Tree of Savior Forum

Is it allowed to cheat now?

OK what do we have. 24/7 Bots never going to be banned. People crashing channels like crazy to upgrade gear without getting banned. Of course you also do not get banned for using Hook64. And for going +50 Kepa Pendant and more like a madman while crashing other people’s gaming experience you get some short time ban and no gear wipe.

My question now, is it allowed to cheat already?
@STAFF_Max @STAFF_Amy @GM_Francis

I actually feel more and more retarded trying to play fair while a lot of people go all out cheating.


as long as you buy tp …
only does not create char with strange names like klgfjhdopdm mdsajacnj


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ez bot ez life
what else you need m8?

ive nevr experienced someon crash a channel, why would they even need to

Channel rollbacks on crashes have been patched. Most of Hook64 features have been patched like god mode, hidden slots, there are far less bots then there was 3 months ago.

You sound like you either got blasted in TBL or you didnt get a cube from a world boss.


Channel rollback has been patched but not the crashing itself


somebody, please make a bot guide. all the other hacks as well while you’re at it.

I wish it would. Yesterday the Saalus channels got crashed one after another multiple times. Well duh - all Buff Shops gone this is what gets on my Nerves.
Exploit Gear usually doesn’t matter in TBL or World Bosses because those cheaters are to stupid to play their class anyways. But the regular loss of Buff Shops and the random loops of crashing channels if I was unlucky enough to be on the same map and channel they chose when upgrading is annoying. OK eating 7k dmg Magic Missile Hits from full potential +20 gear is also annoying but there are workarounds in PVP.

And some known faces with exploit gear standing there before the channels started crashing. Hmm, must be a coincidence.
You know that Sorien updates the Hook faster than Patches? Look at the Bots, range hack, teleport hack at least obviously working. Pretty sure channel crashing still works and if it is not the Hook then it is another Exploit.

where did you read that?

I’m tired of people perpetuating this lie. You know why the bots appear to be teleporting and using infinite range? It’s because they’re based out of China and their laggy ass internet makes it look like they’re warping around because of how savagely they’re rubber banding. Next time you see one take notice of how slowly they are able to acquire new targets through their lag wall.

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I’m serious though. Ever play the private WoW server Nostalrius while it still existed? The Chinese player base essentially lived in a separate time flow due to how laggy their asses were. Made PvP against them a little on the annoying side if you were playing a melee character.

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I’ve seen it a lot with archer bots in the low level zones. They appear to be shooting across the length of 2 screens, but they only fire off one arrow every oh…15 seconds, and then their position updates to reflect where they actually are once the lag catches up.

It’s not efficient. You can earn more taping down your pistol button in Sicarius. So what does it matter in the long run? Report and move on.

Edit: Go look at the Tanu’s on Orsha right now. You’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.
The only bots that truly piss me off are the ones in Tenet Church and even still, you’re GOING to get caught if you bot there. It’s inevitable.

I have played with lags (on ktos) and no this is not rubber banding or lag.
Lag in ToS makes you do nothing at all and not shoot from far away. Range Hack and Teleporting are Hook/Lua features.

I play on a rural connection way out in the boonies, my ping is variable from 100-800ms throughout parts of the day. It replicates perfectly the effect most people call “Range or Teleport” hacks. In fact my friends always jokingly tell me that I turned on my teleport hacks when I start lagging this way. In my case seconds before I rubber band back to the spot the game believes I am, I’ll let off a few arrows that will hit the target even though I’m in no way close to it (According to the game, on my end I walked up and shot it before it snaps me back in place.) Others witness this as an arrow flying from me across a screen or two to strike a monster in the face that I should not be able to attack from there.

I have never personally witnessed anyone “range or teleport” hacking that hasn’t had a ridiculously slow shot speed to go along with it. Show me a video of an archer lag/teleport hacker firing at normal speeds instead of 1/4 or 1/8th as fast and I’ll believe you.

Cheating is not allowed in real world, but is in IMC world. Their logic is powerful enough to break the laws of physics too.


anything is allowed, just don’t get caught

well, even if u did got caught, after the jailtime, you can still do whatever you want

death, only thing that prevent you from doing anything is death…

if you’re alive, literally, the world is your playground~

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