Tree of Savior Forum

Tommorw is a new work day

First, let me apologize you are right I did present that as if you were going to argue it. Product of this thread at the moment!

Also, while you are correct in the account of “temporary down time” the issue is that it’s not being created by the company but instead, seemingly and without any evidence from the company to the contrary, happening without the implicit design of the game or its creators.

That’s the problem. If it was being done by the creators then it’s “necessary maintenance in order to provide said service”. Due to their lack of communication on any of the issues that would void the contract even Steam has already said they will provide the refunds.

Point in fact: One server went down a couple of days ago (I believe it was a Thursday?) and it took them just over an hour to post anything about the server being down. That is going to be a hit against them in any courtroom.

Steam has already said they will provide the refunds.

no Steam never does and wont.

atleast i like u to proof that since the only refund is the one that requires u to not have a dlc and not played for 2 hours or more

This is better than a full episode of Law & Order.


Here’s the true beauty of Contract Law:


And before the argument can be made that “Well we don’t know Korean Law” let it be known that in order to function as a business within the borders of the US (even through the internet) you must understand and adhere to Federal Regulations. Federal Regulations specifically state that no service/good can be rendered immune to any regulations.

This is why the gentleman in California had to pay his wife alimony even though she signed a prenuptial agreement that stated “I, Groom’s Name, maintain the right to have intercourse with any individual I deem with out invalidating this agreement.”

You simply cannot create your own laws. You have to work within the known laws.

You’re probably right… anyway the game is depending on South Korean Law which I have no knowledge whatsoever on… I wonder how they operate. If it were U.S. Law it’d be very unlikely that a regular foe like us would win a case like this… the same within the U.E. as nobody would spend so many thousands just for an issue that will be taken care of before the paperwork even makes it to court lol

Allow me to shut this down real quick:

This was taken from this forum post created by said staff member:

Please tell me more about how Steam never refunds “DLC” content.

Is the DLC refundable? How do I get my refund?
-You can refund your DLC through Steam customer support, but you won’t be eligible for a refund if you have taken the bonus items from the pack. Please contact Steam customer support for their refund policy on our DLC product.

so yeh? and also u can’t play for more then 2 hours

Here I am chilling with Flash/Vikings and you all trying to white knight this. I REALLY like this game and I want it to flourish as much as I can, I got tired of other mmo’s styles, this one is quite refreshing, but gimme a freaking break man, this shouldn’t happen whatsoever. They are pretty much solving the issues with exp tomes as if you could use them with the amount of problems the game has. Here, have this EXP tomes to grind on dungeons, oh wait, dungeons don’t work. Okay here, have this exp tomes to grind on maps, oh, your map didn’t load? well that’s too bad, have your character stuck on limbo until we fix it.
It’s a really crap design, does anyone remember ICBT? every time a maintenance was up, 3 new errors came up, and then 24 hours they told us it was happening. This shouldn’t happen at this point.

Oh well, back to my superhero stuff.


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“If the job is done properly” Name me one single MMORPG that worked since day 1 launch, i dare you.

Only limitation steam is putting on the game is using your bonus items from the pack, the 2 hour limit is not in place, read the entire ■■■■■■■ post before you speak. I fear for the lives of those around you.

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This is why man created Class Action Lawsuits :slight_smile:

I’ll tell you what. When I obtain my refund in two days I’ll be sure to post the message on the forums and tag you in it.

Since you fail to accept that you may be wrong I feel this is the best course of action.

Quick real world lesson for you: Only death is absolute. Everything else has terms and agreements and EVERY ONE OF THOSE has loopholes and special circumstances. Ask the Penal Law grad. I promise you he’ll agree with that :slight_smile:

I don’t think any body studying, or having graduated in a Law field could disagree with that… in a way it’s sad how it’s all manipulation and tricks.

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Or she hahaha mystakas88 may be a woman !!! hehe

On a brigher side, their last 2 announcements were made today, considering to timezone it could have been on the 2nd but regardless, they have people working on the weekends so in the hope they are based in the U.S. they might and are probably working on a fix as we are debating. :slight_smile:

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HOPEFULLY we are encouraging them to not abandon the project, that we care but that we also have concerns.

Any true business will understand and grow with that!

Not this whiteknight “never ever complain or you hate JESUS” nonsense.

I’m more than glad that they are working on the issues, I’m just upset at the people defending it as if it wasn’t their job to do so. The fact that people think they need to relax on a weekend just because isn’t a “working day” boggles my mind. Some people work on a 7 day schedule.

Take a few chill pills and come back to reality… Your comments reminded me of some lyrics btw they go like this “I’ll be your lover, I’ll be forever, Ill be tomorrow, I am anything when I’m high.” :smiley:

They’re not working on anything.

I’m honestly surprised after scanning the threads and posts in the general discussion and feedback. Everyone is bitching about how bad the game is while I’m always in the Class section looking and discussing builds.