Tree of Savior Forum

This maint just proved IMC did not read the forum

ToS was never intended to be an mmorpg.

Otherwise there would be more monsters and quests that actually do not make you hate any other person on the map.

I could fix half of the annoying problems on my own in just a day if I had access to the code. I have no clue what the hell the devs or the management are doing.


Err, they have acknowledged it. Multiple times. Different GMs too, arguably Iā€™d say all of them have replied to a topic. I feel as though the hotfix they quickly did only remedied part of the problem: Warping to the spot leaves you unscathed, but being dragged by the screen locks you in place. It seems to be some sort of ā€œMissed X where am Iā€ issue like the teleportation bug where you get flung and identified halfway across the map.

I get the frustration, but thatā€™s a misuse of words. Plenty of bugs that were reported were fixed, so why are we assuming this wonā€™t soon enough? Not that Iā€™m defending the culture barrier ultimately making things as fast as 1990s internet.

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thats right somehow @.@
But it is NOT ANY. It is ā€œNOT a party memberā€ xD
Competing for kills for quests is horribleā€¦ But with a party quests are faster.

Now that you get hard CCd with every cutscene it is also party members.

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They donā€™t read forum, reddit nothing. ā€œThey donā€™t give a ā– ā– ā– ā–  about usā€

IMC read the forum.

Look :slight_smile:

And they answered

S E E ! Try make next complain post with panda and maybe they will pay more attention <3

This is the entertainment business in a nutshell. If your work isnā€™t always consistent and up-to-par, then when you F up, people wonā€™t remember the times you succeeded.

Gg then if they found another way around it. Anyone report him yet?

  1. This is the excuse people used in the past when IMC did fixes. ā€œThese things were too big so IMC had no other choice but to fix them! IMC wonā€™t do any improvements with the game otherwise.ā€ Watch people find a way to call the kToS content being ported here later on this month / August a failed execution too. Itā€™s the act of trying to downplay someone for their effort when they do something while doing the same thing (but harder) every moment theyā€™re not doing something, so theyā€™ll never be competent in your eyes.

That part of your post that I put in Bold text is something I expected someone in this thread to say and stated it at the end of the post you quoted, which shows how predictable this is since most of the people who criticize IMC as if they do nothing all follow the same formula.

  1. Thatā€™s right, but letā€™s not play Strawman here. I (And the OP) was talking about major bug fixes, and specifically me, referring to people stating that there werenā€™t any being done. Never said anything about areas of poor game design or stated it was okay for them to not acknowledge every bug currently present.

  2. Not joking, or saying this out of spite, but I literally feel the same way right now after bothering to type this to you. Have a good day though.


This game is the bigger disappointment of 2016, too much BOTS, too much bugs and exploits, lack of content, PVP, class balance, too much restrictions on trade, absurd FPS drop and thousands more things.

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Guys, there is a tutorial that will solve 85% of your problems. If, for some reason, you refuse to do tutorial 1, there is a second one.

Fixing ToS problems

If refuse to do tutorial 1

Thank me later.

Tried those solutions. IMC is still a failure and ToS is still riddled with flaws/bugs/exploits/bots/billion other things.

Apparently stopping my whining and uninstalling the game didnā€™t fix the gameā€™s problems.

Any other ideas?


They actually acknowledged the bug on forums and said theyā€™ll try to fix it very soon.

That they didnā€™t fix it doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t read forums, maybe they just couldnā€™t figure out how to fix it or thought it wasnā€™t as important as improving performance by removing channels. =>

Also, there wasnā€™t enough ranting about it on forums. Needs more ranting, because itā€™s very critical indeed. No point playing ToS until itā€™s fixed.

Not gameā€™s problems

1st tutorial is for your problems related to ToS.

Oh didnā€™t realize I was alone feeling the way I do. Thanks for pointing that out!

Disappointing as usual~ Toooootally not surprised at this point. Iā€™m quite interested in the community reaction when IMC finally releases a major patch, though.

Iā€™d join in the frustration train, but Iā€™m too busy drooling over the incoming Monster Hunter game and awaiting its release. Eeee, I canā€™t wait.

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No known Sorc issues? -.-

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Ofc, sex machine.

About my feeling. This sums it up well, thanks. I stayed positive until you know, Iā€™m almost max level, still canā€™t have fun WBing because of frame rate, Guild missions are broken, random dcā€™s from dungeons as you enter killing your run. Ect, ect, ect. Itā€™s hard to continue playing a game when they are literally stopping you from having fun.

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Today I lost my patience.
Itā€™s almost impossible play more than 5 minutes without stay in delay in another 5 minutes and booooooom youā€™re dead.
I will return to perfect world until imc solve this issue with connection.

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its funny b/c I posted the same thread yesterday and got about 20 replies teling me to stfu, stop crying, and calling me poor b/c I was saying the same thing - another patch full of tp fluff / cash grabs and no fixes