Tree of Savior Forum

Time to use your SorcAutoPot

No one was banned for using it
AutoPot is allowed/or they do not care
(IMC logic)


I remember an odd statement awhile back from FFXIV’s producer. That players should have the right to afk in game (they were implementing auto logout).

That stuck with me for some reason because we never care about something like that over here. I’ve wondered if there was a culture thing. And I’m wondering if that’s applied partially to afk farming.

I’m probably reading way too far into that.

as usual, you reading really far you imagining things


p.s: will tag you my lobby deletion end of this week. i finally quit. thanks to your advice, now world seems a better place, atleast 7% overall better!

Idgaf if you uninstall the game but you do not stop hueing on forums :sunglasses:


Ah, good for you moving on with your life. You might be stuck with your problems but you should try and find some bonds out in the real world. At least getting out once in awhile will improve things.

sorry bro, after this, TOS aint got any place in my life

5months is enough time to try a game~

not like i getting younger everyday, gotta focus on Real Life Offline


see, trait of whiteknight… imagining things again…

im worry for you bro, you should seek professional medical attention…


Hmm, probably will be back in one day or so


regards to this
i don’t think auto-pot is okay…

the absence of punishment ends up encouraging more and more people to use

What about we make a big centralized thread to report & spam those people using auto-potion with video reports tagging all staffs in all posts in at least daily schedule?

I believe that change only occurs when they (IMC) began posting the autopots-names of banned

I’m not sure if 20 hrs on and 4hrs sleep and back at it is imagining things. But get your life back in order.

Stay happy and healthy.

And don’t forget that video… I don’t remember even what the conditions were for but if it happens. I’m still expecting it.

I’m thinking they just had bad experiences trying to enforce it… Probably have everyone they ban going what? I didn’t think it was against the rules the whole channel was full of people doing it. I’m going to go full haukinyau on your facebook and forums now.

Need to post very clearly it’s not ok in a news post, mention the zones by name. Give people a few days to see the notice and clear out. And then do a clean sweep.

“the absence of punishment ends up encouraging more and more people to use”


since when my username becomes adjective ?

and i dont think you know how hue works…

even my new joined hue member have more hue than u

Take note that this is a thread about the use of sorcautopotafk and absence of punishment by the IMC

if they dont ban autopot

what you gonna do about me derailing? sue me?

i really do not care about you
may i create a post to talk about you (with much drama)

yey, derail approved~

so why stop at autopots when you can hook64!

Welp you already know the answer
