Tree of Savior Forum

To IMC SHOW R9 content

theres 4 more classes for every class so your class wont be left out of the new class hype :open_mouth::open_mouth::grinning:

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I really hope they release some interesting info about future updates soon. I currently stopped playing because of the lack of interest in the game. Too boring right now with nothing compelling in terms of end game content.

The game has less than 2800 average players online. I really think they are now loosing money on iTOS.

Let´s see how it goes from here. Hope for the better.

I kind of hope Wizard’s r9 has a good dps option… or even a summoner, so I have a reason to use my Thaum-Necro. Wizard tree is like a 60-40 support-dps ratio. :thinking:

And hopefully, Mergen 2 will be pewpewpew heaven. Masochist or not, archers are my favorite tree to play personally.

That is five now :neutral_face:, so every other class will have equal new class and cleric 4+1.

The game indeed become slow again.

Loosing money? I don’t think so, peoples still buying letitia cubes like crazy, awakening stone, 500 Enchancement Cards, etc are selling bulks in market.

Well with the description on Onmyouji…

It is based on the Chinese philosophies of Wu Xing (five elements) and yin and yang

it will probable be like Elementalist part2 with more holy property attacks. And with shadowmance… I would guess a summoning class? Shadow puppets? Shadow jutsu? Shadow biding jutsus? idk… :sweat_smile:

For the other classes



Pied Piper and...



Just kidding… :joy:

Here's the real one

BONUS: Mimic class in action

Taken from Suggestion or Flaw Design in Mimic Class with leaked skills!!


:joy: hahahaha, well if they preview it earll then good we can see what we need to do like disposing selling items tht will be obsoelete again.

That last mimic looks dangerous

Lick the target, causing it to get aroused.


Does anyone else here believe certain classes shown for the cleric tree actually belong to wizard like Taoist was speculated to be wizard? I believe fortune teller belongs in the wizard tree just because it doesn’t seem like religious.

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Fortune Teller is the only Class that might be a Wizard Class because it has no connection to “Divination” (which is kinda an oximoron because the word fortune stems from the latin word for fate and was always personified by two goddesses, Victoria and Fortuna [and depended on the Parcae’s {i.e. the goddesses of fate}goodwill]).

All other Classes speculated to be Cleric Classes have a religious connection in one way or another.

fortune teller coul be wizard and is most likely to be wizard out of the other cleric classes reveled. but it also uses clarivoyance, which i dont think relates to wizards much.

Might be able to boost loot chance (one of the new stats they’re adding in the 360 content update) I also expect them to be gimmicky and give random buffs and debuffs to team/enemies like invincibilty or double damage temporarily. It most likely would be rank 5 class like appraiser because of how simple it and the costume seems.

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Really waiting for this R9 classes.


fotrune teller costume doesnt seem so simple, especiall compared to the other cleric costumes. i actually like the costume

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So, we have been fooled (again) by GM’s. Last week they have said they was release some preview for R9 at latest in this week, and here we are with nothing.
I don’t matter if the R9 will release in 3 years, but i think it’s awfull when they play with us, telling us lies… They should have more respect with their players…

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Erm, sorry meant to say it doesn’t look like a fantasy battle class costume.

Read the blog post carefully . "New class masters " was mentioned and what’s the point of raising level cap without adding ranks . The average level for capping rank 8 is 31x which sums it up nicely to 360 for capped r9

It’s a r9 teaser in its own way. I Guess the hype for New and actual end game content will save the game not the introductions of new classes ( temporary drug relief )


GMs said explicitly that we would take a sneak peak in the new classes… well that’s not what happened.


Drug Relief Package #1

You can peak through what they have in store. You have to filter/accept the fact that some would never be implemented