 days time? Will that be compensated too?

This is unfair IMO.

People (or me) can buy 10 tokens using silver and get 990 TP.

Then use that 990 TP to buy 10 more tokens and sell it afterwards to get a portion of the money lost (assuming the prices drop)

So in the end, they’ll just have free Tokens. Please think about that :open_mouth:

I am here to voice my concerns as someone who has purchased multiple of the dlc packs, and used my tp to buy tokens from the tp shop which I in turn sold, I am having a lot of trouble understanding why I shouldn’t get compensation over some random dude who bought my token with silver. I spent the TP, I deservere the TP. The only reason to which im drawn as to why IMC is compensating token holders is laziness (IE they don’t want to track down the original purchasers). Please reconsider this horrible decision, already im seeing the prices of tokens skyrocket, and all chat being swarmed with WTB > ALL 30day TOKENS XXXK PM

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