Tree of Savior Forum

Solution to autopotters that will most likely work

IMC has already stated multiple times in the past that autopotting is considered breaking the rules though they do not have a proper system to detect these unless a GM manually checks for themselves.

What if to punish these autopotters, IMC makes it so that upon death, SP pots are still consumable regardless of your current hp and sp pool. This will punish autopotters because when an oracle changes a mob to kill a script user, they will remain dead while still consuming their SP supply which means that they will loose silver equal to the value of the pots consumed without earning anything (Templeshooter disappears upon death).

This idea isn’t guaranteed to stop autopotters but it definitely will be a form of deterrent for script users as they run the risk of losing the money invested in SP pot to afk farm if they are killed.

Zisteau (Undertale’s bot account from Desu) has been autopotting here for hours until he was killed by an oracle. He would have lost a lot of silver if he was allowed to consume SP pots even if he was dead (no body in their right mind would intentionally do this for hours after dying unless they were scripting)

This is just one example as there are a lot of autopotters here at the farm like the Vietnams, alchoholic, Vadars, sleepies etc etc…

Then the autopot makers will just do something like:

if(!dead) {



FK T_T why u crush my hope

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what is that orange thing on the left?

Probably his Wallpaper, he is on a Ultrawide screen.

Looks like a double-monitor setup - 1 ultrawide (TOS window - zoomy before zoomy got cool) and another is a 1920x1080.

I’m using a tripple monitor setup with the predator X34 and I wasnt able to trim the image completely. Btw [GM] Lychee is in that image on the upper right by the pole

Btw I have no idea if this will actually work since idk how the autopot scripts work.

Plot twist: Those are GM Lychee’s farmers and she’s there to check if they’ve died or someone icewalled them to the edge. HAHAHAHAAHA

Seriously though, I hope they do that more frequently, and not just on Dina Bee. Lowbie maps like Tenet badly needs to be cleansed so newbies don’t ragequit the game as soon as they reach those maps.


The other sorc there was not autopotting since I was having a chat with him. Zisteau is the only autopotter in that image and it is confirmed to be Undertale’s

Another plot twist for you:

That GM is part of the SEAGM guys and is there to wipe out the afkers so her bots can start level and farm silver.

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We must go deeeeeeeeper!

Plot twist: SEAGM partnered with IMC! If you can’t beat RMT - be the RMT!

My sorcerer can sustain Summoning with just small sp pots. How much does it cost to buy small sp pots?

Most of the afk potters at farm use lv10-15 so pots I believe.

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now necro3 can outfarmed your TS10WITHAUTOPOTAFK