Tree of Savior Forum

This will answer (almost) all of your questions about the STR vs DEX debate (pvp not included)

finestra 15 (150 crit) ( hop 3 )

equipment can give you up to
14 (peta) + 74 (sissel) + 3 ( green gem 132 for 2 handed) + cata pike 23 + 19(virtov leather) you can opt for red veris +23)

Monster card can give you up to 80 with ellaganos x 8

(assuming you are 2:1 str dex you should havea bout 190 dex and 380 str)
so we count it

Base = 190
Finestra = 150
equips = 14 + 74 + 132 + 23 + 19(or 23) = 262
Monster card = 80

This is a total by yourself. 190 + 150 + 262 + 80 =682

If there is party buff monstance you gain 30% dex bonus +10 base

284*1.3 - 284= 85 dex gain ( 85 crit rate)

682 + 85 + 10 crit rate = 777

If you add in quicken. that’s another 25%

777 * 1.25 = 971 crit rate.

Correct me if i am wrong at any part i will edit accordingly. here @reilet

Please do note that i did not include hats. hats can give up to 14 * 3 crit rate which is another bonus 52.
At current stage without hats you are already hitting 971 crit rate on party buff.

So i doubt you will go for crit rate at this point. Just go for HP crit attack and phy damage.

Edited on monstrance and Quicken. Thanks grey.

680 by myself is like 90% or so?

So even if i chose to use gladiator bands, vubbe gloves and don’t have the elegant cards I will still have like 500 crit rate … more or less ( no party ) how much % would this be?

Also, the 767 with monstrance will be 100% on every mob or boss lv 330?

The quicken will surpass but well that gives me room to chose gladiator bands for example… I like aoe ratio …

Thanks for all this math for me m8… brilliant work

Priest Monstrance will give you +30% dex, then adds +10 flat dex too.
It looks nice.

Chrono Quicken is +25% crit rate. The evasion penalty is -10%.

Yup you can opt out to go for galds /phada
when in party there will not be a issue with it yup 767 is nearly 100% on all bosses / mobs unles they have higher CRIT resist.

680 is stand alone with sissel assuming you are soloing that’s nearly 85-90% to proc crit

500 crit is around 65%-70%

Which can be reduce via alot of means such as zalciai.

I must be dreaming on chrono quicken addition rofl. Thanks for the correction

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Everything looks correct. Thanks for doing this.

Just know that even with 787 or so crit rate at level 330 is only ~100% crit chance against monster with no crit resist. If we assume 120 crit resist as an example then we’ll need about 900 crit rate to get ~100% crit chance.

Oh so ur counting without the crit resist…

But would u advice me to go higher dex to reach those 900?

You could go 1.5 STR : 1 dex if you like.

Might work, gotta do some maths, maybe even smth like 1:1 and then when I reach the 900 I start to trow it all to str… the point here is that I don’t know about the efficiency of this u know…

@greyhiem and u keep hoping into all threads and helping me out :wink: ty

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I know it’s kinda silly but since I suck at maths … Would u be kinda enough to do me the maths just so o can reach 900 crit rate with monstrance? Since I can buy this from shop so I can have it by myself right?

Then quicken will surpass it and I can change gears if I wish …

I’ve made some simple maths out of my head and i would need smth like… 235 add to dex and 94 add to str ( no bonus stats ) and actualpoint investment at lv 330 to reach this… but should be less.
I can’t really properly do the maths …

Search Monster Cri Resist and find the best cri rate for your class

some class got multiple hits like Fencer / Archer Multi shots

But I should aim for high crit if I have multihits or if I don’t?

I tought like, since I’ll have deathtrone I would want to crit as much as possible …

Also as the weapons get stronger … str begins to be more neglected …

If I get 900 crit rate with monstrance then I’m good to go xD

more multi hit mean more Patk you must have (to deal more Cri Dmg too)

Dex will be better with overall Damage > Patk

if not Str will better

PS.Not difference much… :confused:

Then Dex should be better for me still. … I’ll Im for 100% crit … so around 320 base dex should do

People keep saying landing a Crit with DEX is by chance, while it is true, the same goes for STR too. which they neglect to recognize.

