Tree of Savior Forum

My head disapear when I use fire ball with the new hairstyle

I just bought some tp in order to get a hairstyle that I wanted for so long
and I got horrified to see that there is a graphic bug on it. :crying_cat_face:

“My head disapear when I use fire ball with the new hairstyle.”

Normal 1 : No bug

Bug 1 during fire ball incantation.

Normal 2 : No bug

Bug 2 during fire ball incantation

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I didn’t notice any bugs, the pandas distracted me.

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Thanks for wait our reply.
Pleased to inform you that we’ve fixed out above issue already.
It will be applied in next patch.
Really sorry for your inconvenience and thanks for wait again :wink:

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@STAFF_Amy I purchase the new hairstyle but it make my hair n head disappear when I equip it. I’m archer btw.

My character is male archer. New hairstyle noble dandy cut.

Im amazed that this report got a so fast answer thank you a lot <3

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Thank you !!

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Thanks for your feedback to us :wink:
If you have any concern, please inform us directly.

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Thank your for waiting our reply.
Kindly inform us above issue more detail.
Team name, server, and if you have any screen shot etc.
Really sorry for your inconvenience.


Since the new update the exact same problem is live again.

My head still disapear with the same hairstyle when performing a fire ball !

Help :confused: