Tree of Savior Forum

This maint just proved IMC did not read the forum

Sorry for raging here, but I’ve been patiently waited since last week.

The bug where stuck after cut scene is no ordinary bug, it’s a freaking CRITICAL one but IMC have not acknowledged it, even in the KNOWN ISSUE this week. There were dozen of reports of the bug.
I thought they kept silence and fix it in thix patch, but it’s still there!
What’s the point of reporting bug now.

When will you gonna fix it?


~ + the sr retreat shot bug, good jenkins just fix the ■■■■■■■ bugs already.

Still, SA has huge lag spikes and random DCs


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Just looking at these players expecting IMC to get their ass working is hilarious.

IMC IS IMC they never get things done. Or well maybe they will when iTos is a ghost town already.

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You mean the fun killing level party ruining bug is STILL there?

How do you even…

They had 1 week to make a patch. Threw some stuff in the item mall, changed a couple numbers and said, “Good enough lol”.

This game is a train wreck. I’ve seen incompetent game developers before but never at the level of IMC. They have absolutely horrible priorities.

I wanted to join the positive people and stay positive about this game but it’s not happening. This game developer has no idea what they are doing, none. They have had over a year since closed beta to figure out what they are doing and still, nothing.

Critical bugs? Game glitches? Add-on exploitation? Severe class balance issues? Bots? RMT? Annoying and broken as f*ck chat filter?

They will NOT fix ANYTHING of importance, ever. If this were any SERIOUS developer, these issues besides bots and RMT would be fixed after a few months with the more serious issues fixed in the FIRST month. Typically a serious developer HOTFIXES serious issues too.

The level of stupidity and retardation. Whoever is making the business decisions for IMC needs to go hand the company off to someone else and retire.


Man. I’m trying to be as positive as I can. But really.
promising us a kTos merge is one thing. But really? Minor bugs here and there? Even the major one they couldn’t give a ■■■■. Even the guild boss events. Also isn’t fixed yet. Oh cmon.

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Why would imc fix all the bug ?
If they do…

July 12 maintenance … new loading screen
. 1 am to 5 am . Thats all …
(They have nothing to do lol )

Ppl well rant ktos patch instead than why you no fix this

Really?! That bug is still there?!

it is a MMO(rpg). Massively MULTIPLAYER Online Game… I can’t play with my friends…
How we are suppost to quest together like this? It is horrible ._.

Not enough, that you get LESS exp when giong inside Mission/Dungeon with a premade party,
so we have to dicide between: Que with randoms (and maybe friends, who also use search) and get seperated but get bonus exp.
OR we go in together and get less exp.
And sometimes it is quite hard to find 1 or 2 more People so the party is full to do a premade-party-run

And since a WEEK !! You also can not quest together.
It feels more and more like a Single player game with Dungeons…

So sad D:


Probably pushing most things back until the kToS content merge happens, and focusing on preparing that until then, although hopefully the Quest thing isn’t one of those. They should’ve at least acknowledged it in the Known Issues though, since they already said the Devs were working on it.

Why’re we acting like IMC has never done any fixes for major bugs? Not defending them for letting this Quest thing stay in the game past 1 maintenance, but don’t downplay the company like they’ve never put in any work to correct noticeable issues before.

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Afaik, only notorious imc “fixes” were PR moves.
They never tackled the underlying issues.


calm down guys everything is ok :wink:


Guild disband exploit / Blank/Unusable Market / Character permanently locked after channel crash / AoE range exploit

^If these are considered PR moves, then what would be an actual issue? It would have to reach levels of Item Dupe’ing and Kabbalists finding a way to permanently de-level players in Town to Lv1 before it’s considered an issue, and even then, some people would say “It’s your fault for that even existing in the first place”.

Use the “like” function. Queue will try to put you with people you liked. But people think the “like” mechanic is to make the game a Facebook.

My boyfriend and I play together:
we have the SAME Level
We each liked our chara
we que in @ the same time (we sit next to each other)

sometimes it searches for 5+ minutes…
and well we get seperated (even though the all conditions to be in the SAME random party are met)

Yeah it TRIES to match us… but the system is flawed. it rather puts me together with4 people 10 levels above/below me, than with my boyfriend I ig “liked” with the same level after 5+ minutes of waiting …

So try to match random with 2+ friends… we mostly get seperated.


Well i play with my cousin, i queue the same time he does and we get in together. Not saying this is a final solution, but its what we got for now. Or keep hoping imc will give us any good News, but thats an ilusion. Maybe they give us one new load screen.


One would be left to wonder why so many of the playerbase feels as if IMC does nothing even though you have proven just now that they have fixed some pretty game breaking glitches in the past.

If such a large portion of the playerbase has no faith in the competency of IMC, then what is IMC doing wrong to cause such a backlash?

They lack consistency with both their communication with the players as well as the issues they choose to ‘fix’. They lack the necessary transparency to make players feel as if they even have a plan at all which causes players to backlash every time we get a patch they deem 'irrelevant". A lot of long-term irritating issues left unfixed that players have been endlessly discouraged about for months on end.

Then when a serious bug gets seemingly “unnoticed” and slips through a patch as we see here, it’s only natural that everything adds up in the players’ minds to create this feeling like, “IMC is doing NOTHING!”

It can become very easy for people to forget what a company has done when there’s no quality consistency on their end with the patches.

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Which aoe range exploit?

On silute there’s a corsair farming wizard bracelets attacking the air and killing the entire map for over 2 weeks