STR adds P.atk and C.atk, but as you weight your stat, the more STR, the stronger the crit damage is, but the lower chance it will occur. if Landing a Crit with higher Optimal Dex is hard, the more it is harder for STR to landing Crits.

You can clearly see the difference of the two. STR plays bigger risk than DEX, if not properly calculated. if you place STR only to increase P.atk, then i suggest neglecting it… STR is all about P.atk + C.Atk (exclude block pen since it’s not damage relevant).

You won’t need so much base dex because finestra is free 150 dex.

320 dex is over kill like really :confused: unless you are on a lonely kirito road.

In party wise optimally if you are able to attain near 100% crit on no crit resist mobs it’s pretty much set as any more buff factor in —> is basically over killing crit resist.

IMO theres not much point for a dragoon to get over 210 base dex unless you are a lonely soul. it’s kinda diminishing return. Dex at that rate at that moment.

Simply cause you can push out equipments with lv 8 / 9 gems instead and see how it goes at R9 with 440 str + 210dex (con 40-50 invested/70 total) with about 40k hp

Wasn’t really home the past few day busy with work.

For say you attain 95% crit rate. with 190 dex. and 100% on party buff even to crit resist monsters.

This 20 stats can give you can give you up to additional 40 str, which is effectively 40 crit damage and 40 *1.3 and 52 p attack.

95% is actually a extremely big number. the chances are to crit is nearly the same as 100% of course 100% would mean there is no risk of losing that 50% bonus + crit damage.

Where as 95% you will have a risk of losing 1 crit hit in every 20 hit.
That is seriously only happening in solo cases…

If you are in party. There will be no difference and the one with 95% crit will outdo the one with 100% crit. So in short build according to your party and preference

The maths I’ve done comes to smth like 239 points invested in DEX and like…ahhh … 120’s IN STR … is this overkill? XD I mean, I get 100% crit with monstrance … 90% without if I remember well. … alone … Then quicken will overkill that but then I can just change to glad bands for example. . And im counting with 80 dex from eleganos wich is really hard o get actually.

it’s way too over kill already. Just get a zalicia scroll to make up for it or ask your support to get it…

Some where near 85% is actually optimal and you still can swap it out for glad bands or phada. at 230 dex. If you have no access to finestra it’s still understandable to invest 239 points (310 dex total ) E.g Dopple.

That saying if you still have 8 ellaganos after it. It’s gonna be ultra over kill.
You must remember quicken and monstrance scale to the amount of crit rate / Dex you have. Just fyi as a dragoon you will have nearly 1.2k crit rate after quicken + monstance and before quicken it’s 919 ish crit rate. This is already 100% crit rate on 130 crit resist mobs…

Chronos are almost everywhere by then. You won’t really be soloing so much later on at 280 + due to the fact quest boss are by 1-2m hp.s +++++++

Well tbh if you are aiming this as a solo player and have trust issues or unable to find a party by all means.

Else it’s literally over kill

Ahah :wink: makes sense to me … well I’ll do some maths and see how much I would need to have 100% only when I have quicken and monst then … lets see …

Tought I can’t really properly calculate how much exact dex I would need to invest in order to have 100% on 120 resist mobs ( how much zalciai lowers if it’s me using it ? ) when I have monst and quicken as quicken is not in the spreadsheet ; ( …

I need 239 as I’ve told u if I have only monst ( to get to 900 crit rate ) … how much I’d need if I also have quicken? And how much I would still have even without quicken? If it’s a good number it seems optimal to me …

Also … is eleganos the best choice and then I gotta calculate with it or should I aim for smth else ? Thx

EDIT: Calculated again and if i go 1:1 ill get near 900 total crit (100% on 120 resist bosses wich are the ones with the most resist right?) with monstrance and quicken… with only monstrance its something in the 80’s, close to 90’s) not sure whats best to aim atm… actually having 100% by my own of if this STR i get to spare if i dont go for the 100% alone actually better…


Quicken is a crit rate modifier like Swift Step. Essentially you put 25% on that spot (Crit Rate modifier). (Swift step + Quicken is 25%*25% aka 56.25%)