Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion or Flaw Design in Mimic Class

im here to try to understand,why is mimic in wizard trees?
i mean if we played wizard pressumably we picked what skills/classes that we wanted or needed while mimic game play is described as some copycat master that might or might not allowed the mimic to copying the skills from others and own it forever or maybe until sets of times(with upside/downside)

and here i think mimic is very wrong on wizard tree because if im going to play wizard i sure as hell to have been picked whatever i needed before reaching mimic
and i think as mimic we are not really going to copying some swordman tree skill and troubles ourselves to change it to sword and then cast it pointblank range within understanding that the skill wont hit hard as swordman ever to cast it right?
or copying some archer skill without ability to cast anything because we cant equip bows or whatever necessary to cast the skill
and all option left is copying skill from cleric tree? which is i kinda felt defeat the purpose of the class itself

so here am i suggesting mimic is been replacing to swordman/archer tree
by doing so we could really see a swordman casting some wizard skill or maybe if you put in archer you can see archer casting some version of wizard skill but weaker version due to they cant equip staff

if needed maybe you could add some buff to make em cast 1-5level higher skill level for copied skills to make it a decent class or something
(ill leave this one for dev’s creative team lol)

but the only thing i suggest is, mimic on wizard tree is defeating the purpose of mimic gameplay itself

in many rpg mimic/mime is consider as jester/clown class which specialty is copying other’s movements or in this case their skills
to cast the weaker version of it but sometimes they can buff it for some period of time to make it burst or stronger than the skill owner

which will open many build if we plan to building class toward this class
this is the only reason i didnt see wizard is best place for this class,i think best suitable is for archer tree or maybe swordman

here is the logic…for me at least
wizard waving sword around trying to get near to bosses?
or archer suddenly casting chain lightning to surprise people?

well i kinda prefered it to archer class since they have rogue who can steal other’s magic circle for their own benefits but swordman or archer is fine as long as its not wizard lol, it sort of defeating the copycat purpose by limiting it to class that already had tons of skills
its not like wizard can use bows to cast archer skill and had to equip sword to make it to the swordman skill right?
but if archer/swordman cast it then it didnt have staff as requirement right? i mean they can cast it but weaker due to unavaibility in staff or rod as equipment
that also i didnt include cleric in the pool because cleric can equip mace and maybe too imba if cleric hold all the supporting skill and can copying skill while having magic dmg from good maces

and yes this what im doing when i got nothing to do lol

wut? firsr of all, you have seen no gameplay or skills of mimic so why r u making this thread just based off of a name? all i know is that the mimic WONT copy abilities. you spent the whole thread talking about copying skills, they dont copy skills. also, cleric is not all just heals if you didnt know that, and the mace is not a staff.

Well its basic information from those who know or play rpg for good amount of time they knew mimic is copycat, and what im trying to propose is theres no point of copycatting mage which literally shud have all the skill before they even reaching the class itself, and if you suggest mimic is not about copying skills then by all means explain it to me lol because mimic is kinda hard engraved to jester or joker class that usually use their ability like projecting something in shadow trying to entertain audience whilst when it intergrated into a game many games put mimic as some kind of copy cat ish it even allowed copying boss ability

[Reads topic title]
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Damn, do Shepherd next, Pops.


That’s ridiculous. You got the mimic class all wrong.

There is already some leaked information about the mimic class and it’s not some silly copycat. Here is its abilities:

Causes nearby enemies to enter a panic state for 8 seconds. While panicked, enemies move inaccurately and has a 25% chance of casting the wrong ability.

[Scatter treasure]
Drop a random amount of 100-5000 silver on the ground. Enemies within the area will be inclined to pick the gold up, effectively grouping them together.

Eat the the target enemy. You regain health equal to the 100% + (25%*lvl) of the target enemy health over 20 seconds. Can only be used on medium or small monsters.

Enemies in the target area take damage over time while having their movement heavily reduced for 6 seconds. Level 3 debuff.

Lick the target, causing it to get aroused.

Here’s the only available image that shows the mimic class in action:

ᴹᵃᵏᵉ ᴵᵗ ʰᵃᵖᵖᵉᶰ ᶦᵐᶜ⋅


I’m sitting here reading this, thinking it sounds legit… Then I get to the end only to realize it’s completely made up. :persevere:
Pretty awesome though. :smile:

Haha, glad someone noticed it at least. I thought the thread was a goner already. :slight_smile:

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have some good pve skills here. can i eat the target enemy during PVP lol